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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo too, john, just because darkwolf is your friend who prob got you DM doesnt mean hes the only one you tag @@DarkWolf6052 I know ive seen you slay people for purposely freeshooting, so dont go disagreeing because john is your friend
  2. I see his side of it, he said the CT though i was delaying,and shot me, but if you take a way to get to a place that is faster/just as fast to get there, it is NOT delaying, since in no ways is it slowing you down.I know what delaying is, i understand how it works and that its killable, as hidingmaster said, "Its common sense" that you can slay for freeshooting, its pretty much always been that way, maybe some admins/mods are more lenient on it, as some admins wont slay if its an "accidental" bait, it depends on the mods/admins leniency on something like this, where one mod/admin only slays for one freeshot, others may slay for mass freeshooting, either way its not allowed, and either way its still freeshooting. Im fine with not slaying for an accidental freeshot (unless it hits a stack and 20 ts start complaining about it) @@John You already proved yourself wrong with the matsi freekill incident, and as far as i saw it said "action will be taken", maybe there was some taken, but if so i didnt see any, you already messed up once, and how you got DM i dont know, (well actually i do, its because you have friends that favoritize) also you never answered how it wasnt intentional Also @@Kirito and @@MegaRobin, and i believe @@Jordozombie agreed (in-game) that freeshooting is now allowed @@Hidingmaster I wouldn't complain if it was a good DM, if i had proof he did shit i would request a demote (his friends would -1 it, so why bother anyways?)
  3. @@John Accidental means misclck/ shooting someone else and it hit me, he intended to shoot me Also ill find in chat where you said "Im a DM, youre an admin" (ADMINS) xG:DM | Joseph Stalin: I'm a DM you're an admin.
  4. No aaron, He didnt accidentally do it, he looked at me and shot me
  5. @@John Also, Quoting what you said, "Freeshooting isnt in motd so its fine", then yet you say 2 or more is a slay, so you just counteracted what you already has said before. Also if i see CTs freeshoot ts, i slay them lol, unless its an accident and they only hit like 1 Might as well say this, @@ItsAaron you shouldnt hump John's dick because hes a DM, which you are clearly doing. You are going by what John says because even as he himself said, "Im a DM, you're an admin" meaning what he says goes, but if he says mass freekilling is allowed, well since hes a DM does that mean it is? @@SonicRainbow Mean to put "its not allowed"
  6. Orange, "from what you heard", i took the fastest route to get there, and he shot me, making it intentional. @@John "What he though was a valid reason" K. he thought that, it wasnt. @@ItsAaron I was following orders
  7. Ok, so lets start with a scenario. You're a T, you are following orders and a CT purposely shoots you, is that slayable? @@John says no @@ItsAaron says no Yet its intentional freeshooting, and they claim its not in theMOTD, so from now on guise letz n0t slay freekillerz kk guize
  8. @@MineCrack IDK if gkoo was around with Jihad(He pretty muched played his part as a Div and a DM, he knew how to handle us well). 3 has pretty much been perm for a long time, though i do +1 the perm for Mass freekilling be moved up to 4 or 5, and 3 kills being a few months or two CT ban( unless disconnecting, then a month or two server ban) BUT people who massed before this for 3 kills should stay permed. BUT i do -1 the fact that we shouldnt be any more lenient than we are, if you look at the majority of people we permed, they all deserved it, and after they were unbanned (if they were) then they ended up doing stuff again (The BEST example i can give is NeteX).
  9. @@Warriorsfury That was from a mass freekill post, when a staff member mass smites people go on and on about it Those are two different things that should have two different punishments. On another note, I +1 for the same ban length as sinly
  10. @@Forest My name it white text please Lol
  11. @@Warriorsfury Im not going to find what thread/post it was in, but whe you said you changed the "10 steps 10 seconds rule"(what it now is) you CLEARLY said "because its easier for me to remember"
  12. @@Link! None of that was meant to offend you, and i didnt mean any of it in a disrespectful way, I had only gone with what i heard off of other members, so sorry if i was wrong. I was pretty much as you said, speaking out of my ass :/ BUT i do stick with the fact xG runs off of favoritism, and that cant be denied. @@Warriorsfury Ok if it was him, if hes going through all this trouble to get unbanned, and he does it again, WE BAN HIM AGAIN, and make it with no appeal, honestly if he massed again he'd ruin one round of someone playing jailbreak. @@Chrono idk what you meant by linking me to that post, and im not reading all 6 pages to find out :/
  13. @@Hidingmaster If they DC and dont rejoin, we cant CT ban them, the CT ban option only works if they are in-game. Also mass freeshooting happens alot, with an accidental shot into stack etc., So that shouldnt be a month, if intentional maybe a week CT ban if you look at it as attempted massing. Mass freekill with DC should still be perm, or atleast longer than a few months, because if they leave they are avoiding a ban, and probally don't plan on playing anymore anyways. i.e Papi and Minecrack stayed after they massed so it wasn't a perm server ban, and only a CT ban In my opinion, we need something to completely finalize all of this, @autumn should make a list of the punishable actions, if they can be appealed, and how long after them happening do they get to appeal it. I.E.- Action: DDOS PunishmentTime: Permanent CanBeAppealed?: No (If it could be appealed, a time for how long after it can be should be here) After a post like the format above is made with all of the punishments etc. (should be sticky'd in ban protest) ALL bans will be final, even if they had previously done it before the post(unless it was something not worthy of a permaban)
  14. Welcome to xG! I remember you on both names. Have fun!
  15. +1, even though half of you might not know how much older of a player he is, hes been playing xG 1 to 2 years already, his old name was Broseph Stalin. Hes a mature player, ran a division, has few bans. Hes a fun person to play with also. @@Warriorsfury Lets say he DID intentionally do it, without you getting proof of having someone else do it. People have been unbanned from permanent server bans for stuff 10 times worse than this. Yet lets say the person server banned was a friend etc., you would likely +1 them (That is how xG runs nowadays, It thrives off of favoritism, and the most that was done about it ever was removing aegean,even though i do like aegean, he did do that shit). Laith is a good guy, played for awhile, rarely ever broke rules or anything.
  16. Oh, yeah but we dont have that map, the maps i named are ones we already have.
  17. @autumn I think you are thinking of something else, we already had a map "Jake'sCourse", and i think we still have it, even though i didnt see it or compound on the list a few minutes ago
  18. @autumn Peple like office,compound, and jakes course is ok, we should have SOME more course maps, but not overloaded with them. I do think we need some more multigame maps that are better.
  19. all tron maps broken/bad, LEGO COPTER IS BROKEN AGAIN FFS T-T, half of them arent played, we play 3 overplayed maps then minigames crashes and we re-pick them. +1 this should also be a minigames map suggestion thread too
  20. Yeah, i play CS GO now though, and will most likely just go there, in a slow progressing way.
  21. Yeah, that was pretty dumb, and it wasnt a freekill since there was no time the warday "started", you only have to be on your way in when Ts can leave (without killing them, except in your case he left early, making it fine). I dont think it matters now but, for the hell of it @@John On a side note, as you said, yeah cs:s is pretty much a game of a bunch of retarded kids spamming that stuff on JB.
  22. Cells, and if you can find a way to make both teams able to access VIP, that'd be good
  23. -1, You always use your voice(told not to) didnt today, but its a lie saying you don't. You were causing problems telling people to shut up when all they told you was "Listen to the admins". You were constantly spamming admin chat by continuing to message us after we said it didnt matter, you were still complaining about a FREESHOT 1 round after it happened. I never disrespected you, so if the other admins did then k report them idc. I saw nobody disrespecting you, if they did i was alive.