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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. BREAKING NEWS: Two days later xG is massively ddos'd and brian suddenly disappears.
  2. Well, hope we can still talk sometimes, see ya soon.
  3. Warrior, obviously you can kill them for going for it, you just cant stare straight at it or be in it ,which is camping.
  4. xGShadowSpy


    Not the dumbest idea ever, but i can just access the site through google on my ipod :/
  5. All of those pictures are vent camping, and nobody notices how im the one who really started enforcing the staring at the cell rule from a distance instead of just being inside of it, distance has no difference you're preventing ts the chance of getting in.
  6. Some of their staff isn't aware of the agreement as far as i saw on my time there, when i joined a few of them had to discuss "Aren't we supposed to perm xG members?" This was their CSS server though, not sure which one you were on.
  7. Its fine, we still got 2nd place suprisingly.
  8. Would like info from the higher ups please, ty brian, and ik duckii said shes gonna be inactive but @@Duckii @autumn @@serbiansnaga also i will try and get his steam ID when possible. EDIT: These are all him Xeno Gamers @@DarkWolf6052
  9. @@Eden @@Logistik @@Leotekk @@PlueAK Like nobody on my team is on, mega robin left the team, and i think sum1 else i dont remember i think quit.
  10. Just saying, but if its a warday in kitchen, lunar has multiple kitchen looking areas i.e to the left above armory, the elevator area near cafeteria, so i'd say shorten the time, but not complete unban, since common sense would be taht no other CTs are there, and prob arent in right spot.
  11. I dont see anything about your ban, since none pops up when i search you in the bans section, was Cytosis your name at the time of the ban?
  12. 1 hour ban, already been 19 minutes since the post was made, the ban isn't a long wait anyway, i could have made it longer :/
  13. Lol saw this coming as soon as I (Yeah, me, not him) banned u, you kept spamming admin chat that he freekilled you, after we all said he didn't, so i kicked you(Can't gag admin chat), then he rejoins and disrespects then continues to spam it, then i kick again, then he rejoins since echo was still alive, thinking it was him that banned him and spammed dead chat about it. So, GG no re, especially when i muted you earlier for spamming and almost ended up kicking u.
  14. Yeah, basically what chrono said, and i guess since i was posting this for him, i might as well respond too. +1, he was a fun player to be around and was decently active as an admin, The abusing etc. that got him banned doesn't even matter much if he's not going to try out for admin anyways.
  15. Well this is in the wrong section first off, wouldnt let me post in Ban Protest section, so CSS discussion made a bit more sense, Alright, now then, Im Making a ban protest for previous admin Quarantine, he doesn't plan on rejoining, he just wants to hop on the servers every now and then. Thats all i need to say,but take in consideration how many other people got in trouble for even worse things and were unbanned- I said this , from here on is what he's saying. ___________________________________________________________________ For everyone who remembers what i did, I'm sorry. Yes i was a hypocrite, yes i was an asshole, but people change. You hated me for what i did back in the day, I ask you to forgive me for all that now. I don't plan on rejoining xG as im always back and forth in the military, but i would like to swing by every now and then. This new steam Profile is not evading a ban(was already banned) it is by buddy's laptop that he gave me before he left, he lets me use his steam. ~Quarantine ___________________________________________________________________ (By ShadowSpy) Please take in consideration how people who have done worse than him have been unbanned multiple times. Tagging division managers, as well as coleaders(If i can get their forum names right :/ ). @@Duckii @@HighSociety (think thats poncher) @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @autumn (Might as well tag you in this) @Brian @@serbiansnaga I think thats everyone, i suggest you know what he did before posting. @@Chrono Cuz u smell
  16. Abe just left without saying anything, last i talked to him was me asking him if he wanted to scrim, and he answered, so he's not dead.
  17. +1, hes active and mature,and he knows the rules, and if what he said that it was a complicated order is true, then it was accidental.
  18. Well since the more advanced MoTD is more in detail, we should just leave the normal one there and then the basic one as a link at the top when they start reading, @@Forest
  19. -1, not mature enough at all, and you annoy almost everyone when you are on the servers, you kept arguing that someone mass freekilled(i think it was black rock a.k.a Genesis) when he didn't, you argued with him, ducki and I until ducki threatened to ban you if you kept it up. A:7 M:4
  20. Also, to kind of add on to what i said before, there are problems with people understanding the MOTD almost every other day, and not only new players,even regulars, so if anything, we should add more clarifications to certain rules than take stuff off of it, even if it is shorter to read, and more simple. It takes a few minutes to read it how it is already, its not hard, if you feel you will be a dedicated player to the servers you should be able to dedicate two minutes of your time reading the MOTD.
  21. No, just read the rules, long or not its needed
  22. *Reads this thread* Lul