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  1. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Flareon in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I don't think this thread was made for insulting each other, it was made to criticize people, in a helpful manner like "Hey, work on this.... Try acting like this...", not "UR SUCH A FAG LEWL I H8 U I HOPE U DIE HEHEHEHHUH UHHUEHHEHE"
  2. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tekk in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I don't think this thread was made for insulting each other, it was made to criticize people, in a helpful manner like "Hey, work on this.... Try acting like this...", not "UR SUCH A FAG LEWL I H8 U I HOPE U DIE HEHEHEHHUH UHHUEHHEHE"
  3. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I don't think this thread was made for insulting each other, it was made to criticize people, in a helpful manner like "Hey, work on this.... Try acting like this...", not "UR SUCH A FAG LEWL I H8 U I HOPE U DIE HEHEHEHHUH UHHUEHHEHE"
  4. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Marceline in Drawings And Shiz Once Again   
    These top three were recently made and the other three were made in 7th or 8th grade

    @Goblin @Ohstopyou @Swift @Waimalu @whoeverelse

  5. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Kypari in Contest: New Rating Icons   
    I like these the most honestly
  6. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to realBelloWaldi in Contest: New Rating Icons   
    u wot m8

    http://img ur.com/a/8x89O {remove the spaces}

  7. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Dethman in Contest: New Rating Icons   
    I don't have the means of making them, but someone should definitely make a donkey rating for jackass
    Or one of those waste cans for toxic
  8. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to ThePenguin in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    After reading through this (and one other post by @Chrono ) I see the error of our ways and I want to re-evaluate the punishments handed out (whether it is reduced ban or no ban). I apologize for reaching such a harsh decision
    @Chrono smells
    @Bleed procrastinates more than me
    @ASock sucks at DOTA
  9. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Ohstopyou in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I'm a tiny bit messed up from getting my wisdom teeth extracted today, but I feel the need to say something before I go into a drug induced coma. Sorry if this sounds scatterbrained.
    Yes, the TF2 leadership and Dethman were in that conversation; however, we compiled the list of people that should be taken into question from asking the community as well as their complaints against them. That, combined with recent experiences, were forwarded along to the CL's and L's who then decided what should be done. Aka, we didn't come up with this tiered system.
    Many opinions and facts were expressed and discussed. Also, not everyone was punished, even if they were pointed out by the community.
    Sorry to have to make an example of someone. Asock was mentioned numerous, numerous times; however, due to recent warnings and understandings that were met, he was disregarded as needing punishment.
    TL; DR. The Tf2 staff and Dethman merely collected information from the community and added further input about recent experiences. The punishments were decided by the CL's and L's, and then agreed upon by everyone in the conversation.
    BRB going 2 pass out
  10. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from diabeetus in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    So...wait, you're mad at him for following the rules too well? Because that's what it looks like.
    There was something like what you did in the past, people changed their names and all started doing the same stuff(micspamming), because a higher ups allowed it(there's a video on xG YouTube of what happened, not sure if it includes the end. It was called MEM).
    What happened at the end? A Co-Leader at the time(Serbian) got on and started banning people for it. Which is a lot more serious than him muting the 2 people.
    Just because you said they could break the rules, doesn't mean they can. If you said they could all start mass free killing(if it was JB), that doesn't mean you can.
    Staff can enforce the rules strict if they want, since it is still written there, the rules doesn't say "No micspamming, unless a DM says so."
    Also, you said he should handle his own problems, instead of reporting it to kbrazz, isn't that why we have report abuses? Mods have no power over a DM, so what else can he do?
  11. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    So...wait, you're mad at him for following the rules too well? Because that's what it looks like.
    There was something like what you did in the past, people changed their names and all started doing the same stuff(micspamming), because a higher ups allowed it(there's a video on xG YouTube of what happened, not sure if it includes the end. It was called MEM).
    What happened at the end? A Co-Leader at the time(Serbian) got on and started banning people for it. Which is a lot more serious than him muting the 2 people.
    Just because you said they could break the rules, doesn't mean they can. If you said they could all start mass free killing(if it was JB), that doesn't mean you can.
    Staff can enforce the rules strict if they want, since it is still written there, the rules doesn't say "No micspamming, unless a DM says so."
    Also, you said he should handle his own problems, instead of reporting it to kbrazz, isn't that why we have report abuses? Mods have no power over a DM, so what else can he do?
  12. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Are you fucking serious? You wanted to put me onto tier 3 because I was doing my job?
    What really got me is that I had to tell A DM what to do. I'm only a moderator, and even you couldn't follow your owns rules. Id

