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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Nobody is perfect, true, cant say im perfect Everybody will fuck up in awhile, true, cant say I don't fuck up But when it comes to the point where they do something wrong EVERY time they're on, it gets pretty damn annoying, to the point where I have no personal problems with him, the only problems with him I have is his Hipocracy, Biased actions, and the fact that he is DM, when he was just a member, I had helped him out with all the situations he gave to me, and I had not a SINGLE problem with him, when he got DM he changed a lot, why? Idk. @@orangejuice as said in that teamspeak chat log, Im not mad that I didn't get DM, if there is anyone more worthy of having DM than me or anyone else, by all means, give them DM (once darkwolf is demoted, lol), as far as it looks, you and many other of his "friends" just side with darkwolf to get promoted(and hey, maybe YOU don't, but all his other "friends" do, and I quoted friends because if they only side with him to get promoted, they aren't exactly friends), so to say that about me is funny, look at the people you hang out with on TS.
  2. "Further Information: Im awesome and sexy" Lolol Anyways , you just massed yesterday because you were muted for being too young, also, HELL NO U ARENT 16 @@DeathGod Heard your voice too
  3. @@Chrono My thread SHOULD have been a wake-up call for him, this SHOULD lead him to a demotion, unless it turns into a 3 strike thing, this being his second. (Ill post this again) @@DarkWolf6052 The only reason we're doing it is because of your friends (id say something else right here but ill go easy, lol) are downs-voting everyone not on your side
  4. @@DarkWolf6052 The only reason we're doing it is because of your friends (id say something else right here but ill go easy, lol) are downs-voting everyone not on your side
  5. <14:53:00> "DarkWolf6052": Ugh <14:53:17> "DarkWolf6052": Diabeetus, Shadowspy, and HidingMaster are autistic <14:55:05> "DarkWolf6052": Serbian is offline <14:56:11> "DarkWolf6052": If I get in trouble for this stupid thread I'm leaving xG <14:56:21> "IAmLegend": dun be gay dark <14:56:39> "DarkWolf6052": No I've had enough of shadowspy, diabeetus, chrono and hiding <14:57:00> "IAmLegend": eh that's 4 people out of a whole community <14:57:10> "DarkWolf6052": That continuously want me demoted <14:57:25> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": 3 of thoes 4 faggot fuckers are still analy bleeding cuz they didnt get TEMP dm <14:57:51> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": and can be delt with easly i.e just demote if they continue arguing with higher ups <14:58:04> "DarkWolf6052": Forest doesn't want them demoted <14:58:15> "IAmLegend": dark, there are always going to be people who don't agree with you <14:58:22> "DarkWolf6052": For ALL the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on <14:58:26> "IAmLegend": like me and poncher <14:58:27> "[orangejuice] orangejuice": idc what forest wants if they continue i say go to serbian <14:58:32> "DarkWolf6052": Look <14:58:37> "Rpx": go to SuperMaddud <14:58:39> "Rpx": DL <14:58:39> "DarkWolf6052": For all the stuff Shadowspy fucked up on <14:58:42> "Rpx": lol <14:58:46> "DarkWolf6052": He was only warned <14:59:12> "IAmLegend": and you're butthurt over the fact that you most likely will NOT get demoted for gagging chrono <14:59:45> "DarkWolf6052": Chrono is one of those people who hangs out in Warriors room, he'll just ass kiss Serbian into demoting me <14:59:54> "IAmLegend": nah <14:59:55> "DarkWolf6052": This just isn't worth it Again, @@DarkWolf6052 , I have friends too, nice to know me @@diabeetus @@Hidingmaster and @@Chrono are autistic.
  6. @@DeathGod I know that you wouldn't perm someone, im not that dumb to think that, wasn't meant to get you in trouble, just showing how Darkwolf did nothing about it when not afk
  7. No I dont pit Mods/Admins against DMs, if they wanna like them go ahead, @@Hidingmaster, Gkoo and Forest are good DMs , im not against them in any way. Also am i not just gathering evidence BECAUSE there is a current Abuse Report?
  8. Steam Community :: Error G to the G @@DarkWolf6052 , Chrono says nigger in admin chat and You gag him, someone else does it and nothing happens (and you weren't afk, prob trying to get evidence of me doing shit, since someone on TS said that you were going "To record every time I was in-game to get evidence on me", you aren't the only one with friends ^.^)
  9. I bolded the part that i edited, the edit command is broken again, as i see
  10. @@Hidingmaster In every case i've seen with darkwolf, hes one of those people (as you kinda said) Who is SO stubborn,that they don't look at ANYONE elses views, and always assume they are right, and hes also one of those people that when proven wrong, find OTHER excuse @@DarkWolf6052 he's basically saying he's seen you go straight to teambanning for a day when they do 1 thing (nothing major that would require an instant 1 day CT ban), in which i've seen too , and daddio saw it too, from what he said
  11. I do, he does it too often, if a 1 time ofense i wouldn't care so much but when it happens mutiple times every time he's on, it gets to the point where nobody wants to deal wtih it
  12. @@DarkWolf6052 He didnt tell me to drop that subject, he closed the post itself to stop a flame war, he didnt tell me on TS either. The rule is you cant do it for lr, so as long as i didn't do it until lr, i was fine, it is not that you can't do it with 2 ts. Call it "loopholing" if you want, but it's not, loopholing = finding an exploit in a rule, i found what it said you CAN and CAN'T do, and i acted upon it. You have some of the worst judgement of any staff member in my almost 3 years of xG, the ONLY reason you aren't demoted, in my eyes, is because there is NEVER anyone of a higher rank than you on the servers to see the shit you do, at most there is forest or gkoo, but its not common for you guys to be on at the same time And no disrespect intended, i know people can have personal things effect their gaming, but when that happens, just take a break from gaming, it doesn't help to play with trolls etc. @@Matsi The day before that he didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he left, and on the time i had told him why the slay was wrong, and he completely ignored me. You also didn't answer my post on what you would do if an admin slayed or gagged you and didn't say why they did it.
