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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Well, it seems obvious Build Wars and Christmas is gonna be gone, prob ZM too
  2. I'm wardening on sand, so I'm doing First Reaction Last Reaction, Before starting (requested by another mod for me to do, not saying names) I did trivia to exclude 2 T's from First Reaction Last Reaction, nutella won and picked RainbowDashie to go with him, so after doing normal Fr Lr theres 2 Ts left that were excluded, and 2 Ts left non-excluded, a total of 4, so I do a last reaction command and 1 dies, then i'm (free)smited by @@DarkWolf6052 , The rule states you can't do Fr Lr with 2 Ts alive, there were 3 Ts alive (4 before the T died that I was slayed for killing). So, I tell him how what I did was following the rules (and if you complain about favoritism, it's allowed until last CT, with the exception of No personal freedays) so after telling him, he decides to NOT answer me what-so-ever, just like he did the other day I started arguing with him, where instead of just not answering me like he did this time, he didn't answer me AND left, then started to talk shit about me to a friend of mine. I have screenshots, not exactly EXTENSIVE proof, but I don't care. Many will agree with me on how he's biased, makes up rules ingame for his benefit, or so he could have a reason to slay someone he doesn't like. With the not answering me part, DMs handle the players, him not answering me is not doing his job (Jordo was being threatened with demotion for this reason, so don't say that's not a valid reason here) I'll post the screenshots below, I don't expect a demotion for this its not huge proof, but if he can not do his job, why can't jordo? Why can't any other admin for that matter? #1, showing @@RainbowDashie Saying hes watching darkwolf not answer me at all http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=161417894 #2, Chat screenshot of him not answering me part 1 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=161416126 #3, Chat screenshot of him not answering me part 2 Steam Community :: Screenshot #4, Chat screenshot of him not answering me part 3 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=161416312 #5, me saying something extra, showing this so he cant say I majorly disrespected either http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=161416375 Whether or not hes demoted, this shows when someone is accused of not doing there job, or freeslaying, he can't say anything about it, because doing so is hypocritical of him, like we have to answer a person if they ask why we slayed them, its the same, only difference is I am an admin, he's DM. @@Forest @@Gkoo
  3. ZM is currently not working, the plugins are broken and it was duckii that ran it, and shes not here so unless someone fixes it, the server is probably going to be removed, sadly The most populated CSS Teamspeak room is Jailbreak, most people just sit there even if playing minigames etc.
  4. Ik I already posted on your member app, but welcome back!
  5. +1, sounds good to me, we just need a coder for it
  6. Oh, its the format for +1 and -1 , A is activity, and M is maturity, for A I put Was 8 since u haven't been as much recently, but I remember when you played so I went off of that
  7. He does have 10, kiritos white text +1 has been there, and its been 1day @@Forest
  8. +1, you were a good player and admin, u were decently active, but should get active now in order to get vouches from the newer people A:WAS 8, get active again M:8
  9. Im not on TF2 div, but u do need proof of the mass fk other than somebody elses statement
  10. Requoting this for people who dont read previous posts
  11. Not everything needs a time when it can be done. All that has to be said is that it can only be played with a max of 'X' Terrorists. Maximum of 4 seems like a good number to go by. Yeah, that makes more sense
  12. IK what they are @@Forest but with Mimic Me game, its likely that if there is alot of people, there is bound to be freekills, so the later the time it can be done, the less Ts there are. Looking back at the minesweeper one, since u need half the amount of Ts that there are CTs, i guess that one doesnt need a time, but Mimic Me shouldn't be done with alot of people
  13. Sureeeeeee, I still wont believe the twin brother thing til theres a pic of both of u
  14. +1 to minesweeper, It seems like a fun day, but we should also find a restriction time for it (Like how it has to be 5:00 for simon says, though this one should be retricted to some time around 630) +1, but with mimic me we need some restrictions as to how many moves they can do in one turn, so the warden doesn't go and start doing 30 moves (the crouch knife jump etc) and gets all the Ts killed, I think when if we add it that the limit should be around 5-8. Also for mimic me, though it isn't simon says, it should be restricted to play at 5:00 as well, because doing this with a ton of Ts is bound to get some freekills, and the later in the round, usually less Ts.
  15. -1 , no solid proof, BUT he should be talked to because he has done some stupid stuff recently .
  16. You saw this coming. It's because nutella tastes like shit
  17. Well i k one reason why you aren't gonna be here, wont say it since i dont think u want it to be said,but anyways Cya when you get back, have fun!