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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. +1 you are active on servers, and know the rules, you seem to be known by coleaders and silence put you in the law menu list(don't remember what for) A:8 M:8
  2. Peppermint, i'm not sure if this is what you are getting at with that last post, but i'm not "out to get you" like mike was, if so i'd have banned you already, it's not that you dont know the rules as a ct as much as it that you almost get yourself banned EVERY time you are on the servers, and most of these people don't know your past, since half of them weren't there when it happened, we are allowed to judge from past, and we should, (and already have). I mean look at neteX, he was unbanned a bunch of times, and each time he was unbanned if he did ONE thing it was permaban(or shorter, more focusing on his longer bans), other than the normal procedure, so you shouldnt get all of your past of trolling etc. and just wipe it away again.
  3. Uh, i say we should remove it, immature people will use it in the wrong ways (not saying im mature, i used it a bunch of times before this was up) so for the sake of the people not getting demoted, it should be removed.
  4. Someone should just close this btw, hes already not getting unbanned by the looks of this
  5. Alot of the stuff is gone since the update, warden plugin, !who, etc.
  6. Peppermint, no, just no, you already almost got banned permanently when you were disrespecting and trolling with your already big past the other day, so you wouldnt be any better while being a CT
  7. Ok, im being told im on Eden's team, since mega left, or atleast thats what eden said
  8. mine comes up automatically when i start the game, there should be a setting somewhere in steam to auto update.
  9. Sensitvity: IDK Binds: P90SWAG Strategy: Spray until i get a kill
  10. +1, hes active, mature, and would be a good addition to xG. A:8 M:9
  11. xG will always have drama, unavoidable, but as sad as it is that people are leaving, it wont really bother the other divisions too much since they were Gmod players.
  12. Yeah, but he wouldn't have gotten that moderator without being Paid mod first, it's like the chicken or the egg theory, you can't have the egg(In his case, mod) without having the chicken first (In his case, paid mod) So strictness should still be dealt with as it would as him being a previous paid mod, especially with his prior past anyways, xG is trying to "get rid of the trolls" hue hue hue. He already trolled and lost Div(should have been mod too) and now he smites all and makes a ban protest expecting to be unbanned(which he shouldn't be, xG is too lenient with unbans i.e netex who was unbanned a million times). Also, i believe this is mostly up to silence ( @autumn ) to unban, since if i recall what i heard which is that it was him that banned mythic. EDIT: Im not 100% sure it was silence, someone else said it was john who banned, im not sure, but either way, input from autumn would be nice.
  13. Any Map *orders Aegean to cum* Invalid.
  14. @@John , yeah but he wouldn't have gotten mod without buying it unless hes one of those people who humps their friends legs for +1s( @@Forest he prob thought friends would help him be unbanned lol) and he was still a previous paid mod anyway.
  15. Does anyone notice the point i made, that paid mods are given less leniency?
  16. Ill join any team thats open, #SprayAndPrayP90Rush
  17. Gmod is a great division, removing it is just plain dumb, aeon was also div, unless he cant code or anything then why isn't he in consideration to take over? The only visible upside i see to this is it costing less money to run servers, but then why not get rid of every div for the lolz?
  18. Gonna post so it's visible without searching :/
  19. @@John well if you see a higher up do it, you can still report, or stand up to them -1, since this is right after you already trolled and lost div,left then rejoined llke not even a day or two later(where you should have lost mod in the first place), plus the constant rule breaking,nothing makes you someone who deserves go come back, if ban was to be shortened( even though abusing as previous or current paid mod is supposed to be perm anyway) then you should be stripped of member status, with no chance of reearning(or repurchasing I should say) mod.
  20. I noticed that the new last CT weapon was a mac10, so a thought came across my mind, and if this has been discussed before im sorry, but I think that when someone gets last CT, one of two things happens: Either at round start a CT types !lctclass or something of the sort and they get to choose a weapon for last CT, i.e M249, mac10, M4, shotty, etc. and if they dont pick a weapon then they get the default mac10, or my 2nd idea, When last CT starts a menu pops up, saying the same thing as the list above, mac 10, all those weapons etc. and stays default unless chosen. IDK how it would be made, but that would be up to other people if this were to be approved. Tried keeping the thread short, ask for more details or anything if needed.
  21. Meh, it is easy to get in, but not as easy as other servers,but my point is whenever i say this, it's that xG is not as reserved as it previously was, it used to be more of a "privalege" to get in, and part of this is due to people getting friends to +1 and then the friend wont -1 because they dont want drama or nothing. and what forest is pretty much talking about is stuff like "+1 cuz yoloswag" or "+1 cuz i want"
  22. Oh and also, xG history should be fine, im not reading the posts on this so i dunno if it was already denied,
  23. Ugh, Diabeetus told me bout it, but i can make it and CoHost(i assume its still open) also im not sure on my situation with credits, havent checked or known since lack of hub