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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by easy

  1. Yes unique & snackbar ! <3 Congrats to everyone else too! :)
  2. Truth sucks, don't it? JOKES, YOU MAKE THE PARTY, WITH YOUR CUTENESS & WHAT NOT! <3
  3. Not really. I think you're a pretty big [ATTACH]1505.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. easy


    syn, we don't need pics, we have it in our memories, but... I'm always up for round 2, let's make foxxy & penguin watch, while we go Reverse cowboy. :$
  5. C'mere hagr-..... Grizzly adams <3
  6. Sarcasm, or real? Can't tell.. Also, Smoker; Aegean is on TF2 ALL the time, you're never on TF2, it's a free download, download that & try playing on JB & TF2 activley & daily like aegean, I'm not on "Aegeans dick" as you said to joshi, I'm just defending him because you were wrong to announce his activity.. 5 days 13:35:28 hours <-- Aegeans activity... That's plenty. 3 days 22:56:20 hours <-- Duckii's. That statement was invalid, smoker. I'm still at a 0, Duckii does her job other than a couple bad habits, she's a good person, although, she does need to learn how to forgive people. I understand she's one of those people who don't forgive easily (If you don't want me posting this, duckii, tell me & I'll remove it.) & it needs to be worked on. Final point; Just because you don't see someone on, doesn't meen they don't play, unless you're playing on ALL the servers 24/7, you're not going to see people. I lied, that wasn't the final point; Smoker, hybrid isn't telling duke to kick anyone, she's simply just warning duke & making him aware of the person, & if the server is afk, then they need to be kicked because they're taking up space, so back off. Just because they're new, doesn't meen they're not important. Remember, members make xenogamers, who we are. xGForever&Always<3 EDIT: The activity, is jailbreak only. Think about that..
  7. easy

    Just learn to live with it.
  8. easy

    You're still a woman with a penis.
  9. ^This, but she doesn't really need to go "undercover" or whatever unless she's like watching a hacker or something.. & to the people saying she isn't on Jailbreak, there is MORE than just jailbreak. She's always on minigames, Dust 24/7 & surf. So stop saying that.
  10. Duckii is on almost everyday, for like 2 hours..
  11. easy

    & You're a shemale.
  12. easy


    I Love his sexy little body. It's so snuggly & pretty. I could just look at him all day, who's with me?!
  13. Have any of you people thought it's because she has a life other than xG? She doesn't have to be on everyday..
  14. Duckii & I are having a conversation over forums (Not going to explain here). Duckii says this shit to me constantly, I don't know whether she's being serious, or being a duckii. She is active on some servers (Minigames, Dust 24/7 e.t.c.) but not the ones that needs people (Surf, Jailbreak, TF2), but she could atleast be more active on forums & teamspeak. Also, with what silence said, I do find it wierd why she doesn't wear the xG tag even though she's a CO-LEADER. But back on topic; Duckii & I used to be good friends, & then I supposedly did something (Not getting in to detail) & she deleted me & what not. Whenever I join a game she's in she says immediatly "Go away kill no one likes u" I don't like it, by I ignore it. I think she can be disrespectful & doesn't want to be wrong, but c'mon, who here is openly admit that you were wrong everytime you screw up? I sure as hell don't wanna. She spams, & it gets annoying, but that's not worthy of demotion from co-leader. I'm at a 0, because she IS disrespectful (I think) at times, but she does her job properly when she is on..
  15. Well, this racism itself should get him a ban.. I say atleast 1day. Hmm, strange, an admin abuse thread, turned around! Either way, mullin is a good mod, but since I wasn't there for when he supposedly slayed him, I can't really have a legal vouche in the admin abuse, but I think this guy should be banned (Teh_roxxor)
  16. Alright, let me get my typing fingers out... Aegean, you are completely right. I hardly EVER see mods in spectate. I always see admins & division leaders in spec, but hardly mods. Also, it seems as if at times, I'm the only one on actually doing my e-job.. No offense to everyone else, but it seems as if you guys are slacking off. You were given powers, USE THEM! If you are scared of stopping the game for 30seconds, then why do you got powers? People aren't going to make fun of you... I come in-game, & maybe there's 2 mods or something on, with 40-50 people, & NONE are in spec, so I say "Why don't you guys go in spec?" then respond "Don't worry, there's no freekilling/rulebreaking going on" Like, are you kidding me? Not even 10 seconds later, a person is complaining they got freekilled, & NOTHING is done about it. You have to do your duties, & sometimes not play the game as a player, & play as a moderator.. If people complain about a freekill, don't just ignore it because you think they're just lying.. we've all been there, & we've all been freekilled, you HATE when the person doesn't get slayed. Like aegean said, when you slay someone for freekilling you, why not just say, "You freekilled me, can you try & be a little bit more careful next time?" Instead of "You're a fucking dumbass, you freekilled me, fuck you" *teamban*. I've had powers since late august/early september & just recently got promoted to admin.. I'd love to see some of the mods try a little harder as well as some admins. I myself also have to work on going spectator more.. Anyways, this was NOT directed to mohammad personally. It was directed to a lot of people. Thanks, EZKill.
  17. You aren't 14.. you sound maybe 12.. -1 Though, You break rules quite frequently. Maybe if you show that you've changed, I'll reconsider my vouche...
  18. easy


    STEAM_0:1:18372430 ^ His steam id..
  19. easy


    I love him, +1
  20. ^Banned for having the same last name as me, except spelled differently
  21. Quoted... 1: I'm 5'8 1/4 2: I'm a 400 meter provincial champ (Running), Play Rep A soccer, Triple A basketball, & Rep A Hockey 3: I live in canada 4: I'm in Grade 10 5: I get frusturated easily when playing a sport, & people are being dumbass's during the game.
  22. It doesn't matter if it's longer, we can skip through it.. just give us the tick time, if it was recorded in-game.. if not, then idk.
  23. easy

    favorite person

    You're Mr. Wonderful :$ vvv You're first on my sig <3