    That's exactly what it is. I was telling him how to do his job.
    Here is the argument I had saved:
    It's pretty lengthy.
    I'm still annoyed about that.
    Right then, my turn.
    @ASock You aren't funny, never have been. Get yourself a life you worthless piece of shit. The only reason you haven't been banned yet is because you are liked by the CL's. Just get banned already pls.
    @Brian You're racist scum that doesn't deserve to be able to access these forums. I don't care for you nor do I want your negative presence here.
    @Moosty You don't do your job and you have a go at me? What is with you? You're higher-up than me in the staff roster and you can't even follow the rules yourself. You friends were disrespectful to me and you just let it happen as if you didn't have staff powers at all. Do your job already.
    @Bach I used to like you, but now look. You've disliked me this entire time and I feel betrayed. I didn't like what you said about me being annoying at all - it really hurt. I guess I was wrong about you being a good guy. Your post is even in my signature and was my status I was that distraught because I thought of you as a nice guy.
    @SupremeWolf Shut up. Literally, that's all I can say.
    Everyone else is pretty much alright in my book, not that anyone cares.
    @kbraszzz Stop ignoring me pl0x
    @metalslug53 yer2kwl
    @Rejects Can confirm is a good guy
    That's about it. Sorry for the long message.
  13. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DrLee in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    So...wait, you're mad at him for following the rules too well? Because that's what it looks like.
    There was something like what you did in the past, people changed their names and all started doing the same stuff(micspamming), because a higher ups allowed it(there's a video on xG YouTube of what happened, not sure if it includes the end. It was called MEM).
    What happened at the end? A Co-Leader at the time(Serbian) got on and started banning people for it. Which is a lot more serious than him muting the 2 people.
    Just because you said they could break the rules, doesn't mean they can. If you said they could all start mass free killing(if it was JB), that doesn't mean you can.
    Staff can enforce the rules strict if they want, since it is still written there, the rules doesn't say "No micspamming, unless a DM says so."
    Also, you said he should handle his own problems, instead of reporting it to kbrazz, isn't that why we have report abuses? Mods have no power over a DM, so what else can he do?
  14. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Kypari in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    So...wait, you're mad at him for following the rules too well? Because that's what it looks like.
    There was something like what you did in the past, people changed their names and all started doing the same stuff(micspamming), because a higher ups allowed it(there's a video on xG YouTube of what happened, not sure if it includes the end. It was called MEM).
    What happened at the end? A Co-Leader at the time(Serbian) got on and started banning people for it. Which is a lot more serious than him muting the 2 people.
    Just because you said they could break the rules, doesn't mean they can. If you said they could all start mass free killing(if it was JB), that doesn't mean you can.
    Staff can enforce the rules strict if they want, since it is still written there, the rules doesn't say "No micspamming, unless a DM says so."
    Also, you said he should handle his own problems, instead of reporting it to kbrazz, isn't that why we have report abuses? Mods have no power over a DM, so what else can he do?
  15. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Brian in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Teenagers (or rather those under 15) getting moderator was one of the worst decisions. The only way I have ever gotten their attention in TF2 servers was actively saying furries were mentally damaged and needed therapy, or that British people need to be wiped off of the face of the earth. The TF2 division is full of kiddies who censor you if you want to make a joke, no matter if it's in poor taste, or get butthurt too easily if they're the butt end of the joke. The Leader doesn't care about the quality of the players, so as long as you give him money or watch his ads. The kiddies themselves are entitled, 14 years old, complaining about ever little detail. I got threatened with a permaban the other day for dominating a member, going into friendly and taunting them. The Co-Leaders do nothing about complaints and instead post these bullshit threads every few months, saying "We need to talk", then never acting on it. One of the Co-Leaders is even VAC banned and he's still in.
    And you dare ask "Why is the clan so bad lately?"
    Find your rectum and remove your head immediately
    You have nobody but yourselves to blame. You let in the trolls, the crybabies and the mentally challenged drama queens, and as soon as they do something major, you ask "Why is the clan so bad?" Take a good hard look at yourselves, and maybe you'll find the answer. Until then, stop complaining you dumbasses.
  16. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Waimalu in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I wanna believe that you guys can stop the toxicity but I just can't see that happening with the fact that some people hate others and they can't just ignore them cuz the other person will bring up shit and then you have whole fucking storm of hate which is why I had to leave ts twice Saturday...
  17. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    still only highlighting the 1 part that semi-directly involves you. ;)
    atleast i can count on one of the CLs to be consistent.
    Go back to the parts about double jeopardy, retroactive bans, and that according to my trusted anonymous vigilante source, the involved parties in the convo were "CLs, Nomulous, TF2 DMs/DLs, and Dethman" which most notably comprises people who don't play tf2 much but have been known to have some issues with people (vector, iggy) in a one on one state, and TF2 staff that get "trolled by vector all the time" please show me how there is no bias at all in the party that was discussing banning him along with others who lightly bm compared to what you make it out to be.
    Note: jurors are cross-interviewed, just check out the people you want to give an un-biased opinion first. go to sources outside the immediate confines of xG, ask old co leaders to give some god damn god opinions instead of people that are salty over some bm they get when another feels they could do the job better.
    Note2: this is an open criticism thread, dont take it like a personal attack and get defensive when i state CLs in general are going about something wrong IMO instead look at it and give feedback on all the points
  18. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Tomahawk in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I guess I could ask something first!
    So why exactly grave-digging a punishment in the first place? I mean doesn't it just give you an alert that you've posted on an older thread. and you can simply ignore it if it is a grave-digging? (Btw I'm just wondering I'm not salty over my day ban (I was S-A-L-T-Y during my Day ban though)) I mean, I don't see any real repercussions from grave-digging.
  19. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I publicly do not support any of those bans in "toxicity"
    Before the weeaboos and furries and bronies and mexicans get at me for again stating my disapproval let it be known it is not just because I am chill with vector I protest his ban. Hell other than the recent perm you gave him, I probably have the most ban time given out vs. him. I do not support any of the bans, here is my reason.

