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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. As i said with diabeetus xGs weight just dropped 1500 pounds (You diabeetus and gloryguy combined) Anyways, cya soon
  2. xGs weight just dropped 500 pounds
  3. Ill try it when I get on, the rpgmenu and rpg commands were not coming up when you typed the command for them, leaving it as normal surf
  4. http://akk.li/pics/anne.jpg It's a picture of me
  5. I don't think anybody ever told silence about this, and if it's fixed now then w.e, but the RPG commands(long jump, health+, etc.) on RPG Surf are broken, this isn't really a long thread mainly just to notify silence or poncher. @@Rhododendron @@HighSociety
  6. gtfo business businessbaddie oh no leave i cant inb4
  7. Zombie Panic is a good game, but people complain that stuff isn't fixed whine whine whine complain complain complain, if you make another division, that means you're having silence working on something else, other stuff not being fixed, eventual depopulation. The only way this would work is if silence had very little part in this and whoever the Div Leader would be takes all responsibility for it. New divisions are harder to populate, L4D2 died already and in terms of zombie games then i'd say L4D2 is better than ZPS.(I don't pay attention to this) but I think DayZ had died recently too. Basically, it will be hard (most likely managable) and silence will need to have little action with this so that other stuff gets fixed when it can etc.
  8. I don't think anyone in xG really has problems with GG, maybe charrax but not the community itself. This to me seems like silence just wanting to ban people again :/ Just sayin, charrax isnt the "best guy ever" nor the smartest, but he ran Gmod better than Xemnas lol.
  9. Welcome! I'm one of the admins of the CS:S Division(Played xG for like 2+ years), i played on Gmod when charrax was running it, now its just dead and boring for our servers, and once in a blue moon i'll be on CS:GO servers. I met you on JB yesterday, you seemed friendly enough, so i hope to see you more, and possibly make it into xG. And again, have fun on our servers!
  10. I never saw you on xG TS, i only saw you on JB today,you had no problems so as long as you get more active i will +1 0 A:? M:7
  11. @@Temptedguy Well you can feel free to make another thread on other last CT songs, I was thinking of looking for some other stuff but I was already surfing through these songs, anyone can make a thread aout new last CT songs
  12. I am going to make a list for where the song should start for last CT Saints Row Song : Either from the start, or at 0:25 XenoGamers Last CT Option : From the start Mindfuck Drops #1 : 0:25 Mindfuck Drops #2: 16:14 Mindfuck Drops #3: 1:55 or 7:13 The New Generation (The link on the bottom that didn't pop up as a video) : 19:30, 23:57, 25:40 , or 50:01
  13. +1, hes active (not as much on TS3), mature when needed, and fun to play with A:8(5 for TS) M:7
  14. I would also like to add genesis's suggestion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXLL46xkdlY
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMMsc3xyiJk (Coincidentally, this was already uploaded for xG if you look at the title) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D9PmxfCAAA (My favorite one of the list) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5Fkv7Ea_yw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR-QghnXUQc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWSxg9E7QSE YouTube
  16. xGShadowSpy


    I still have the most time spent on xG CS:S server outof all the active players
  17. I think it should only be visible to Co Leader+, since if its something that serious , then they would most likely be the final verdict anyways. Also, i don't think they should have a seperate section, there should be a option to make the post anonymous (In any section, on any thread)
  18. As I said to you, the only unjustified part of the smite @all was the CTs that killed nobody, and the Ts , thats all im gonna say for that part. Also, if you were talking about me on that "wrongfully killed enough Ts to be mass" part, the situation was sent to poncher after serbian looked at the situation, and i haven't really gotten a reply.And for the soccer part, i planned on slaying myself that round and was Shot by the ball before i could do so, i then forgot to slay myself the next round, next time you are on, tell me to slay myself for it and i gladly will. To make the community better, we simply have to act as a community( that means don't go disrespecting people), and we all have to abide by the rules we can't improve a community if we dont have a functional one.
  19. Thats minecraft, he acts fine on CS:S (which is what hes applying for anyway) +1, he's fun to pla with, was active and still is mature. A:7 M:8