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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Matsi, John and Hella abused on you, and you say ALL admins are bad, you have a grudge against people that havent done anything to you. Im far from John, and i'm not hellafun. You were in deathrun when Ts were in there, you werent supposed to, it's your fault for falling in the trap(this was on blackout, it was the last trap besides dinosaur hall). Also, idc if you disagree, but it wasnt intentional i activated the trap and you werent in my sight on the screen. As said you're going to be like "yeah right, that was on purpose", but idrc. I have no problem with you, and infact im the main person that supported you when you reported john(It turned out successful, but you reported him after 1 freeslay, you are in your 20s, act your age and dont be so immature).
  2. You said badmin, i wouldnt care if you said im bad, but thats admin disrespect. I said baddie=you because you said Shadow=badmin (You said badmin like 6 times, i had warned you, kicked you, and 5 minute banned you, and the 5 minute is lenient for admin direspect) As a warning, if you disrespect again today, im banning you again.
  4. See ya, you're a cool person to play with.
  5. Alright, it will definitely help when it comes to applying, and once you do ill gladly +1
  6. You're still a good player, but you should become a little more active before trying.
  7. I was there too, and I agree with darkwolf, its not like he brought the ball out to purposely kill Ts, some other CT brought it out , and temptation took over from there +1 for shortened ban
  8. @@daddiodoug Im willing if you need 1 more If not, then ill join anyone elses.
  9. I'll be on anyone's team if they need 1
  10. Me: "I remember when CTs were good." Everyone else: "WTF? THERE WAS A TIME CTs WERE GOOD?" #OldxG
  11. +1 has mess-ups as a CT sometimes but is fine overall A:8 M:7 Also, just saying A:10/10 or more means hes on every second of every day, GG
  12. I saw it before, hardy saw him on, so I didnt reply Anyways 0 for the reason above
  13. Well, other than that horrible grammar and spelling right there, you were a fun person to play with and we agreed on stuff for the most part, hope to still see you on the servers.
  14. Well, lets leave it up to the guy who he impersonated, @@HighSociety
  15. I knew this wasn't important for 2 reasons: 1.- In General section 2.- Gkoo made it.
  16. Heh, dont get your hopes up, i personally doubt it
  17. +1, active, mature, fun to have around, and it's Chuck Fucking Norris. A:8 M:8
  18. Yes pinoy, but he wants to change it so he doesn't die as easily when he rebels, lol
  19. Now i understand rainbow has disrespected more than that before, but @@Warriorsfury if you truly take offense to him calling you a "dildo eater" or saying "stfu" then lol, imo nobody should take offense to being called something they aren't (Unless you are actually a dildo eater....) And warrior, dont complain so damn much because that day i ungagged the guy you gagged for saying "Furry laying down the law" or some shit like that, you went and complained to darkwolf about it
  20. -1, stop trying to change shit that is already a strict rule, if you cant rebel dont take rage out on forums to make a rule stricter (THATS THE ONLY REASON WE HAVE THAT RULE, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE BAD AT REBELLING AND WANT TO HAVE AN ADVANTAGE, EVEN THOUGH TS OUTNUMBER CTs) THIS. IS. WHAT. WE. NEED.
  21. With the lack of mods we have compared to admins, we almost always have an admin on, and with the warden plugin there are now few moments we have to say its a freeday, and if mods dont have (ALL) we can still let them keep the private chats (@@) So I +1 that part. Although this part isnt necesarily abuse, when an admin/mod spams ***FREEDAY!!!!!1!1!!1!111!*** 10 times in a row, its all chat spam, and THAT should be restricted, meaning if you have a bind for it, hit it ONCE, and dont make a bind that says it 20 damn times. I agree with the admin/mod disrespecting some part also, since you started it(unless they continue it way after you are done).+1 Although i think its just as easy to access a staff member on steam, You have to be active on TS just to apply, so it makes sense to be on there as an administrator. +1
  22. +1, You're a good guy, we had a serious talk or two, you're fun, but also serious when needed, active, and knows the rules very well. A:8 M:9
  23. @@DarkWolf6052 Request Close, he wants to reapply so people get to know him again
  24. Oh damn, Rain JR., at first when i saw this i thought u were banned, but that was normal rain, anyways I think you should read up on the MOTD first( you had a few mix-ups), also i haven't seen you on too much recently, i know you were on yesterday though