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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. +1 bring back maps
  2. Yea, yet if you look at Gmod any other time it has like 10 CSS regulars on it + the Gmod players, and CSS servers combined will have 11, that includes minigames etc.
  3. Breaking News: CS:S was just found dead, cause? Was pushed down a flight of stairs by Gmod
  4. What do you mean "that snake"? THATS HIM
  5. Nobody else is responding, should just make a decision now.
  6. Not like I care now anyways,only a slay, I "baited" before he said you were pardoned,this has happened before anyways with people being accused of baiting if it was a rebel, so its not like i made this out of rage at you, im just clearing this up anyways for future situations since people complain even after i tell them. Basically you were just an added situation to the post.
  7. It would, was still pardoned, unless they werent pardoned then it is
  8. Ok, just wondering even though im sure u can't. Is it possible to bait someone who is rebelling? As in they weren't pardoned and at the time you are within knifing distance they are a rebel. As said, im pretty sure you can't, so just a question
  9. IM NAMING OTHER CANDIDATES. PuppyLuvForCoLeader NeteXForCoLeader
  10. Sure thing black rock @@diabeetus Its over, you've gotten too fat and unattractive.
  11. +1 you are active on servers (Should get more active on TS tho, even if sound muted most of time), and you know rules for the most part. A:9 M:8 As said, being active on Teamspeak it helps you get accepted
  12. MrAwesome, he said HE did it 3 times, not Echo. Also, everyone stop continuing shit that could have already been done with,
  13. Only COD players or people who play serious shit like scrim should worry about K/D, and r0bot is better, megarobin is like me, hes a high rank cuz active.
  14. Sadly, death run isn't too populated, but +1 since it could be another map for death run for when people are on
  15. @@DarkWolf6052 I know xG wouldnt unban them, that'd be a derpy move. On another note, lets say he freekilled 2 ts, and it was an unlawful ban, he is a huge troll, who causes nothing but problems on our servers, so idk why hes not server banned, and forum banned for making unban threads constantly, if he gets denied, then he should just deal with it. And i haven't seen Dirty Dan on our servers anyways. @@SonicRainbow You may have never seen him freekill, but obviously you haven't seen him troll. TBH hes not a horrible CT, hes (definitely) not good, but the fact that he has trolled so often should be the reason he shouldn't get an un CT ban. Almost any staff member he has talked to he has told "I'll change" hes said it on the forums, and I'm sure tried messaging people. Not ONCE after every chance we've given him, has he changed whatsoever.
  16. -1, id rather unban neteX or towelie before you from CT, You never change and always troll NO MATTER WHAT you say you haven't changed, and if SOMEHOW(you obviously won't) you get unbanned, im gonna seriously watch you, that and you also haven't even been on the servers recently. And you have been given too many chances AND you keep trying, shits annoying, parent must give you everything, you seem very persistent on getting u way.
  17. Yeah, but realisticly they wouldn't find the body immediately, and MrAwesome i had gone through the MOTD again and realized this rule is still here, and i still plan on enforcing.
  18. My rebellions are more organized, cristo just screams and gets lucky if 20 people follow him
  19. Who is the NEW rebel leader? This cristo kid is too old for his job. @@Cristo
  20. +1, active and knows most of the MOTD, also good to rebel with( #I'mTheNewCristo Cristo prepare ur anus), nice addistion to xG
  21. Well i dont want that removed, im saying CTs cant base that as you rebelling unless they see that in the corner
  22. Not many ppl replied to it so far. I would like if this map could be added, it'd be something new to our routine of JB
  23. He's a good player, he was banned because of being a part of staff and abusing,, and then he was CT banned, and this isn't a CT ban protest, only a server ban protest(and forums) so if he wants to make a CT ban protest later, thats his choice. So don't look at why he was banned for staff abuse reasons