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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. xGShadowSpy


    Those were not originally there I point out how rules are changed and I say I doubt they were discussed, people dont believe me, so gg proof Also, I thought warrior handled the motd? It seems suspicious how he's defending it like that I've been here a long time and that was never a rule, and forest as a previous DM agrees it was never discussed @@Warriorsfury
  2. +1, mature, active(Should be active on teamspeak too) and you know the rules. A:7 M:8
  3. You aren't banned, I guess some troll admin kicked you for that to scare you.
  4. That not what i meant, lol More of a join any server thing
  5. @@Gkoo if it's tonight then what is the rotation? as in Minigames rpg surf etc.
  6. The time for community night is always really late for east coast :/ We honestly need to make them a bit earlier, like 9 pm Eastern so it's not too early for pacific
  7. This format crashes my tablet when i put it up -_-
  8. -1, maybe spamming wasn't a smart idea for him to do but a member protest? As far as server goes, (correct me if I'm wrong) I think all his bans were 1or2day bans, just extend his ban to a week next time, and for TS just extend his time next time he does it. Also he was calling people plebs, it's not some intense disrespect that really offends people compared to other stuff he couldhave said.
  9. Since the plug-in we had for it broke the server(from what i heard) i thought we should just remove the rule and allow Ts to rebel on LR, if you think about it when theres 1 T with LR and like 7 CTs, its like likely for the T to die if he tried, so its more of a way to kill 1 ct they want to get revenge on, or get lucky and kill more, so what harm would it do? TL;DR - Allow Rebelling on LR again, it won't harm the server in any ways, and it's fun
  10. +1 active, mature, was a good admin. A:7 M:8 I kept forgetting to get to this, i knew about it the day it was up
  11. xGShadowSpy

    Can't Pause

    @@Forest What is even worse is when i had to explain to my mom how CS:S Works, how JB works, how xG staff works since she overheard me talking on the mic about admin and asked what it was, had to explain the way the staff goes, it's 10x worse than the cant pause thing
  12. IK you didn't tag me, I don't hate you and not many other staff do (maybe annoyed sometimes, but not hate), on CS:S its not like you start out being disrespectful, it's just something happens like someone abusing on you, then you tell them and you and the admin/mod get into arguements that leads to more of a problem. I'd say you should just listen to people a little more(Not if it's something wrong ofcourse) and don't get into an arguement after one person opposes your view/opinion.
  13. @@daddiodoug , inb4 permaban
  14. +1, mature, you should be a little more server active (ppl be lying with those 8s and 9s), and you are a fun person to have on the servers M:8 A:7 (More like a 6.5, you are on enough to apply, but should still be brought up for CS:S)
  15. I wasn't on, but if they say "Shoulder to shoulder" you have to be with the majority, so if you have 2 people shoulder to shoulder on the left side, and 6 shoulder to shoulder on the right side, unless the warden pardons them, the two on the left die for not being shoulder to shoulder with the majority. -1 was a valid kill
  16. Bingo. +1. +1 for reason above Also, the only reason i see silence would be liable is because of his troll ban reason "Unbanned when you kill yourself" People who would be held liable are the people who joined his Teamspeak and trolled him(From what i heard, it was foxxeh and vector, maybe others too)
  17. Welcome to xG, I'm one of the CS:S Admins, hop around the JB server once and awhile if you're interested, or you'll see me when i hop on MG when im bored of JB.
  18. Welcome to xG, im currently one of the CS:S Admins, hope to see you on!
  19. I'm gone for 3 days "No staff on." #MostActive