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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Eh, should have ben more convienent for east coast, like 8/9pm just for the minigames part, as long as it on a weekend, it should be at around 3 or 4 pm pacific, so it'll be like 7 eastern, so i prob wont be on for JB part or Awp/Scout.
  2. -1, Yeah, As dumb as it is, it's still rebelling, because some Ts may use it as an actual advantage to rebel, most of the time wardens are nice people and in some cases even say "RUN! RUN!" etc.
  3. And its not, i've seen people taze more than once in a row without the person being unfrozen before the next.
  4. Er, idc what other people are saying, but tazering should be meant for them having guns anyway, they are a bit overpowered if they freeze you AND make you drop guns at the same time for if you even do get unfrozen, besides all CTs will do is Tazer whore and just shoot ppl the instant they move, disabling the chance of rebelling, it should be either freeze them, or drop gun and less freeze time. +1 sorta
  5. Don't forget either, there are also Paid Mods, who may get promoted to Mod, but i see what you mean, some newer people do seem to get mod etc. but it depends on how they are, not how long they've been playing in xG.
  6. +1, but could just remove the boost tunnel, CTs can use the stairs and lose some weight.
  7. +1, great admin, active,and was a previous member. A:8 M:8 BTW he also has a sexy deep voice, JakeEnglish VS. Crabman
  8. Chrono, I hate how people do this stuff and if I wasn't to lazy and didn't want to type this stuff, i would. +1 "cuz yolo"
  9. I think there used to be someone named "ThatAwesomeDude" might be same person, and with xG tags, dunno, but I don't recall seeing u on servers much, and I haven't heard u talk, but not many 38 year olds really play on the servers as far as i know (maybe smoker dunno actual age of him but that was awhile back)
  10. I vote me, cuz i do wardays in horribad(but new and unused) spots and i stack all Ts and CTs up on FF days, I also do FR/LR everyround and take a ruler to measure 1 exact step out of cells and say warden kills only cuz i wanna killwhore. I winz now right?
  11. Stable, hue hue hue hue hue. But seriously, people doing stuff worse than him have been unbanned multiple times(cough netex cough), its been awhile anyway,big deal if he mass freekilled he can be CT banned still, in the post he's only asking for server unban.
  12. +1, It's been awhile and besides, people have gotten chances for things worse than this.
  13. <3 u abe, I hope you feel better.
  14. I'd buy @@diabeetus a weight lifting set, lift more plz
  15. Ugh, you cant access the rules page from !motd in CS:S JB
  16. Yeah, Fallout 3 was better, even though New Vegas had more endings.
  17. xGShadowSpy


    Meh, i don't like it, im not used to it,after using the other onfe for like 2 years, and theres no "New Posts" (atleast not that i see)
  18. +1, the last time i banned scuba for his spray he did the same thing in shoutbox, and he disrespected in-game before i had banned him today
  19. If it were changed, i think it should be within the 12 to 15 range, and need to go in more detail about how they deserve to join, and whats so special. Infact abe i think I'm the one who brought this idea up to you.
  20. 0,Mature, active, but a little bit rusty on the rules as far as i've seen. A:8 M:8
  21. +1, know MOTD and is active, great addition to xG. A:7 M:9
  22. I remember You, #OldxG
  23. :/ it might be "the ct's jobs to check cells" but theres a ton of other ways to rebel on most maps(If you have no other way to rebel on that map, then it should just be removed), and im saying they only camp until a certain time, and half the people -1'ing this are people who camp in their cells :/ (Duckii excluded, she just Bhops and kills people somehow). That and with the recent wave of dumb CTs, they arent gonna check cells, and if they dont we can't say in admin chat "Check Cells" We'd be basically ghosting. That and the majority of newer players who dont know what to do, always camp cells(I'm on everyday, i notice this stuff) and a bunch of people complain when someone is camping their cells even before lr is guaranteed to a T.
  24. Apparently Abe said that wasn't him and mythic