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Everything posted by easy

  1. easy

    favorite person

    It's an inside joke.. jeez. Syn, you make me want to climb into bed with you when you're sleeping & take pictures.. in a non-homophobic way..
  2. easy


    EDIT: I'm not gonna sink down to your level. Good day
  3. easy


    Alright, So it was a nice day on jailbreak, the map just changed to canyondam, & OH MAI GAWD, Myself & someone else are on CT. I proceed to call warden, & say "Out of cell you're a rebel" We then start unloading on the T's as they rush at us, gawd kills sakurai & someone else, sakurai says in admin chat "oh mai gawd killed me and like 10 others, slay?" I say I called out of cell you're a rebel, they were legit kills. (Over mic) I then next round post him saying the freekill thing in admin chat saying "lawl @ him only killed 2 people" & then it starts e.t.c. He's an overall douche, & needs to be kicked out of xG & banned for who knows how long. He just got unbanned, & is already starting again. I banned him for 1hr for him to chill, but it needs to be longer. He's making xG go downhill & we don't need him here tl;dr sakurai is a douche & needs to be banned/kicked out of xG. proof: EZKill Whats your problem & Steam Community :: Error (View all from today) Thanks, E.Z.Kill EDIT: I know he left, but I think he should be banned.
  4. He has been banned, wrongfully, though. He DOESN'T hack, he's just better than you, plain & simple.
  5. LOL, You're butt hurt because you got demoted.. You should calm down. It's a game, you shouldn't of said anything. Range, <3
  6. LOL, You're dumb, I only banned you, ben gagged & kicked you. I have screenies of what you said, I didn't start anything... EDIT: & What happened to the admin abuse thread, & your big boy recording?
  7. easy

    favorite person

    Is it wrong, that I love you? Oh, & I forgot one person in my favourite list, I don't know how I could forget them... Cookie. Even though she is a liar, saying she ISN'T asian, which she is!
  8. YOU BITCHES MAD I BROUGHT OUT THE PERMA BAN HAMMA !??!?! I'LL DO IT TO EVERYONE SINGLE ONE OF YOU MUTHA FUCKERS, except you *points at you*. I love you. Either way, this is doug breaking only 1 rule, why ban him for that? This just warrants a slay..
  9. easy


    Well, Duke is a pretty good mod, LOL, Jokes, he's the worst *white text ahead* Nah, I'm joking about joking.. He's good, and he knows when to teamban him, but although, since you didn't post all the proof there's nothing to show him abusing.. -1..
  10. easy


    -1, loser Jokes, +1
  11. Exactly what I was thinking..
  12. easy


    I'm at a 0 for now, at times, I find you a cocky, ignorant jerk, & at others, I find you a great guy who knows all the rules...
  13. easy


    For all we know, those could've been legit kills e.g. mass rebelling, not following orders, e.t.c. The people who got killed could just be raging or something. For now, untill I see more proof, -1.. Also, in the screenie, it says "He's been freekilling all day" So, why not RECORD?!?!?! Silly people these days...
  14. *Grabs crazy glue & gives to syn* This should help :)
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vU5Mm-jXeQ&feature=related wanna shake hands? *extends hand*
  16. easy

    Mac gamer

    lol, you guys are really +1ing to get him banned for proof of him saying only 1 thing? Until I see some more proof, I'm at a -1. Don't get so mad over 1 racist thing he said. That only warrents a gag/kick
  17. -1, sorry, you break the rules almost every time I'm on, & you aren't very mature either. Wait a bit and show me you've changed, then I'll +1.
  18. -1 Chicken is a faggot, what? LOVE YOU BABE <333 +1+1+1+1
  19. kevin, don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong.
  20. If you need to know why he was banned, we would tell you, but we didn't. Hence: You DON'T NEED TO KNOW. This was very serious, and should not be taken lightly. I request an IMMEDIATE close on this thread. He is not getting unbanned, nor will EVER get unbanned..
  21. Josh, How could you forget Josh? .. Anyways, I'm sad to see you go, I need to talk to you as well, so yeah. <3
  22. -1 NO FORMAT / PROOF. FAGGOT. GO CRY MORE. QQ I like penis. Sh.
  23. easy


    aawwww gaaaahd. Jiizzzzz.