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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. I disagree with this... I don't really think it should be considered mass teamkilling/freekilling if it is a map game... the other people could have decided to not enter the game in progress but instead they did and they died... HOWEVER, I do not think that anyone(or at least a CT) should be allowed to be in there waiting for someone to come in just so that they can finish and kill them. I do not think anyone should be punished for actively playing a map game on a freeday that leads to deaths to the losers. This being said, i was not there and I have not seen any proof of what happened... if he was waiting for people to come in and not finishing race then -1 for unban, but if he was actively playing race then +1 I agree with you on the map game part, the Ts DID enter at own risk, knowing it was possible. By the time he was able to see any Ts he had finished (I was the only one he could see the entire time, until he noticed the killfeed pop up after he finished, killed 3 ,4 if you include me, but i thought it was funny that he killed me, it was as a joke towards me). If he WAS camping though (which i know he wasn't) this would be considered mass+ camping a cheat spot (deemed cheap by poncher, when he was on.)
  2. Well if it was that you were supposed to be permed from SERVERS and NOT CT, then you got off lucky in the first place.
  3. @@Warriorsfury Pornhub did something similar on blackout with the dinosaur (and he did it on purpose, killed like 5 or 6 ts) and got like a 1 or 2 week CT ban, so to be fair since it wasn't intentional and he only killed 3 (4 if you include me, but he did it as a joke with me, i thought it was funny until it killed the other Ts) he should only be a few day/week CT banned
  4. The rule is you cant CAMP in a one entrance area on a freeday (as a CT) , he was running around and he didnt camp, he had just run in a few seconds before that, from where he was, he couldnt see Ts ( only me, and he killed me as a joke, that i was fine with ) who had just run in (the door was still open from them entering) I would have if i finished, which i didnt though, i only went in to get the trail anyway :x
  5. +1 Ts ran in at their own risk, he shouldnt even be banned (he also wasn't camping it, and the only one he knew was there was me, the other Ts had just ran in when he finished) . He also didnt argue with admin about his ban. He had killed 4 (including me, i didnt care that he killed me though) , so no ganja he didnt kill 8 ts, no need to exagerate.
  6. @@Gkoo The difference is that this one is automatic death for CTs , you can't attack them no matter what(well, unless last CT), but this day shouldnt be implemented anyway, we have Manhunt for a reason)
  7. That would just make it manhunt, which is already something that has been brought up (and i think approved, i dont do it so idk )
  8. +1, can do some annoying stuff sometimes (Like I don't? ) but is active, mature and should do good as a mod, has also dealt with the previous disrespect he had towards players. A:8 M:8
  9. Once CSS eventually dies, cs go will be more populated, being the newer game.
  10. +1, rarely breaks rules, atleast not when I'm on. Active, mature A:8 M:8
  11. Its still with the purpose of giving Ts guns out of armory, on CT ninja you're supposed to drop them in armory
  12. Go mate with other narwhals and make SuperNarwhalBabies that will take over the world
  13. The stuff in bold and italicized is from me
  14. Silence won't give the DLs of CS:S server access. Other wise shit would happen Our DL is inactive anyway :/ Lol, half the time it's a T that does it
  15. See ya, hope to still be able to comp some times
  16. That not ordering Ts to rebel (Nor do I directly ever say "REBEL! " as a CT/Warden) and if you mean when I put them infront of armory etc. it may be "baiting" them to go in, but same with a baiting CT, you can't knife a CT that baits, so why would you enter armory when open? it still make them a rebel. They are only killing themselves if they fall off the washing machine, and it doesn't matter who "abuses" the lr powers, it's always done for them to get out of places etc., like on climb on canyondam , and they don't HAVE to abuse lr powers, they can lr in there, like Russian roulette, Rock Paper Scissors, or other LRs (those are just the most common in that situation).
  17. @@DrPepperPhreak I messed up :x I meant I played around august/september 2010 then joined may 2011
  18. About what darkwolf did to me (lol) , without the me ending up getting teambanned or massing over it part. @@Hidingmaster A verdict other than the one stated on the abuse thread was made with me talking to Serbian on TS (Im quiet, he's not exactly loud, was kinda weird, got it handled though), contact me on steam if you want to know, I won't say it here. @@Matsi I could still do a continuable day while they were in freedom pit if it were to reach 000, I could do a simple trivia for lr then the T lring can lr in there or do deagle on air and have an admin abort it, and its livable because of the washing machine being there, It is not guaranteed death unless they fall off the washing machine. And yes, it's easy to contact a DM, but it's THEIR job to let us know when a rule is changed, or other important news. Now, I've been playing in xG since August 2011, didn't join til around may 2011, I've been here pretty much as long as/ longer than Serbian (our CoLeader). I have been here long enough to see how xG progressed, and none of it is good. Everyone in a division used to be able to work together as a division, as a group, now there are factions in xG, atleast in the CS:S Div anyways, im not going to post those factions here so it starts a flamewar/argument, but I know some people would agree with me on that. Admins and mods, used to have a ton more say on what is going on in xG, The whole DM rank should have never been made, no offense to any of them, but the DM rank being made just gives Division Leaders a reason to do less and be inactive (I know poncher doesn't have rcon etc. to do some things, but he is never on the servers/forums/ anything as far as I see). I said this before, the ONLY time mods/admins have a say in a new rule or even know its being discussed, is when someone ( other admins or mods, rarely DMs) makes a thread about it. NONE of the mods or admins are happy about that, and it has led to this thread being made. If I had a say in it (LOLOLOLOLOL) I'd say remove the DM rank all they are is a higher version of admin, If DMs are NEEDED give them and Mods/Admins some equal say on things. Theres no reason Division Leader can't manage the players if they are active anyway, another reason DMs aren't needed. Back to how xG is progressing, as far as CS:S goes, (I know TF2 is the growing division now, that's obvious) population charts and ranking charts (someone posted them on the forums once) show a great decrease from that of a year or more ago. We used to be The #1 or atleast top10 of all the CS:S Jailbreak, I don't even WANT to check what that is now, I would likely not want to see it. TL;DR - I don't see a point in have the DM rank, the Div Leaders could handle being active (unlike our current one, but I don't thing anyone else stepped up to div anyway) and watching over the players, and also editing MOTD. We mods and admins need more say (#GoOnStrike ) , xG divisions shouldn't have individual factions, divisions should be 1 happy group. EDIT: I don't know why this is quoting everything, I can't fix it EDIT2: Fixed
  19. Congrats, guess you're glad I told ya that huh? Anyways @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo @@serbiansnaga
  20. +1 +1 +1, when using the application way, other staff get to have their say about it, instead of only the DMs or people who refer them. And the donation part is also a help, I believe the donation amount used to be required as $10 to apply, $10 for every person who applies would be good, also if there are too many mods at that time, put those people who get accepted at that time can be put on a "queue" so when 1 mod gets admin they get mod, and so forth.