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  1. Agree
    Brian reacted to Forest in Metal Thread   
    Have to post this. It's just been stuck in my head all day. Fackin' Disturbed.
  2. Smelly
    Brian reacted to xGShadowSpy in   
    We used to have a thread like this, it was better organized though, because we didnt have troll who ruined it
    ...then @@Gkoo banned @@IAmLegend ...
  3. Disagree
    Brian reacted to Warriorsfury in   
    I make the best threads.
  4. Like
    Brian reacted to Hidingmaster in   
    Its okay guys, just let the poor kid talk to himself, he gets lonely sometimes.. its okay Gkoo we all do.
  5. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from Hidingmaster in   
    literally the gayest thread to date
  6. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from SuperMaddud in   
    literally the gayest thread to date
  7. Like
    Brian reacted to LeToucan in   
  8. Winner
    Brian reacted to Hidingmaster in   
    ...the end...
  9. Like
    Brian reacted to Matsi in   
    I can do better if you'd like?
  10. Agree
    Brian reacted to DeathGod in George Zimmerman found Not Guilty.   
    cant flim flam the zim zam
  11. Agree
    Brian reacted to Jaybreeze in Uguuu   
    we know, get over yourself already
  12. Like
    Brian got a reaction from Rhododendron in Rotation Server Up   
    Still being worked on scrub
    Adding themes to all maps.
  13. Optimistic
    Brian got a reaction from Rhododendron in Rotation Server Up   

    Themes [Like Night, Spring, etc.]

    And that's it. Want to keep it as vanilla as possible. Gonna add a few more maps, but it'll take a while because they need to be configured.

  14. Like
    Brian got a reaction from Epix in Rotation Server Up   

    Themes [Like Night, Spring, etc.]

    And that's it. Want to keep it as vanilla as possible. Gonna add a few more maps, but it'll take a while because they need to be configured.

  15. Informative
    Brian reacted to Panduh in Deleting servers for CS:S *POLL*   
    I'm the developer of the Build Wars plugin; for whatever reason, Rhododendron linked me to this thread. I suspect it's because the plugin was paid for and he doesn't want to see the money wasted by having to shut down the server. Currently, this community hosts the only USA based server out of a dozen or so v3 clients, and only ~5 of those servers have any degree of ranking to show population. That alone should be bringing in some population, but it seems there's a bit of a barrier. As Rhododendron is my only contact with this community, I'm not familiar with its practices or how the servers are maintained, but as I regularly have people adding me on steam asking when I'll be throwing a server back online with the mod, there appears to be an issue.
    When I hosted the plugin under my last community, Ominous Gaming, the server was regularly bringing in 12 ~ 16 players for most of the day with it only de-populating in the wee hours of the morning for averages of 3 to 6 hours. Since the mod has engine limitations that put it at a maximum player cap of 20, that traffic was fairly well for a private mod. That player base should have been displaced when I shut the server down in August, and as Xeno Gamers hosts the only other server, they should have migrated over here (and they may have, but have left for whatever reason). Now as for the reason I've spent the time to reply. I really have no interest in starting a community up again, nor do I have the funds to justify hosting a server to get these players to stop pestering me. If the community has thoughts as to why the mod is not preforming well, or perhaps suggestions on how to improve the game play experience, I'd like to hear them. I've recently begun development of the mod again after a several month hiatus, and while I've taken strides to reduce the difficulty of hosting it, the game play elements remain mostly unchanged.
  16. Like
    Brian reacted to StOwnage in Metal Thread   
    Something a bit more out there.
  17. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from ScubaCat in What you guys like to drink (alcohol)   
    Wine [box Wine Preferably, because I don't have a developed enough taste for the expensive stuff yet.]
    Cranberry + Vodka tastes like Robitussin, but still pretty nice.
    Vodka Straight [Maybe in flames, changes the taste a little.]
    Jack and Coke.
    But my all-time favorite is Beer.
    Ranked in order, of course.

