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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Disrespect isn't something you can get rid of, there are many players that are respectful and treat others nicely. Disrespect comes with disrespectful people, and unless you perma ban anyone who ever disrespects (GG population...) then it will always stay. Since I first PLAYED xG there has been disrespect ( This is when trolling was popular on the server, the JETZ people would always get on and do it, like Aaron and stuff. But i'll admit I was a small troll then, so i'd disrespect intentionally occasionally, but just enough so that i didn't get banned.) and even though now it is worse, it has always been here and is hard to rid of. (On a CS:S Standpoint) What some admins/mods dont understand, is that when people say "You aren't doing your job, be a good admin, look he freekilled!1!1!1!1" constantly in admin chat, alot of people who have admin now have said that stuff (I could name a bunch of people who have staff now that have done that often) when they were members/non-members and a staff member wasn't slaying a guy who freekilled you, or didnt teamban someone who broke vents etc. Yet when the current staff see people saying that stuff, they get all pissed and just kick them (since you can't gag admin chat), which in my opinion, is pretty hypocritical of them to do, when they have done it themselves. TL;DR 1- You cant get rid of disrespect, only the disrespectful people, and they've been around for 2+ years now in xG. TL;DR 2(CS:S)- When a person says in admin chat "Are you going to slay that guy that freekilled me?" then you dont respond and they say "Wow how'd you get admin?" , that's not disrespect, and if you think it is then it's pretty hypocritical since i could name plenty of staff who have said that stuff before as members or less.
  2. This got off topic pretty quick.
  3. xGShadowSpy


    Sorry, i was thinking of UwG, anyways when the 2 I tagged are on, they should get to this
  4. xGShadowSpy


    Ah, you're from the clan led or CoLed by by soda can, who threatens to demote people if they do bad in a scrim, anyways you could add one of the DMs+, ill help you get their attention. Since this is off my tablet, I hope the tagging is right, @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo
  5. +1, a week ban is for stuff like 2 freekills and leaving, for admin disrespect and leaving (Which in this case, was pretty much warranted if not being told why he was slayed) is MAYBE a day ban, a week is too much. @@Jordozombie
  6. xGShadowSpy

    An Old Member

    Still played b4 all of you, I played a few months before actually making a forum account or applying.
  7. +1, though yo should boost up your activity, you're a good player and know how to do things right. A:4 M:8
  8. This is almost as bad as when shake n bake made a ban protest when I banned him for like 10 minutes Anyways, I have seen a max of 3 of your players on our servers, you hit the xG population hard by banning them, omg xG is over, what will I do with my life? Maybe ill go cry in a corner
  9. Smite all plugin that happens randomly to scare the shit out of people (Just Kidding, unless that would be allowed, then lolwut).
  10. xG rep is only the steam thing, anyone can join that, when you click [FORUMS] it brings you to a shoutbox, and under that are sections of the forums, go to Member Management- then go to Member Submission and follow the instructions on making one
  11. @@Forest I was on at the time, i +1d and yes it was under confusion, orders were given fast and she was afk (still got out on time, but she never heard the orders)
  12. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo Unless i counted wrong, i think he has 10
  13. @@Chrono IK who he is, he just doesnt want certain people o know
  14. +1 Active, mature, played alot longer than people think, was just inactive for awhile, Knows the motd well, only needs clarifications for some things, but alot of ppl do. A:8 M:8
  15. He probably realized how much he abuseda s a DM and personally banned himself.
  16. He has to pay them, :/
  17. "Best rebel on xG server" Going - 1,3 right now Anyways, -1 because you arent active enough, and i've hardly seen you on, though the name is familiar.
  18. +1 hes mature active and knows the rules A:8 (10/10 means hes on every minute, gg if you say it is 10/10) M:7
  19. xGShadowSpy

    Great Job

    SilenceFuckUps: ASFGASJFGSDFGDASFGASDFadfasdfasdfasdfasfASDGASDFGSDFGSDFGSDG SilenceSuccessfulThings: lolwut?
  20. xGShadowSpy


    Without CS:S, xG would still run, but with CS GO and TF2 picking up, CS:S wont always be the "main" division anymore. Though i do hope things get better for xG, i dont see it happening soon.
  21. I think im the first one to bring this up, but IF he said this stuff on teamspeak, why was he forum banned? Maybe he has done it in the past on the forums, but it wasn't this time. @PoopyDoopy Would you rather be forum banned or teamspeak banned (I know you would rather be neither, but silence wouldn't completely unban you) @@Rhododendron If he were to reply with teamspeak ban instead, i think you should unforum ban and teamspeak ban, since this was said on teamspeak, not the forums this time.
  22. IDFK know jews forum name since i can't find it, but anyways, Jew has influenced people or told them to mass before,making it kinda Jews fault, but since it's a no balls thing, i -1 You may lack the knowledge of the rules, but thats why the motd pops up the second you join, if you don't read it that is your fault, not ours (Unless the link to it ends up getting broken).
  23. Damn brock, i left for a few months during surgery and you vanished, never figured out what happened, anyways welcome back Oh also, what you missed was...ya know, like half of xG leaving xG
  24. xGShadowSpy


    Post about making ------> xG <-------- better, not CS:S better, yet you all respond with CS:S :/ . xG does not revolve around CS:S, sooner or later CS:S is going to die down, no matter what. CS:GO is going to pick up a majority of Counter Strike players moving to the next, newer game. Anyways, xG itself i don't see getting better unless we pick up some better people from the summer, or some of those people who favoritize/don't do their jobs/ don't deserve admin/ jerk off when we need something important done. When xG was good, it was because of the people in it, not the servers itself, we had fun people around the servers all the time back then, we had (in my opinion) better staff, and less xG drama which happens WAY TOO OFTEN and causes problems/people to leave xG. To make CS:S better, you need fun people on the servers, and stuff to catch someones attention and bring people back after playing (something like hub). TL;DR - This is a post about xG being better not just CS:S, we need fun people and better staff to improve xG, and to improve CS:S fun people and stuff to catch their attention (like hub).