    they are all retroactive bans (taken from things that have happened much in the past.)
    they are all double jeopardy bans (they are banned now for things they were previously tried for, and either acquitted or banned at their individual times)
    none of them compare to other trolls (no major offense towards rabid) but people like rabid and neteX were much worse than any of them ever could dream of. you know what happened to neteX? he got banned from servers and forums. it wasn't until he DoS'd xg that he got teamspeak banned. why are these people banned on TS? it's meant as a public grounds for all people to just talk and relax, very rarely is anyone ever banned on there. it's saved for special offenders (cont.)
    They aren't special offenders, they are light BMers. they dont actually troll (by definition target a person or group and go out of their way to harass them.) they have some salty attitudes and get angry quick, not actually troll. they don't do anything worthy of real bans especially from TS. the only real ban on the list i saw was @Bach for the hacking thing, while i disagree that he wasn't banned based on our rules that he shouldn't have, i see the good intention behind it. (note: batman has good intentions about being a vigilante but the police hunted him/technically are supposed to arrest him even in current comics where he works with commisioner gordon; they don't because he helps a lot)
    the "higher ups" involved in the conversation already have very very strong biased opinions towards the individuals in question. there was no way in hell you were going to receive a fair punishment when they are your only source of discussion.

    I feel as if the CL system was a good idea, take individuals from higher ups in different divisions, mix them together and get differing opinions, require votes etc. however when you take the opinions of only a select sample that all share common interest/ground, it will be very very very very very very very very very biased when situations like that arise, you should be looking to a real jury. and outside source of opinion who is not effected by it (i.e. if you want to "discuss" perming someone from TF2 because he BMs tf2 staff, you should look to individuals from CS:S CS:GO etc. who don't give a rats ass about tf2 to look over any real evidence instead of testimonials/opinions and then take action on a real jury and their thoughts)
    that's my thoughts on the recent development, i tried talking to a couple CLs earlier, and they thought i was saying bans are for pussies blah blah blah, instead of listening.
  20. Not Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Psa: Rules   
    Teacher: "You see kids, this is what a school shooting looks like"
    *pew pew*
    Teacher: "Wait, where'd they go?"
  21. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Flareon in Toxicity Reform   
    Most drama is made because those who instigated it can get away with it since some staff have favorites and show favoritism to others.
  22. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Flareon in Toxicity Reform   
    Well if threads like that end up with harassment and hate, punish them, isn't that the point of this thread, to punish people when things like that happen, and warn them beforehand?
    And since you messaged a lot of people to get the names, what did you do to decide who gets what tier? Was it the same where you messaged everyone on the punishment too, or only left punishment to higher ups? Some of those tier people should definitely be in different positions from what I have seen from them.
    Besides, protests are better because it leaves room for discussion. Many things have been solved in ban requests etc. by someone else posting and clearing something up, who otherwise may not have been able to do so
  23. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Dethman in Toxicity Reform   
    In my opinion, rather than instantly remove membership, make a member protest on all of them so the community decides.
    @Community Leaders
    I'm not sure about in the servers or teamspeak, but I haven't seen anything bad from vector on the forums in a while
  24. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from XHina_sanX in Toxicity Reform   
    In my opinion, rather than instantly remove membership, make a member protest on all of them so the community decides.
    @Community Leaders
    I'm not sure about in the servers or teamspeak, but I haven't seen anything bad from vector on the forums in a while
  25. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Kypari in Toxicity Reform   
    In my opinion, rather than instantly remove membership, make a member protest on all of them so the community decides.
    @Community Leaders
    I'm not sure about in the servers or teamspeak, but I haven't seen anything bad from vector on the forums in a while