    German Beer
    Mexican Beer
    American Beer

  18. Smelly
    Brian reacted to nebulastar1 in Problem with a Mod   
    So going in buddha and sitting around spawn, DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, is spawncamping? I think not. And killing friendlys isnt against the rules. Also, I was waiting in the trees waiting for someone to exit spawn, once they got far enough away from spawn, then I hit them with a gangsta bat, or goomba stomp them, then I sticky jump away. I dont even go on the pokemon server that often, the last time I went on the server was 2 days ago. So, everything you just said just gave me the impression that you are half retarded.
  19. Agree
    Brian got a reaction from DMTwired in can someone tell me   
    Only way you can access it is through armory.
  20. Smelly
    Brian got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Great Job   
    Not only did you manage to piss off one of the largest map/model makers in TF2, but now you're in even deeper shit, because he has a ton of connections.
    You have no respect for anybody anymore. I already blacklisted all xG servers.
    Congrats. Now we'll never see another ported map from TF2, and you'll be on a lot of people's shitlist. Including mine.
  21. Smelly
    Brian got a reaction from Princess_Celest in silence what the FUCK are you doing?   
    That's like saying the president runs the country, or even Congress, and they're allowed to do anything they absolutely want, with no consequences. It's gotten to the point where people shit-talk silence all the time. We've all grown tired of the same old antics, even after he said he'll stop. We should be thanking him monthly, for letting us play on the servers, having free admin, and allowing us to get away with so much on the servers, but his childish actions are so mundane and endearing, it's become commonplace, and even welcomed to hate silence. I'm not saying we should praise him as our savior, but at least let him have the decency to respect us, if he wants us to respect him.
    How new are you kid?
    You know nothing of this issue, it's been going on for nearly 3 years, and you come in and defend him like his lawyer? Get out of here, kid. You're completely ignorant of the situation, and feel you want to be on the good side, or suck up to the leader, so you'll have more access to servers or something. Nobody likes a suck-up, especially when the suck up has no clue what's going on around him, and for how long, like Congress.
    So please, do us all a favor. Sit and spin.
  22. Smelly
    Brian got a reaction from MagicalPurple in silence what the FUCK are you doing?   
    That's like saying the president runs the country, or even Congress, and they're allowed to do anything they absolutely want, with no consequences. It's gotten to the point where people shit-talk silence all the time. We've all grown tired of the same old antics, even after he said he'll stop. We should be thanking him monthly, for letting us play on the servers, having free admin, and allowing us to get away with so much on the servers, but his childish actions are so mundane and endearing, it's become commonplace, and even welcomed to hate silence. I'm not saying we should praise him as our savior, but at least let him have the decency to respect us, if he wants us to respect him.
    How new are you kid?
    You know nothing of this issue, it's been going on for nearly 3 years, and you come in and defend him like his lawyer? Get out of here, kid. You're completely ignorant of the situation, and feel you want to be on the good side, or suck up to the leader, so you'll have more access to servers or something. Nobody likes a suck-up, especially when the suck up has no clue what's going on around him, and for how long, like Congress.
    So please, do us all a favor. Sit and spin.
  23. Winner
    Brian reacted to Pepper in silence what the FUCK are you doing?   
    Ok @@Matsi yes he pays the bills, yes technically he can do what he want, but that doesn't mean he should. Instead of working on something that will benefit the community (hub) he decides to work on something that pisses off members of the community. One of those people included serbian. It usually takes a lot to piss serb since he usually gives little to no fucks about what people do. I was also there when Brian tried to talk to silence about the problems in the community and for a little bit it was a normal conversation and he tried to talk but then he just became irritable. Brian tried to talk and Silence ignored him and seemed not to give a fuck when Brian was trying to help. Also those fucking screamers Silence does. I am probably gonna go deaf because of those damn things. He makes bots that follow people and is hotmicing a screamer. I have thrown headsets off because of the noise.
    I am getting tired of these childish antics from our leader who is the main representative of xG.
  24. Agree
    Brian reacted to Rhododendron in silence what the FUCK are you doing?   
    I swear to god if I searched your posts, this same statement would show up 30% of the time.
    Yeah I got carried away and messed up. Sorry about that, won't happen again. I guess since I lost my powers for a bit I panicked.
    And Matsi, yes I have the right to do it, but doesn't mean I should. It's not helping anyone.
  25. Smelly
    Brian got a reaction from MagicalPurple in Server Input/Ideas [Han Yolo]   
    Trade Servers

    Often considered to be the pinnacle of the xG, this server could use a few more things. Here I present just a few ideas on how this could be improved.

    1. Add spawn protection

    This is needed dearly, as too often have I been spawn-camped by some Beggar's Bazooka soldier, or some spawn sniping from the top of the pokemon tower. This could be only 5 seconds, maybe to give a fighting change against those idiots. Which brings me to my next point.

    2. Add a simple !rules

    The !motd is ugly. It's off-center if you're not playing at 1080p, the scroll wheel is awkward to use, and it causes lag on lower end computers, especially on ones like mine. With the simple one, it's right in game, requires virtually no load time, provides a basic understand, and also allows for further in-depth explanations, but it looks more organized. Maybe even add of of those [i agree] spots when a person enters a server.

    3. Add gifts [Possible RTD Replacement]

    [TF2] Gift Mod [2.0] - New update! - [7/31/2015] - AlliedModders
    This plugin would be fun, as it rewards players for actually killing others, instead of mindlessly spamming rtd in chat. I think it's much more of a risk, and personally would be very fun to use. I've used it before, but had to remove do to creative differences.

    4. Add donator functions

    Some simple donator functions would be a refreshing take on the servers, and generate some income, for reasonably decent prices. 5$ a month could give you some features, such as Powerplay, higher RTD/Gift chance, Godmode that does no damage to others. It could cost a mere 5 dollars, or 4 keys, a month. The keys could be sold cheaply to SourceOP, and help bring in more players as well.
    Saxton Hale / Freak Fortress Server

    XenoGamers used to have one of the greatest Freak Fortress / Saxton Hale servers. After a certain update, though, it continually crashed, and was rendered unusable. It was attempted to be brought back one time, but many were on vacation, or had school to attend, or simply lost interest. That, and much of the original content was missing. I have a feeling that right now, this summer, is now a better time than ever to start up a new Freak Fortress Server, but this time with greater and better bosses. Maybe add all the features, except being able to choose your hale, because that ruins the fun.
    That point asside, I for one want one. In fact, a few days ago, one was even attempted to be set up, but lack of knowledge in TF2 prevented it from becoming a reality. Being easy to populate, New members, and Community involvement are what Freak Fortress is. That, and it's addicting.
    Really, really addicting.


    Why is payload sitting there, taking up space? Because, it's broken. The map voting hasn't been working in while. I bet if you could fix that, it would be populated non-stop. Maybe add a few kicks here in there, but attempt to keep it as vanilla as possible. Maybe add a !robot or Model Manager for donators, but the server is entirely made of Payload. It has a ton of custom maps, which bring in new ideas, and are always fun to play. It's almost sad to see it be such as waste.
    Maybe organize a few nights a week where you actually attempt to populate, not join for 15 minutes, get bored, then leave. That's called minimal effort. I'm talking about playing for a decent 3-4 hours, getting a huge part of community involvement, and watch the players roll in.

    Just some ideas.