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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. +1, active, mature, fun to play with, knows the rules A:8 M:7
  2. Eh, still dont know how this person knows warrior, wasnt saying it was death god, just said it rhymed
  3. You dumb whore, i thought you left xG by the title
  4. Obviously whoever DeathSod (Rhymes with Death God, just saying) is, it's a member from xG under a different name, unless all the sudden they know who warrior is
  5. +1, mature active and played for a long time M:8 A:8
  6. +1 i forgot all about ya, anyways you were active mature and a good admin for the most part, i think and instant unban would be ok because of the time ago it was
  7. Well mass freshooting is about a day or two, (depending on the severity), mass baiting is a day, so i say maybe a 3 day CT Ban or so 4320 i think is the time for 3 days, if my math is right. +1 to shorten to another day or 3
  8. *high pitched voice* My name is leotekk and im .
  9. +1 for shorten by the way, trinidol is one of the only good CTs
  10. Warrior, im half doing this because you brought it up and half doing it because its true If you think that since one person is banned for doing the same thing and anyone else should get the same time for doing it, then you should still be perm'd, as stated by the unban reason on the bans.xenogamers thing, its because you were begging serbian and poncher to unban you, which happened less than a day after, and only demoted once. Steam Community :: Group :: DemoteWarrior2013 New campaign started by Diabeetus
  11. +1, for shortened ban, she was afk the first few secs in armory, and orders were given to go to warday area in like 2 seconds after start, then cells were immediately opened, so she didnt know what happened, and on any other day they would not have been freekills, only because they were allowed to leave.
  12. He's thinking of the !hats !trails thing with the hat packs, that we had before hub, but anyways it's actually under construction(Not exactly going fast, but it its), i was on slide race testing it with other admins and it was pretty much OK
  13. Its not really that big of a deal, but its still a mass But anyways +1 for shortened, but only because the way it happened, since it wasnt him running up and shooting people.
  14. Welcome back, im pretty sure i remember you, also i laughed at the part about mudkip, lol Anyways yeah, alot of the older players left.
  15. @@DrPepperPhreak @@Cristo Thats the first time a CT ran in instead of a T, it doesnt cause problems any other time. But if darkwolf etc. would say not to do it anymore it'd be fine, but really its just the CTs fault, i didnt say "I trust CTs not to do it" it was directed at Ts. Its like saying if a CT masses on frlr that we cant do fr lr anymore because one CT massed on it.
  16. As said from (Who i think was darkwolf, i might be wrong, i think it was on the TS thread) darkwolf, "It's faster to contact you." IMO Steam chat and TS is just as fast to contact the person, and if you dont have them added on steam, go to "xG Admins" steam group, and search their name. If anything, if we are online on steam, even if we go afk you can send us a message and we still get it, but if on TS and in afk channel OR any other channel afk for that matter, it takes longer to contact us. +1 for removal, but ALL admins should be active on teamspeak anyway, it just should not be forced, and you guys don't have to bash orangejuice on this, hes only doing his job, he said he doesnt like the rule either.
  17. Its a bit soon, but for people who dont know, he ran into deathrun activated the dinosaur and it killed 4 ts (one was a rebel, making 3 of the 4 kills freekills)
  18. Stupid edit shit doesn't let me edit posts so that i wouldn't be posting so much, but anyways, Im pointing out a fact, you ARE acting like a 9 year old, when you are in your 20-somethings. @@DarkWolf6052 , @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo Request close, this is turning into a shit storm. As a summary for you guys, he was in dr when he wasnt supposed to (Ts were doing deathrun) and i pressed the button and he died, so he got all mad and called me a badmin(and a few other things i didnt reall care about), i then proceeded to warn and gag him, then kick and ban, he made this out of rage and immaturity.
  19. Minecrack what he meant was that i act mature on other ban requests but not on ones by me, and matsi you do this ALL THE TIME, you did it right after john abused on you (Now yes, he was proved to, but it was still immature)
  20. You said it more than 3 times, and by spam i don't mean 1 after the other like a bind pressed repeatedly, but you kept repeating yourself, people called me a badmin afterwards because they were immitating you, and they were OBVIOUSLY joking so i didn't gag them, also if someone called you a faggot it was while i was AFK posting on this. I'm not being as mature because i think this is a joke. You are in your mid-20s, and you complain and whine as much as a 9 yr old, its sad yet funny(still in a sad way) at the same time.
  21. It's not like i was majorly offendeby him saying idiot or those minor things, its just an inconveniece of watching him complain and spam chat with badmin