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  1. Not Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Hype in Brian - Forum   
    -1, there's really not much to go off of
  2. Winner
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Nice Meme|| The Best Conversation I Ever Had   
    The forums need a memes section
  3. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Goblin in Nice Meme|| The Best Conversation I Ever Had   
    The forums need a memes section
  4. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Goblin in Did You Forget The Blueberries?   
    She really liked blueberries.
  5. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in I'm Back Baby   
    So when are the goodbye threads going up ;)?
  6. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Rip @me   
    Is this legit. If so, that has got to be one of the best reasons I've seen for someone getting grounded.
  7. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Opinion On Recent Events   
    proof>"common sense" is just a simpler way to make all bans justified, IMO and really if he is as bad as they make him out to be, if they had joined the server saw him talking crap, and then just start recording a demo then. not necessarily record every second of him, just when they think he is gonna take a turn for the worse. if he really honestly truly is that bad on servers, they would have plenty of evidence in ~15 minutes.
    edit: also, you could just ban him in server on the spot at the time of him being bad it's still very nice to have the evidence to back up your ban, you know, incase of a protest.
  8. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Waimalu in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    The only people who want him unbanned from what I see are the people who never (if not rarely) play on tf2 servers. I wouldn't have much of problem if he is unbanned on forums to prove himself, but on tf2 servers, just no.
  9. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Osiris in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    Edit: Not to dredge up past threads, but I spent like the past hour composing this proposal and wanted to put my thoughts in, but the thread JUST got locked before I could post it. If a decision has already been reached, whatever. Just wanted to voice my opinion. Lock this thread also if you deem it necessary.
    Alright, so based on the comments in this thread, it seems that many are in favor of a server ban, but divided on a forum or TeamSpeak ban. Apparently most of my thoughts have been voiced already, but I'll put my two cents in anyway. Just hear me out before you downvote my opinion.
    Many have threatened to leave if Vector is unbanned. Geez guys, do you really think that will make any difference? (I think @Chrono @xGShadowSpy @Brian @diabeetus know what I'm talking about.) I know most of you have a stake in this community or you've been burned by Vector before, but if you really care about xG then you'll stick it out regardless of who gets banned or unbanned. Personally, I think an unban of this caliber will show who the *real* Xenogamers are, but I'd rather not start that firestorm at the moment.
    I've played on the Pokemon Trade Server on and off for about 2 years, basically since I started playing TF2. Vector has been a butthole for quite a while, but he was still a great admin. He didn't cut corners or play favorites -- if you broke the rules he would mete out punishment accordingly. (Sure, he'd be a dick about it, but it's not like most of those guys didn't have it coming.) So even though he acted like a little turd sometimes after he was demoted, it's not like he's a paragon of evil. Geez.
    We all know that his behavior been tolerated for too long. He should have some kind of punishment. But a universal permban out of the blue isn't the way to do it (@Dethman @Flareon @Waimalu). I know Vector's history and I've seen his current behavior, and despite all the crap I think he deserves another shot. I think @Forest has a great proposal and I'm behind it 100%. I also agree with @Chrono and @Moosty in that 1) we need to go through the proper ban procedure (i.e. get evidence BEFORE we ban him) and 2) he needs time to cool off before we give him another shot.
    That said, and bearing @Forest's suggestion in mind, I have two (maybe three) proposals in mind. Both of these have been posted in one form or another already, but I'll add them anyway for convenience and clarity.

    The first is that we just unban him. No, I'm being serious. In this case, the staff will monitor his behavior closely, and the rest of us will treat him with respect. Don't incite him or make him lash out, but don't tiptoe around him or treat him like a pariah. Just be cool about it. If he starts something that is in fact ban-worthy, we submit it as evidence in an official player report and he's gone for good. Simple as that.

    The second proposal may be an easier pill to swallow for everyone involved. Treat this situation as we do an ex-member who is reapplying for membership. (A good recent example is @Vaporeon's application. Check out @metalslug53's post here: Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2 | Page 2 | Xeno Gamers) Give him a month to cool off, then unban him on the forums and let him submit a ban protest.

    The third proposal is kind of a combination of the two. He remains banned, but his sentence is shortened to a month. Once that time is up, he is unbanned on TeamSpeak and on the forums -- on "parole", so to speak. He can submit a ban protest or whatever, I don't really care. If he shows positive social improvement, we'll consider his ban protest and make a decision whether or not to unban him on the servers. Again, he's got only one shot at this, but we give him a legitimate chance to show improvement (see proposal #1). This whole process is kinda like "rehab" for him. If he makes us regret our decision, he gets thrown back in the can. He might shape up if he knows he's got a life sentence facing him if he doesn't.

