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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. The thing is @@JustSavage, you're freekilling on a server xG knows about, and that is somewhat popular, when other xG Admins and stuff have massed or trolled on a server, its not actually a clan server and its a very small/depopulated one (One server ik xG people like to do this on is that RPG South Park JB shit). Anyways, see ya, you were fun to have around (Except when u killd me every time i rebelled).
  2. I put both for lolz, but seriously we need better songs than the ones we have, i like that its a rotation, but not the songs on it, most other people say its bad too.
  3. +1, we've tried this game before on CS:S once, it worked well (other than Ts leaving early, then again they will now too) and it's pretty fun. But added to the openable isolation, if CTs hurry can call it if its an auto-opening cells map it could work. And also they should be able to assign a "Stay back CT" with guns to enforce the time given, then once its the time they kill themself or let Ts kill them, since its never fun when Ts ruin a fun day.
  4. Well i meant until hub is added to jailbreak, once hub is back up it should be removed and bombs connected to hub
  5. Before we had hub, we had a bomb system that ran off of the ingame money (How you buy weapons in regular CS:S).Im kepping this short, but CS:GO also runs off of this, if its possible, anyway for this to be added?
  6. @@MineCrack Yes, but when, that was definitely not recently, and if i did it, then it was before we knew what happened when you did !Ban @all (I was pretty much the person to figure out it did that)
  7. +1, active, mature, fun to have around the servers,knows rules A:8 M:8
  8. Kick @all doesn't unarm (as far as im concerned, thats ban @all) and when did this happen? EDIT: And sorry echo, didnt really want to ban you since you were a cool dude, but kinda had to do it :/
  9. You were disrespecting apple, saying nobody liked him, saying he was gay and a faggot, disrespect, banned for a day This is only 1 instance of it, didnt get any of the rest 1oz. Halfbaked : Apple no one loves you u got freekilled cu ur a fucking loser
  10. Well considering you just mass smited on jailbreak we wont see you around, but good luck with everything man, had a fun time with you on JB
  11. -1,(Hopefully you improve ithe future, you're new, you'll learn) You dont have the highest knowledge of MOTD, you ran into a cell and killed 3 ts when only 1 shot u,ill be glad to +1 you in awhile if you change
  12. Game, he had gotten a message (as said by him,i didnt see it obv but w.e) that he could make one in a week or so, also he had requested for his old one to be closed, it wasnt denied, so disregard that -1 (unless ofcourse he didnt get that message that he could do it)
  13. Oh and also @@MineCrack, ever think it wasn't because of the attention, and maybe as hes thinking of doing it, he decides not to? Not all people who have suicidal thoughts go through with it, because they think of what to stick around for, what to look forward to, what to really keep them moving on. But then when he see assholes troll him and specifically tell him to kill himself, that doesnt help, and those people that say that stuff to him should really look over their actions.
  14. @@MineCrack, i know he has done this previously, i know there were threads on it, and i KNOW he was told he had one more chance, and if what is said about silence having a screenshot is true, he should post it here to shut us up, becaue duckii, even though i support you and don't want you banned from the forums, there was still a warning there. (this isnt focused on you anymore minecrack) BUT all of you who troll him like huge dicks dont know what he goes through in his daily life to be able to criticize him and make him feel worse, and what @@lEcho just posted is true, the only way the PD would even look at the web history etc. is if there was some sort of note etc. describing his reasons, and thats only if he were to tie it to the website. You guys tell him not to make suicide threats, but you troll him and make him feel worse, DRIVING HIM TO WANT TO DO IT. In jailbreak terms, you're "tarping" as if a CT says jumping is restricted, but then you say "jump".
  15. +1, active, mature,and only didnt get into xG last time due to the situation with echo and savage. A:8 M:8 Skill: Still better than u trorlrorlorlrololol
  16. I didn't put down your opinion, as you can see, I said he does spam too much, didnt wait long enough, and had alot of chances(even though he shouldnt have lost the last one), all i said was that most of it didnt have to do with what he did on forums, and even as you said now, you said when you interacted with him on CS:S and TS, its a forum unban request, not ingame or TS, which he is currently on.
  17. "Generally annoying" Ok, he can get annoying with spamming on teamspeak or ingame etc., but that doesnt have much to do with forums. "Makes fun of others who have different opinions" I've never personally seen him do this, and even if he has, that wouldnt warrant a perm forum ban anyways. "Hasn't been a month yet" Thats the one part of your arguement that is really true other than the part about the spam. "Too many chances" Ok, lets say he had too many chances, why was his last chance ruined off of a rumor started by someone with no evidence at all? And to make another point, i don't even think you have much interaction with duckiijr anymore muffin, im pretty sure duckiijr doesn't or hardly plays TF2, and you dont play CSS, so if he does ever interact with you, its maybe on teamspeak, so if he annoys you there, kick him out of the channel, i believe you have DM powers on teamspeak like other DMs @@John So it was right for silence to ban someone without proof(atleast none that was showed publicly, if there even is any)? If you say yes that thats just dumb @@MineCrack I could be wrong about this, but i was told that it was you and some others that started the rumor,and if thats true then you obviously would have the intent of getting him banned, not making it silence's choice, i don't have a problem with you personally, but you aren't the most trustworthy person i've seen. +1, as far as im concerned, he was told that if he did it again he would be banned, and he was "said to have done it again". There was no evidence that he said it, whether it be a demo or screenshot etc. If there WAS evidence, that was only shown to silence, then why not show it to everyone else so we can reach a new conclusion? If duckiijr was banned without proof lets just ban everyone on the servers and say "Well, they could have done something" Someones word isn't proof, i could easily start a rumor about some shit right now (even if people didnt believe it, i still could) and it wouldn't make it true. DuckiiJr has been one of the most dedicated players on the servers for years, to ban him now off of something with no evidence is outright dumb. REMEMBER EVERYONE, ITS ONLY A FORUM UNBAN, HE IS ALREADY ON THE SERVERS, SO THAT DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
  18. @@Leotekk well they can ask him first, and chances are he will have to use guard, and we have a remove from queue command in !admin, so we can see who is in queue, and if he switches to T right at start then he wont die
  19. Im not going to spend my time reading all 5 pages on a ban protest, BUT ill give input Sort of as forest had said before, We can unban him from CT BUT instead of swapping him, if hes caught going on CT(ON CSS) he is automatically banned from CT again by the current staff, with no say of an unban(any time soon). ALSO to point out, we did this with neteX, he wanted to be unbanned so he could scrim, and we all said he would be banned if seen on Jailbreak. +1, but ban him if caught on CT on CSS