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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. I'm sorry hurrhurrhurr *cry*
  2. Foxxy


    Highlight it bro, HIGHLIGHT IT.
  3. Foxxy


    Some of Heisenberg's mom's vag. Bacon, that's it, qq.
  4. Intense Faggotry.... Yeah pretty much.
  5. Search your feelings. The way I see it, the only real option here is the new girl. You're not sure you're bi-sexual (Which I respectfully accept, considering how disrespectful I am.) If you and your ex broke up and it was for a good reason, then it's probably the best you two stay separate and be friends. Redheads are hot. gg /thread
  6. Foxxy

    Pirating question.

    So I have LOADS of these DVDs (4.7GB) and say I wanna download something that's 12GB, how does one go about on doing this?
  7. Foxxy

    Always bored

    Perm ban everyone and unban one by one. ---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ---------- Perm ban everyone and unban one by one.
  8. -1, I changed my mind. Just read the rest of his posts.
  9. Foxxy

    New favorite rapper.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0 This was my last favorite rapper.
  10. Actually my dad has Windows 8 from my uncle who works for Microsoft, it's more of a between alpha and beta. (Can't really describe it.) Anyways I have AMD x6 @ 4.0GHz 8GB Memory 6870 HD x2 3 TB HDD
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKhY5eJHJUA&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
  12. Give me a budget, and I will guarantee you the best bang for your buck.
  13. 1. I have a huge penis. 2. I can bench press 500 lbs. 3. I'm a rich white man. 4. I hate black people. 5. I'm a good liar.
  14. Foxxy

    Cats or Dogs?

    I like Chuck Testa.
  15. Foxxy

    $1.50 more?!

    1.50? 15 at least..
  16. A genuinely nice guy, played a couple rounds with him. I'm sold. +1
  17. Foxxy

    Shit asian dads say.

  18. Foxxy

    Exam week's over!

    Play Co-op with me sometime fatty.
  19. Foxxy

    Exam week's over!

    Yo dood I'm cunning and sly.