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  1. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Floppy in Jailbreak /ct Ban For Dummies.   
    Some CS:S members(including myself) have brought this up for css before. The only problem is that you need someone to code the whole thing(unless there is one out there already that can just be applied to the server).
    Another idea that has been brought up is a survey that pops up when you try to join the CT(or blue, whatever you guys call it). Questions such as "What is a freeday" , "What do you do when..." etc. But again, that's only if one of the developers who handle this stuff want to do that.
    It would be much easier for staff to just inform the player of the rules if it is obvious that they don't know what they're doing. Or if they break some more minor rules, teamban them for a short period of time(depends on what they did), and let them learn the rules.
  2. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in Chinaman - Team Fortress 2   
    so like.... he killed a rebel and the guy behind him with penetration.... that's only a single freekill.... worthy of a slay... W the fuck?! week ban?!! And when you didn't even see it happen....?!?! +1 for unban
  3. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to ChickenPanda in Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    1. He did it once to teach us.
    2. Only you, sweetheart.
    3. Yep. And?
  4. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Wtf   
    Okay $moker.
  5. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Duke in Wtf   
    i miss css @Bleed and @Chrono need to finish csgo so i can a good jb we should riot till they finish!
  6. Sad
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DrLee in Wtf   
    CSS: "Unstack shoulder to shoulder."
  7. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblins in Summer Antics.   
    Work 9-10 hours a day of manual labor.
    Watch TV/anime.
  8. Dislike
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Flareon in Egossi   
    i -1 because of him not following rules on jb 1 and a bit annoying to be honest
  9. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Strawberry Dragon - Team Fortress 2   
    I really miss CS:S. :coffee:
  10. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblins in Strawberry Dragon - Team Fortress 2   
  11. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Shadower in Strawberry Dragon - Team Fortress 2   
  12. Dislike
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Moosty in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    ... I know why the ban was changed...

    From the tf2 higher up conversation, about a week or two ago.
    No personal attacks or shitstorm.
    This thread will be closed for now to avoid a derail and so [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] can reply.
    -closed for now
  13. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to diabeetus in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    First things first, it should be discussed with ALL community leaders, not just nom and silence. I don't know why the ban was changed pre-empively, it looks like someone just wants to see Vector permed in my opinion.
    Additionally, these secret conversations are kinda dumb. If you have something to say, especially if it involves something that was as disputed as Vector's ban, use admin discussion. We aren't a secret society, be more transparent about community issues. All higher-ups deserve to have easy access to all major community discussions.
    Lastly, I'd like some more info about what's happening in this conversation. Was there an open debate about the status of Vector's ban, or was it leaning more towards a forceful imposition of one viewpoint. Screencaps of the conversation would be greatly appreciated (sent via steam or in a thread in admin discussion).
  14. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Flareon in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    also most people here have some form favoritism to some degree so i can see why you plus one this protest.
    the old css memories cloud your judgment.
  15. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to realBelloWaldi in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    It's just their opinion, only because they've been here since ages doesn't mean they do t have a right to express it.
  16. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Foxy in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    Why was Vector banned in the first place? Although Vector could be a harsh person He never really bothered me and always inforced the rules, especially while he was an admin. I haven't played tf2 in about 9 months so i missed all the important aspects of him being banned in the first place but i have noted that since I've signed on more rules have been broken and theres more flaws with the servers now then there were 9 months ago. I've noticed people using No clip and resizing to kill people. And the random pop up advertisements are more then intrusive and obnoxious. The vector I knew would be one of a handful of people to call these things out simply because he played the game more then others. from my experience with vector I'd have to +1
  17. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Duke in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm Santa and i will stuff your ass full of coal if u wanna fight about it.
    But on a more related not, The only problem i can see with vector being unbanned early is people trying to get a rise out of him to get him permed or providing shit/faked evidence to get him permed.
    ALso @Ohstopyou you need to sit down and think on shit, you are not above the cl's they realized the punish was to harsh. You are not the final say if hes unbanned early or not. You say his posts are "bitchy/moaning" but admitted to not reading them. Has he hurt you that much you have to try your hardest to keep him banned? and unless you have proof people stopped playing because of him dont even bring it up, it seems more personal then anything between you two.
  18. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    probably because the owners of the channels, and the other people that are channel admins have an inherent belief that vector is worse than hitler and the devil combined, and would probably try to have him perm'd from ts if they saw him in the channel :^)
    On a more related note:
    +1 , Now vector is not Saint Nicholas, but then again, who really is santa? none of you guys. le hue
    He's not a bad guy, I look at his "bm" that you guys would claim, from what you could actually see in real evidence, and it's like a baby pool compared to anything I've seen. and on top of that more often than not, those claiming it are equally bad or worse in several cases. then the un-proved, evidence lacking claims of cyber bullying to the point of making people cry so hard that the server is shit if his presence is thought to be around and that they would never come back if he was. 1, no evidence of that, 2 that is ridiculous if people didn't play cs:s because rabid, netex, duckii, duckii jr, etc. were anywhere near the servers, then xg would not have been around for this tf2 community to flourish.
    That's all I'm going to say for now, I seem like a broken record constantly bringing up the "no evidence/proof" thing, but it's a fact. you don't just punish someone based on hearsay, you need cold hard evidence.
  19. Dislike
    xGShadowSpy reacted to ChickenPanda in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    -1. If my reason is needed I will give it. I feel like if I even try to explain why I'll just get bm'd to hell.
  20. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    uh? when was the last time i chewed someone out for not knowing the rules? if you're talking about the suicide thread, i was polite to people and where have i been rude for no sharing the same opinion as me lately? This isn't fair, the fact there are people who are supporting my unban from higher ups (with some others disagree). You didn't see an improvement on the suicide thread? you didn't see the politeness of the thread i made when kart YOUR MODERATOR cried to other members to defend my self? No, you are infact holding a grudge and only wish to see the negatives of a person's personality which is a problem with xG. I haven't even done anything wrong in past months. Absolute embarrassment.
  21. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    years? what? are you serious? i haven't been warned about jack shit since i started playing in tf2. Are you CLs actually straight up lying now?
  22. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in Vector - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Tom Brady Steam ID:

    It's on bans list, forums, and i have 100 friends in xg so u can find it. Information:

    I wanna be unbanned. it's obvious regardless if i'm in tf2 or not, shit will continue to happen. I kinda wanna play on servers again to give me a reason to play tf2. I'm not gonna lie and say i'm sorry for what i did/said because i'm not a chicken shit and i won't tell you what you want to hear. I still to this day think i "din do nuffin" but that's up to you to decide. This is a serious ban protest and should be treated as such.
    Also if i see another child say something along the lines of "if vector gets unbanned i'm leaving xG" i'm gonna scream. It's obvious you don't care about xg if you act in such a immature mannor. Also i don't want to see any more of instances like gwoash's (create a fake account, join xg, act as a different player to have another opinion on the forums").
    I still care about xG believe it or not and i want it thrive. Regardless of who is in xg is irrelevant because i actually like the servers.
    go crazy on this ban protest.
  23. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to TurdWig in Rip Css   
    yo let's bring back csgo jailbreak. i miss that shit so much. :(
  24. Friendly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Colorparty in Xg Hearthstone Cards   

  25. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Haruka in Xg Hearthstone Cards   
    @Bleed @Tsuchikure