    Personally, I like the third option. I just throw all these out there for you all to consider. If you have a better alternative or want to tweak one of my proposals, I'm all ears. I just think a permban simply based on past offenses isn't right. Think about it. In any justice system in real life, do we take reformed criminals and toss them back into jail just because they committed a crime a decade or two ago? No. Do we convict suspects based only on eyewitness accounts or public opinion? No. I think the same logic should be applied here.
    Hope you guys make the right decision.
  10. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    just because the effect of him being banned is something you think is 100% positive doesn't always make it good, or right? Keep in mind when I started that post-chain trying to get him unbanned, it wasn't only vector. it was everyone there.
    Like him or not, if you aren't going to present evidence, then there really is no reason for him to be banned. forest's compromise is something not even I would agree on, because he would still be (wrongfully) banned on servers, note: I say wrongfully because much like in teamspeak last night where you all started to see it, there is no legitimate evidence of anything more recent than about a year ago where a decision was already made to demote him. is he gonna get staff back? probably not anytime in the near future.
    I could gather all my friends, say stop coming on TS for a few weeks, and then claim @ThePenguin scared us away with his mexican-ness. and until he sees justice we wont return. but that just isn't how it works. now if I were to record penguin's disgusting over the top mexican-ness driving us away and present it as evidence, maybe he would be banned, and @Bleed would be safe to go on TS.
  11. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Goblins in Opinion On Recent Events   
    In all honesty, regarding people leaving the TF2 divison due to Vector coming back is completely stupid. I like xG, and have seen stupid stuff before, but this sets a new standard.
  12. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rabid in Well... Hey There.   
    I usually am able to glide along with a sentence pretty nicely but am having trouble starting this thread off. Cause i'm not really sure what i'll say, that being said i'll start it off with that.
    So.. Things i'll be discussing. My current stand with the clan, what happened and why I was unbanned. My apology to @Tekage and others I have offended in the past couple of weeks, even months I've been back.
    A quick statement before I begin this.
    I know there are alot of you that don't agree with what I say, and how i conduct my self, and how I behave, in a "safe forum" that should not be riddled with drama. Especially someone as "toxic" and as blatant I am with my constant disrespect, and that's okay every one is entitled to their opinion(s). If you don't see eye to eye with what I say in the rest of this thread, I'm sorry I couldn't make you change your mind about me.
    Moving forward.
    @Tekage ... ugh. Words.. man you know? What I've said to you and what I've done to you is completely unacceptable, I have been nothing but rude to you and for what reason? Cause of a video I saw you made on your thoughts of xG and why you are leaving? What right did I have to do that, I did not even know you, Nor do I even know you now. You seem like a pretty fine guy, and it was just me being me. Short tempered, angry, and a troll, for no apparent reason, and for that i truly am sorry for the things I've said and done to you without a reason. It was entirely unjust and unsanctioned for me to even begin to rag on you..
    And with that being said, I was giving one last chance by @Hidingmaster so with that being said a day long ban for what I've done to you for how many chances I have been given is not right, And I would like you, if okay by other community leaders. Is to pick a ban time for me, Let it be 1 week, 1 month, 1 year. I feel like you have earned that right, for going through the trouble of actually taking care of what I've done by creating a ban request on me, I only see it just. With that being said I would also like to send you the private conversation I had with @Hidingmaster explaining my self to him. To furthermore help with your decision. so @Tekage check your forum pm's when you finish up this thread.
    @Kypari .................................................................... Back to that statement i had earlier, "glide along with sentences" This is a hard one. I don't feel as if you deserves a full blown apology more so an explanation? f*ck it idk. What I said to you on steam, is pretty as "heartfelt" I can get with you, That being said there is a few more things i'd like to say to you.. There is some really really hurtful/toxic things I have said to you that has gone unnoticed let it be in the shoutbox or older threads. And for those I do apologize I should never be allowed to tell someone to off them self just cause they don't agree with what I've said, so kypari. I'm sorry.
