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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. "causing drama", just saying, theres always some sort of drama in xG, it's like impossible to avoid.
  2. xGShadowSpy


    Do i lift? *lifts cupcake to face* Yeah, i lift.
  3. This was handled in the other thread on this, but honestly it's a dumb rule already, making the shit even stricter is just ridiculous
  4. +1, he was a great player when he was here, and all he did was join another clan, which was after he left
  5. I made my forum accout a month after u, and i played awhile before that, soz yolo, and bryce's forum account was march 22nd, b4 u. But anyways, sad to see you go, i feel the same, sad the older people are leaving, but i plan on sticking around anyways.
  6. I am not going through all this and reading the posts, but my opinion is that the Ts ran out of their cell at their own risk, knowing there is the possibility that they can say out of cell rebel, adn they did this as an attempt of rebelling. I dont slay anyone if they kill them for this,infact i just did it a few rounds ago.
  7. Actually, and i wasn't even there, its not your first day, because i have seen you on xG servers multiple times, the only reason im looking at this is because i remembered your name, so thats a lie, but i think the CT ban should be shortened, but the week ban is valid, and should be waited out.
  8. I say that we should be able to, since if they are standing there with no guns its baiting a freekill, killable, and if they have guns out they are KOS, only way you would frreekill is if one stray person was moving to the area with no guns out, but it'd be hard for that to happen.
  9. Kinda a lack of evidence of him freekilling, but the most that can be done is him being watched,especially since he just got mod.
  10. Well, he was warned multiple times for what he has done, he goes through alot of shit, if you guys were in his position, then you would feel the same way, you have no clue what he goes through, +1 for unban, but duckiijr shouldnt be making suicide threats, unless it affects the clan in some way, then personal buisness should be kept to self/ counseling etc.
  11. -1 trololol +1, havent seen him on as much, but hes mature and deserves to be back A:7 M:9
  12. Well a decent while ago we had a map called station, it was a pretty fun map, pool, disco, soccer, simon says, 4 corners, obstacle course, etc. maybe even a climb if i remeber correct, but it used to be one of the better maps imo, Im not gonna talk long with this, just look at map, and post opinions. Noticing it wont let me post link, dunno why, but ill make a post on this thread where it will hopefully show up EDIT: Should have tagged people before, just now doing it @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo
  13. +1, but i honestly liked the old system that we used for hats where you would buy a hat pack and immediatly get all !color and !trails etc., but that doesnt make the server as much money i guess.
  14. +1, i'd say it might be up to silence, but i never had a problem with you, and you are active and mature. A:7 M:8(as i saw on servers)
  15. Text:[xG] ShadowSpy Spray, Signature or etc.:Signature Colors: Text in Red, The Flame backround Blue Any images(Must provide one or idea):school photos (Its the first blue flame on the right that i want)
  16. I draw anime too, but i don't feel like posting them :/
  17. I think we should give it a little more time, it hasn't been long enough, but you do seem to have changed, so +/-0 for now, but +1 for future unban if it continues to go well.
  18. Don't know what happened to you, came back from my PC breaking after surgery and you disappeared, but i think you'd have a good chance of getting it back.
  19. Er, i see what you mean by how long it was til warrior rejoined but he also had clouded judgement on leaving, which is why he still rejoined quickly just not within a day, and rule still state u need 20 +1s to get back in xG if you left, also there is a sticky post in Hellos and Goodbyes that states "dont post a goodbye thread if you dont plan to leave/go inactive". :/ It wouldn't be fair for warrior who lost his rank and had to get the 20 +1s even though it didnt seem such a problem for him to get them, and if you make exceptions for one it turns into all, then rules just wash away and dont get enforced.
  20. At first i voted no, but i hardly know anyone from WD besides speedlimit, so as said, as long as no prior offenses +1 for unban, hope to see u soon speedlimit :>
  21. Cya, still remember when u always played RPG Surf, but then div leaders im sure hardly get playing time, that and college im sure takes alot of time out of playing.
  22. Er, when warriorsfury left and rejoined he had to reapply, and when he did he still came back as a member only, but mythic has powers on CS:S atm and didn't reapply, :/ .