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  1. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from diabeetus in Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 Oh and about the thread, All this started because hex said something kona deemed disrespectful to me, was something like "shit admin" blah blah, Me n Hex are friends so I took no offence to it, basically all this happened because after kona warned hex for what he said to me, it was a back n forth arguement that escalated (I dont even know how silence got involved in that though), also anything alice said to me was just joking around anyway, and even if he wasn't joking I wouldnt really care because I dont get pissed off at stuff like that.
  2. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to SonicRainbow in Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 Sure they disrespect, but all of you disrespect -.-
    I don't see why they get pulled out of this shit for it.
    I disrespect to, and I'm gonna do it now because its just getting way out of hand.
    Kona - You're a terrible mod, you don't do anything except for agreeing with people. You can't do anything yourself and you're barely active anyways and when you're on you don't really do anything.
    I do agree with the cock sucking stuff going kind of a tad bit far but again, all of you do it so it shouldn't really matter. All of our shit mods (90% of our mods are shit) all you do is abuse all chat, abuse unmuting and muting yourself, gag yourself which kinda spams the chat. You guys do it way to much. Then when something in game happens none of you do your job and actually fix the problem. Instead all you do to avoid the situation is "I didn't see it." If you're dead mod, admin, staff... You should be watching the players at all times (It's your fucking job) and if you don't necessarily "see it" that's because
    1. You're not doing your job as a staff.
    2. You don't really care what happens as long as your staff.
    3. You're tabbed out because you don't wanna get involved in what's happening in the game.
    If any of the above three reasons is what is happening; (90% of the staff I was mentioning about) (Don't wanna give names to the public, only for Darkwolf because then all of you will be immature about it) then please get off rankings and let people who actually care do it.
    Yes it's just a game but it's not fun when you're abusing and not doing your job.
    Now what does all this have to do with the situation?
    Again all I'm saying is that all of you members, and you staff disrespect so why is it bad for them doing it.
    Case Closed.
  3. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to kona309 in Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    How the fuck does this even relate to the thread?
    If your gonna shitpost, do it elsewhere.
  4. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Charles in Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Oh look! That's me! I'm fucked aren't I? I've been in this clan for about 2 years now... It's kind of disappointing how bad this clan has gotten over the years... The mods are blind, don't ban anyone... And the biggest problem of all... *Drum roll*... SILENCE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT CS:S ANYWAY! Who knew!? This post is probably going to get rated Shitpost x2, African x3, etc... But I'm glad I got to experience you're clan... It was good at the start, I made some great online friends that I really don't want to leave... But I'm sorry for disrespecting a clan leader that doesn't give two shits about the division I play in... Goodbye xG!
  5. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to GandalfTehGrey in Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i was joking with shadow cause we're friends btw and kona i do admit to disrespecting you and silence
  6. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Warday Rule Change   
    Wait.... people yell at you for calling those who don't understand the rules "faggots" even though they have been explained how the rule works more than a dozen times? There is seriously an issue here...
  7. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DCook in Give us back PermBans   
    +1, mods are more active than admins, removing perms for us is just plain dumb when it's something we need to use.
  8. Friendly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Otonashi in I applied/joined the fourms awhile ago!   
  9. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in Warday Rule Change   
    ....being within 10 to 15 feet of the entrance to the warday area is what "baiting a freekill" is.

    I think they should continue to be allowed to shoot through the doors, if you make it so that CTs cant shoot through doors then the wardays consist of the Ts standing outside the door shooting through it and yelling at the CTs that are shooting back...
    I do think that CTs should not just randomly spray out through the doors tho, they should only do it when firing back at a T they know is there.
  10. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DrLee in Concerning A decent mic.   
    McDonalds Mic
  11. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from diabeetus in Concerning A decent mic.   
    McDonalds Mic
  12. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tsuchikure in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    By the logic some are using with the vote thing, thats like if I made a vote to ban Jubens(Using him since hes on atm) and people voted yes, that I could do it.
    @@Matsi So what if he had the bind for late night JB? It's be common sense to remove it for normal days.
  13. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to MineCrack in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    That doesn't change darkwolf's claims. I also forgot since it's late at night and you're on jailbreak you can abuse your powers, sorry!

    I don't think you know what calm is.
  14. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 He did it vote first, it's kinda like when Hellafun gave everyone money for large bombs... except less abusive and it only effected a single round... ggnore

    It's ban @all and it was because of late night JB, calm your tits before your milk sprays out all over the place...
  15. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DCook in GTA5 Crew?   
    *runs home to buy stock*
  16. Informative
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Brian in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Once again, he doesnt do this "all the time" (You never play so you wouldnt know even if he did). He just started this yesterday (and hasnt done it today.)
    He started doing this yesterday because me, him, and a few others went on another server and were laughing about how people on xG only care if its the N word and not any other type of racism, then after that he kept saying it.
  17. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Brian in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He was gagged multiple times, and I warned him, as I said if i saw him doing it again I would kick him, not to mention the fact nobody ever complained (You included). Also, You are NEVER on and he just started this today, you're just mad because we kept picking bad maps.
    Still funny how you make a ban request on him, all you did was troll when you were on.
  18. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Brian in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1, he ended up getting gagged for it then stopped, hes still on and if he does it again he'll get kicked.
    EDIT: Not to mention the fact you said "every time he's on" when you never play
  19. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DrLee in Uhm.   
  20. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Uhm.   
  21. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Rhododendron in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    How about this: I will setup a blog integrated with the forum that will be completely moderated and whatnot. Would that be beneficial towards you guys?
  22. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Vector in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i was gone after he did it again you British son of a bitch
  23. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Jaybreeze in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    let me moderate the forums
  24. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in Uhm.   
  25. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to LeToucan in Uhm.   
    I dont people are getting the picture