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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. @@Perman00bJr ,I'm one of the oldest(going by how long in xG, not age) in xG (Older than most people, Not silence, Maybe serb, september 2011 was first time i played) and as i said, stuff was lenient but it wasn't mass slay every round / abuse admin chat. it was a fun kind of abuse, not one thats gonna irritate the players.
  2. @@Hidingmaster I was there, i left for 2 reasons A.- Was pretty dumb B.- New episode of bleach was on :|
  3. The afk channel welcomes all!
  4. Im reposting what I said on the other thread, without the tagging Late night JB is bad imo, SOME people want to enjoy the game and not be slayed every second by someone else, all this is , is an excuse to abuse (You guys knew it wasn't allowed when u got staff powers, stop trying to find excuses to do so). It's not a horrible idea, but you guys aren't treating it as a lenient day, you're treating it as a "Lets abuse day" Late night in older xG, was lenient, shit was enforced, yet we didn't have people massfreekilling every second, or calling wardays in cells, If you TRULY wanted to populate servers, you would do community nights, face it, "late night JB " is an excuse to abuse, as soon as it turned 11: 30 admins only started abusing, slaying and kicking eachother. This doesn't look good to newcomers, they will see us as disorganized, and without rules. Causing them to tell theirfriends not to come, and then you guys wonder why xG isn't as populated as it used to be. This shouldn't be allowed to be a day, the only reason stuff ISN'T lenient is because you all complain about rules, making them strict as hell. Idk who approved it, but you should "Disapprove" it, or however you call it,.Also, you guys can say "Don't ruin our fun", idrc though, if you guys hate the rules so much, then play on a different server, with less rules. /endrant No TLDR lazy people
  5. Late night JB is bad imo, SOME people want to enjoy the game and not be slayed every second by someone else, all this is , is an excuse to abuse (You guys knew it wasn't allowed when u got staff powers, stop trying to find excuses to do so). It's not a horrible idea, but you guys aren't treating it as a lenient day, you're treating it as a "Lets abuse day" Late night in older xG, was lenient, shit was enforced, yet we didn't have people massfreekilling every second, or calling wardays in cells, If you TRULY wanted to populate servers, you would do community nights, face it, "late night JB " is an excuse to abuse, as soon as it turned 11: 30 admins only started abusing, slaying and kicking eachother. This doesn't look good to newcomers, they will see us as disorganized, and without rules. Causing them to tell theirfriends not to come, and then you guys wonder why xG isn't as populated as it used to be. This shouldn't be allowed to be a day, the only reason stuff ISN'T lenient is because you all complain about rules, making them strict as hell. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@serbiansnaga @@Rhododendron Idk who approved it, but you should "Disapprove" it, or however you call it,. Also, you guys can say "Don't ruin our fun", idrc though, if you guys hate the rules so much, then play on a different server, with less rules. /endrant No TLDR lazy people
  6. Get more active on TS and in-game, our teamspeak is voice.xenogamers.com
  7. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest How about we scrap the extra scrim server? we have 2
  8. @@DarkWolf6052 RPG Surf is prob the 3rd most poplulated CS:S Server Death Run and Build Wars are fun to go on with a group of people just to have fun to get away from JB RPG Surf DM is not needed since its less populated than RPG Surf, Nobody even manages ZM anymore, and nobody really likes christmas. Gungame is never populated
  9. @@Rhododendron Everyone just keep messaging him
  10. +1 haven't had problems with u on the server, active, mature and knows the rules A:7 M:7
  11. http://akk.li/pics/anne.jpg It's a picture of me.
  12. +1, was one of the highly active members, knew the rules, is a fun player to have on the servers, it's been awhile and deserves an unban.
  13. -1 was intentional, and it was only a week after it happened
  14. Welcome back Snoopy,prob dont remember me but have fun on JB, RPG Surf isn't as populated as it used to be (sadly) but it was just fixed recently and hopefully pick up.
  15. @@shadows425 Your SteamID: Your Nick Name/In-Game Name: Reason why you were banned(If you don't know this put n/a): Why should you be unbanned?: Use that format
  16. No wonder all the Co-Leaders leave :/ . Anyways, a little fun is alright, like the occasional screamer on JB etc., but when there are some more important things, it's like going to a funeral and taking a phone call and screaming in the phone about something COMPLETELY off topic during it, interupting everything.
  17. @@Warriorsfury I still don't have a problem with you anymore, but the Ts and the CTs that didn't kill anyone were still freesmited,The only thing the new rule made valid were the CTs that were killing people/warden who called the day. Im not reading this whole thread so idk what happened to bring this up. Also the quote of me is for mass freekillers, not for abuse :/
  18. Rules i noticed were changed (and not discussed): The 10 steps in 10 seconds rule (Forest was DM at the time, and said it wasn't discussed with him) The thunderdome rule (It was just changed back, but someone still changed it without permission) The must give 10 seconds after them being stuck in iso and getting let out
  19. Honestly rule discussions shouldn't only be for the higher ups, they should be for all staff. And we are NEVER notified of a rule change unless it's one on a thread on the forums. There's a CS:S Discussion part of the forums for a reason. We CS:S players discuss the rules, not just DMs (which there is only 2 of anyways, >.>). ALSO, i was told the "Must let them out of a spot like Iso, then let them run for 10 seconds", the bold part is the changed part, was discussed only between @@DarkWolf6052 and @@Warriorsfury , Ok with darkwolf i understand, but Warrior is only a mod now, if you discuss it with one mod discuss it with all of them, and Gkoo should have been involved also as the DM he is. DMs manage the players, that is their job, why ONLY they discuss the rules is beyond me, Admins and Mods enforce the rules, so they should have a say in rules that are changed BEFORE they are changed/added. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@serbiansnaga I think that from now on we should have all the staff be involved in discussions of the rules, instead of requesting a change after its already changed.