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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. +1, We've had some problems in the past, but idc about ht stuff now, You're a good player,active, and mature A:8 M:7
  2. The Warden has ordered you to turn and face somewhere else, therefore their previous order is null and void. If any T gets killed for doing what the Warden has ordered them to do, then it is a freekill. Remember that if Ts are not following the Warden's orders within a reasonable amount of time, they are delaying and may be killed. Even if it is after 5:00 and tarping is allowed, this doesn't mean freekilling is allowed. Tarping in itself will honestly hurt the CTs more then it will the Ts (end up with CTs being slain for freekilling due to a tarp order). To sum this all up, if the Warden has ordered you to look away from him, then you Must do so, otherwise you are delaying the order, which is a killable offence. TL;DR - If you are killed for looking away when the Warden told you to do so, then it is a freekill. It may be a tarp, but a freekill is a freekill as you were simply doing orders. - Dat guy, Forest Any time you need to sum something up, get forest on the job
  3. So far, i remember scrims against UWG and ht now are doing one with HG
  4. "Best warden". . . . lololollolOLolololololololOLOLOLOLOLOLolololOlOLolOL tarper
  5. Well for some reason when you join scrim it sometimes(not always) breaks your admin powers, not letting you use them on scrim OR jailbreak,rpgsurf etc. Im not sure if theres anyway to fix it, but it would be helpful.
  6. Pretty much in theTitle, the 3rd cell armory teleporter and 1st cell vent are disabled again, unless its like a map glitch is there any way for someone to enable them (Or atleast the 1st cell vent, since i know the 3rd cell can get annoying when a T is in armory 2 seconds after round start)?
  7. Lets remove all the maps and play on that map where you slide around a rectangle that has all the swasticas on it, the one that was accidentally put on the day parabellum was added and we tried admin-switching to it. Also its only my opinion, but we should remove the maps CTs dont use, and even though this would never go through: Lego(FR LR, Simon Says, and Wardays), Summer(Same as Lego), Sand (Only used for ManCannon and Wardays, maybe an occasional minefield) Kittens (Just bad) Iplay (bad) Bunker (Not used) Hellsgamers (NEVER picked ,and boring anyways).
  8. Wait but did he say squidward then "be doing this by (2 seconds after his current sentence)", because the time between squidward and "be doing this by..." is already 2 or 3 seconds, idk if you did or not, but you hqve to base it off the end of the go command other than the be doing this by command
  10. +1, great player, fun to be around with, knows the rules, and we all want him back A:8 M:8
  11. Ill admit,(and i think you know this) at one point, i just plain hated you, but now its more of a like and dislike combined thing I like when you are more of just a normal friendly player, or atleast not being a huge troll I dislike when you troll and disrespect On a serious note, have fun, and feel free to scrim with us if u want and we need ppl
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGC8GFnl2DQ
  13. +1 bees is a good player and active on our scrim server. Deserves the unban, its been awhile
  14. What Diabeetus said is right, and as i had said on the John post with you, if the warden says "Be in by ( )" then you have to be in the area by a given time, but if they dont say that, just be heading there, if they leave at 7: 00 and you got there 6: 51 it IS slayable since its a decent period of time, but it wouldnt have made a huge difference if you weren't killing ts. As far as i've seen through admin chat, other admins seem to have some "grudge" on you, idk why, but anyway, it wasnt really a freeslay, and he could have gotten a notice in admin chat "blah blah isnt here on time". And as said, there is no thing in the motd saying you have to be in at a certain time.
  15. if there was an option for it, id say +.5 , I think the ban should be shortened to maybe a few months(thats still alot)
  16. Yeah, but some consider that soon, also idk what you meant by banned on CS GO, i thought you got unbanned from both for CT, but you just werent allowed to go to it on CSS
  17. I +1 this, because some of you may say "too soon", but papichulo was unbanned not longer after what happened with him massing, their situation is pretty much similar, neither left the server. So I +1 this on fairness, and opinion since i think hes not a bad CT, he just planned on playing CS GO instead of CSS.
  18. @@Gkoo Was doing the orders, and got there at the same time as other Ts
  19. Gkoo, i hadn't mentioned that on those posts, so dont bother, unless you still want to, basically i slayed a guy for freeshooting me when i was doing orders, then john slayed me, then we argued about freeshooting being allowed if for 1 T blah blah blah and so on.
  20. @@Gkoo i did make my own decision, i slayed the CT then John slayed me.
  21. @@serbiansnaga Want your opinion to pretty much sum this up, and give an overall verdict, on whether this is allowed or not, since @@John said it is.
  22. @@diabeetus THANK YOU, i did mean to base it off of what happened to me, but i did say "Lets say yadda yadda yadda happened". @@John isnt replying to this anymore anyways, maybe he found that he is wrong, and that odds are against him.
  23. @@Hidingmaster , If a T is taking a route that is faster/just as fast, it isnt delaying, and detouring is like if warden says bumrush straight to Couch game on Avalanche, and you decide to run to the left a little bit toward the buttons of couch game and then go back to the couches, so detouring is basically delaying in another way, just with going towards another place.