  13. @@Matsi I know you have had dealings with abuse before, if you got gagged or slayed, and an admin(any admin, pick someone you hate if u want idc) didn't tell you why, or warn you for either, would you be mad and call abuse, or would you say "nah i dont care"? DarkWolf has (free)slayed me twice, and each time didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he did this with chrono,
  14. xGShadowSpy

    We used to have a thread like this, it was better organized though, because we didnt have troll who ruined it anyways ...then @@Gkoo banned @@IAmLegend ...
  15. Well you SHOULD be warned, even if you aren't , its the admins fault if you aren't warned This isn't over JUST the gag, as i said before, its over him not handling situations right, i.e not telling chrono why he gagged him after gagging him, since he didn't warn chrono it was a freegag anyway. and for not handling the situation with hidingmaster right.
  16. Could razor electric be edited so that it could be that CTs can access armory? @@Gkoo
  17. @@Matsi Yes, it could still be disrespectful to OTHER people, but not to everyone (in this case, darkwolf said he didn't care,and nobody else complained, giving him to reason to gag him, then not tell him why)
  18. Also @@DarkWolf6052 You can't blame you not being a DM right on "stress", first off u didnt seem very stressed and paying close attention to the bad CTs in that video if the other mods on weren't doing anything about the bad CTs that according to you there were alot of, you should have been in spec, doing your job. And if you are so stressed in the first place, DM isn't the rank for you.
  19. The bold is from me. Also @@Lemons If you dont want to read the lengthy posts (rated mine TL;DR) , dont view abuse threads, they're full of em.
  20. xGShadowSpy


    Hes a mix of Jesus(Hair And Face) +Santa Claus(The Red Clothes + Gray Beard, +Fat)
  21. This is what I ride. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8y0xpkdaNY I also ride this on my free time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGGlODF7_RY @@INoScopedJFK You jelly?
  22. Ill tell hadron to check forums when he has the chance,but also, was this guy a admin or something? I don't remember him (maybe just cuz it was awhile ago, idk) , if he was abusive.
  23. +1 , I think its funny how only darkwolf's friends -1 his ban requests It also seems that @@Chrono and I are the only ones who have enough balls to make an abuse report, since everyone talks about doing it and doesn't. @@DarkWolf6052 (Im tagging you in all the important parts) This isn't all about the "freegag" part either, part of it is the way you handled it, you didn't tell him why he was gagged, and just immediately threatened him saying "I have a demo" "Fight it" , earlier yesterday you had called a normal player a dumbass because they did one thing wrong (wasn't even anything major), and no it wasn't a friendly "lol u dumbass" it was you saying "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHOOT ME YOU DUMBASS!" *then immediate slay*, also yesterday, in-game, you said freeshooting wasn't slayable when another mod asked you if it was (it may have been sepoh, I don't remember) so I guess freeshooting is only slayable if it happens to you? @@DarkWolf6052 I want you to respond to that part I just said on the freeshooting. Even if you only called @@Hidingmaster stupid, he can still take that in a disrespectful way, just as you can take the N word in a disrespectful way, (which in this case it really wasn't, BTW you gagged someone who did it in admin chat GG lol ). As said and seen on my thread on this, You didn't answer me on why I was slayed either (You've done this to me twice, Chrono now, who fucking knows how many other people like members/nonmembers you have done this to, it makes you look REALLLLLLLLLY good to the community, I hope you notice the sarcasm in that.) Also @@DarkWolf6052 , not too long ago you sent all the admins a warning about !csay !msay !tsay abuse, I saw you abuse it yesterday , don't be so Hypocritical, because you are DM and we are Mod/Admin, doesn't mean the abuse is less serious. Also darkwolf, you did camp in that video, you stopped moving at 4:12 and didn't move 10 steps in 10 seconds, when you reached 10 steps it was 4:00, so aside from the N word part, he still pointed out you were camping and yet you just kept going on, running around, if you had said "Shadow stop camping"(and lets say I actually was, but as you did, in a non-noticeable way) and I said "I wasn't" (yet u didn't respond to chrono at all at all) you would have slayed me. @@DarkWolf6052 I don't know if you think you don't break rules because you have some shit that goes on in your head that says "Oh I don't break rules, everyone else does" or if it is that since nobody on JB can target you (other than other DMs, but its rare for you to both be on at the same time) and you think "oh well I haven't been slayed! I guess im ok!" Anyways, again I STRONGLY +1 this thread (inb4 forum banned or this thread closed for flaming, also this thread has 10x MORE flaming than mine did, but OK) -snipped- part of quoute @@DarkWolf6052 So what about that, Mr Division Manager? @@serbiansnaga Your input on thread please
  24. @@Eden I just noticed your Ichigo forum signature, do u even watch bleach or did you pick it because his hair color matches yours?
  25. +1, silence (actually does) has the powers to control peoples players, I think he made zehdari mass freekill once I blame @@Rhododendron P.S. - JayBreeze4Co2013