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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. She's a co-leader, shouldn't she be doing all those things anyway?
  2. Foxxy


    Jesus has arrived. #lolfloodlesmyhero.
  3. I would cry if I am not involved in this. I probably won't be. Hurrhurrhurrhuur #cryingnonstoptrololonotfunnyiwannakillmyself.
  4. Foxxy

    Favorite Series?

    I can sue you for quoting me in your signature. #copyrightnazitrololololhatercomeatme.
  5. Foxxy


    You're welcome hotstuff. Very welcome.
  6. Foxxy


    Re-read it bro. I said I hate to be pessimistic and jump on the "Oh your dad's a bad man". I'm saying instead of looking at it that way, go outside more often, naw'mean?
  7. Foxxy


    I hate to be pessimistic about the situation, so why not take the opportunity to be outside more?
  8. I am calm, I'm just saying it annoys me.
  9. I don't like him. -1 I love him. Plus numero uno.
  10. I didn't agree to bump at all, Once a few days AT MOST. Your app doesn't even leave the first page..
  11. 1. I hate XenoGamers 2. I love HellsGamers 3. I hate everyone 4. I love no one 5. I'm homosexual lulznojk
  12. Foxxy

    Billy Mays IRL

    You tell knock knock jokes?
  13. Definitely should be in the MOTD, it should be thrown right on their faces. I see a lot of "Admins don't care about freekilling" WAY TOO MUCH.
  14. Foxxy


    Yep, so the vouch should be void then.
  15. http://cristgaming.com/pirate.swf
  16. Foxxy


    I'm sorry to sound naggy, but I don't think I know who you are... have we met? Just trying to prevent post-whoring.
  17. I don't mean to judge a book by its cover, but what I saw from here did not impress me, he lied twice and maybe another time about his age. Not trust-worthy to me, maybe immature. -1 for now buddy.
  18. Think I will get mod? Say yes bitch or I'll cut you. I'm not a funny guy. Turtles can breathe through their butts. Remember to highlight, ya clowns. :)
  19. A better way would be a better guideline in writing vouches. I see a lot of "+1 cool guy, +1 fun guy". I'll elaborate on this idea more later on, but I'm braindead right now and lost the good guidelines I had in mind. :(
  20. Also don't need to bump your thread so much. Once a few days and that's it please, I hate notifications.
  21. There's no proof going either way, so let's not make a big deal about it.
  22. Looks like he might be *puts on sunglasses* deep in shit. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.