    @Community leaders @Chrono @Nomulous
    Boys you are the backbone to this clan you're the glue that holds it in place. You are what keeps us running in a sanctioned manner. And I know myself alone with the forum sh*t that I pull is pretty hard to deal with knowing as I have been here a long time, and no one wants to be "that guy" that bans me since I'm pretty good friends with all of you. I'm sorry for how hard I can be to deal with, as I have came to this clan at a much earlier time, as some did you. Where the clan was not nearly as defensive and more so an open environment for people to troll and d*ck around, cause we were a smaller community. As the years passed xG grew, did it grow in a good way? or bad way? That's an unanswerable question. Yes cs:s is what this clan grew on what defined it as a clan,and is gone now, but it also grew exponentially in tf2 over the past couple of years, and is now self sustainable through ad money alone, with maybe a few hiccups here and there. Yes we have lost some great co-leaders along the way, @Aegean @Neo , But also found new ones and ones that have been loyal and as helpful as possible. So boys where am I going with this rant? Cheers to you for giving me the chances you do, and allowing me to stay in the place that defined my online personality back in 2010.
  13. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Osiris in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I read a few of these posts, and they made me want to throw myself off a cliff, so I'm skipping the rest and posting.
    Just because ONE person that you don't like gets unbanned, you're going to completely leave? Are you 3 years old?
    This is what that would show about you if you leave:
    1. You aren't mature enough to settle your differences, just talk to the person. If they still don't change? JUST AVOID THEM. He joins the server? Leave. Joins your TS channel? Leave, or blacklist him. Ignore him on forums, block on steam. You don't even need to be around or converse with him.
    2. If you will leave because 1 person you don't like is unbanned, you don't care for xG. Pretty much all of the friends I had when I first joined xG are gone, though I have a few newer ones, it still sucks. I still didn't leave.
    Anyway, I +1 his unban because the only reason a lot of these people are -1ing is because he's "hewt their feewins". Maybe keep a short ban on him, just not perm.
    ALSO I saw in a post that like"3 dls would leave" ohohoh, like 3 higher ups don't like him? I wonder why he's on tier 1 on the list...
  14. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    as for the reason this is a report abuse: some of you newer kids may not know this, but back in the day (when we were group banned from hellsgamers and a serious competition against them for players) it used to be if you were staff, you were held to a much higher standard. none of this second, third, fourth warning, then 2-5 chances shit. if you fucked up even in the slightest, did something worthy of a ban, not only were you banned. you were immediately demoted. not a demotion from say admin to moderator. you went from admin to member, received the ban (plus a slight increase in the length) and it was very hard to earn trust enough back to become even just a mod again.
    That's why this is an abuse report. that is why I am going hard on this. you want to clean up xG? you don't start by trying to clean the non-members and members. you start by cleaning the staff. If staff do something worthy of a ban, or aren't living up to their expectations, then they should not be staff. If you really want this place to be better, you need to take a good hard look in the mirror and get ready to get dirty, demoting your friends may be hard, but it is probably what needs done. If they truly deserve it, they would stay instead of rage quitting after a demotion like most others do, and earn that trust back slowly. not in a week or 2, but over months.
  15. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Brian - Forum   
    -1, there's really not much to go off of
  16. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tekk in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
  17. Not Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Hype in Brian - Forum   
    He posted the thread, but he didn't assist in any of the posting on it(unless he has one of the fake accounts, but there's no proof on that)
  18. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Barmithian in Brian - Forum   
    -1, there's really not much to go off of
  19. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Brian in Brian - Forum   
    -1, there's really not much to go off of
  20. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Brian in Asock - Forum   
    Oh, did somebody on the internet hurt your feelings? Bring this up the next time you see your therapist, you special, sensitive snowflake.
  21. Dislike
    xGShadowSpy reacted to diabeetus in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
  22. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Flareon in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I don't think this thread was made for insulting each other, it was made to criticize people, in a helpful manner like "Hey, work on this.... Try acting like this...", not "UR SUCH A FAG LEWL I H8 U I HOPE U DIE HEHEHEHHUH UHHUEHHEHE"
  23. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Ohstopyou in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    This is turning less and less into a criticism thread, and more and more into a shit slinging thread. Can we keep it on topic, instead of slinging insults?
  24. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tekk in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I don't think this thread was made for insulting each other, it was made to criticize people, in a helpful manner like "Hey, work on this.... Try acting like this...", not "UR SUCH A FAG LEWL I H8 U I HOPE U DIE HEHEHEHHUH UHHUEHHEHE"
  25. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I don't think this thread was made for insulting each other, it was made to criticize people, in a helpful manner like "Hey, work on this.... Try acting like this...", not "UR SUCH A FAG LEWL I H8 U I HOPE U DIE HEHEHEHHUH UHHUEHHEHE"