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Reputation Activity

  1. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from DCook in Staff Roster, Helpful Notes, Rules And Other Things   
    remove everyone from csgo staff except bleed myself penguin and necromancer. that is all.
  2. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    Sorry just got home. was in a pretty intense crash coming home from school.
    Matsi & shadowspy pretty much summed it up. duke i guess too. the cls in the channel as well as other long standing staff all supported the rationality of the decision (prior to posting that i would ban)
  3. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Kittylicious   
    Closing this ahead of time, to prevent further shit from storming, also to allow for all issues on the same subject to be centralized into 1 individual thread. Please do not re-post this on the other thread, I will link to this post for you in a new post.
    @Hidingmaster @ThePenguin @Gawd @diabeetus
  4. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Kthxbai   
    This is enough. Time for the #banningspree There are no survivors.
    Banning spree commences as soon as I am done seasoning steaks and lighting bbq.
  5. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Kthxbai   
    btw @Egossi the last person to make a thread like this, i banned them until january 2020.
  6. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Kthxbai   
    This is enough. Time for the #banningspree There are no survivors.
    Banning spree commences as soon as I am done seasoning steaks and lighting bbq.
  7. Drunk
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I'm gonna try to explain the forums again... as slowly as possible.
    Only the people who are banned, and silence (nomulous) can see the written reason for why they were banned. the person who banned them knows because they wrote it, what the reason was. the person banned and the banning admin know the reason they were banned.
    Again, if they are saying they don't know why they are banned, they are either playing dumb to garner your sympathy since you are trying to argue that it was abuse when nobody else sees it that way, or they have the shortest of short term memory.
    From an anonymous vigilante: (not a 100% direct quote but it is 99.9%) immediately after their bans the ones banned were in a channel in teamspeak with nomulous continuing to shit talk and asking nomulous to unban because they didn't think they trolled hard enough to deserve a 1 day ban.
  8. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Matsi in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I'm gonna try to explain the forums again... as slowly as possible.
    Only the people who are banned, and silence (nomulous) can see the written reason for why they were banned. the person who banned them knows because they wrote it, what the reason was. the person banned and the banning admin know the reason they were banned.
    Again, if they are saying they don't know why they are banned, they are either playing dumb to garner your sympathy since you are trying to argue that it was abuse when nobody else sees it that way, or they have the shortest of short term memory.
    From an anonymous vigilante: (not a 100% direct quote but it is 99.9%) immediately after their bans the ones banned were in a channel in teamspeak with nomulous continuing to shit talk and asking nomulous to unban because they didn't think they trolled hard enough to deserve a 1 day ban.
  9. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I agree it is rude, I apologize for that. but you asked me "what was the reason for banning them?" several times.
  10. Drunk
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I'm gonna try to explain the forums again... as slowly as possible.
    Only the people who are banned, and silence (nomulous) can see the written reason for why they were banned. the person who banned them knows because they wrote it, what the reason was. the person banned and the banning admin know the reason they were banned.
    Again, if they are saying they don't know why they are banned, they are either playing dumb to garner your sympathy since you are trying to argue that it was abuse when nobody else sees it that way, or they have the shortest of short term memory.
    From an anonymous vigilante: (not a 100% direct quote but it is 99.9%) immediately after their bans the ones banned were in a channel in teamspeak with nomulous continuing to shit talk and asking nomulous to unban because they didn't think they trolled hard enough to deserve a 1 day ban.
  11. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Ribbit in Kthxbai   
    This is enough. Time for the #banningspree There are no survivors.
    Banning spree commences as soon as I am done seasoning steaks and lighting bbq.
  12. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Ribbit in Kthxbai   
    btw @Egossi the last person to make a thread like this, i banned them until january 2020.
  13. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Tomahawk in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    they were all banned for the same thing. trolling. the reason i put as i said was "BanningSpree" which in the context of the bans, they all know meant for trolling. why are you trying to argue that there was no reason for the bans? everyone else sees the reason, and the warnings clearly. they all knew what they were getting into, when they did that. they may not have thought of it at the time, but they knew what would happen.
    that's like saying "oh yeah, i looked at your recent criminal history and you didn't rob any stores for 5 years, congratulations, even though you and your whole gang had a string of robberies you were convicted for just before those 5 years, so i'll let you slide with a warning on this one boys."
  14. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Dethman in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    First - Why would I go up to each person and warn them each time they shitpost in an attempt to troll... per each thread? They have all been warned a few times (a couple warnings coming from yourself also) in the various threads. So what you are saying they had no warning to stop (note they were warned as recent as a couple days ago even with the kittylicious thread) is A) bullshit or B ) you want me to warn them on a per thread basis which is also bullshit. all of them have been given numerous warnings about intentionally trolling on the forums (see the last few shitstorm threads and if that isn't enough, the previous major shitstorm threads, duckii jr, duckii, etc. threads)
    Second - As far as clear warnings, yes it could have been much more clear than "Stop this shit right now, or I will be going on a banning spree unless chrono gets to it first" - @ThePenguin or "any further trolling will result in immediate 1 day forum bans and pending decision to increase the length based on severity" - @Nomulous
    So this is I guess a shoutout to all them hood rats not giving clear enough warnings about stopping the trolling shitposts.
    also only those listed were banned + kendrick rip in pepperonis

    oh and egossi, but everyone was about to ban him too, i just beat you all to it.
  15. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    First - Why would I go up to each person and warn them each time they shitpost in an attempt to troll... per each thread? They have all been warned a few times (a couple warnings coming from yourself also) in the various threads. So what you are saying they had no warning to stop (note they were warned as recent as a couple days ago even with the kittylicious thread) is A) bullshit or B ) you want me to warn them on a per thread basis which is also bullshit. all of them have been given numerous warnings about intentionally trolling on the forums (see the last few shitstorm threads and if that isn't enough, the previous major shitstorm threads, duckii jr, duckii, etc. threads)
    Second - As far as clear warnings, yes it could have been much more clear than "Stop this shit right now, or I will be going on a banning spree unless chrono gets to it first" - @ThePenguin or "any further trolling will result in immediate 1 day forum bans and pending decision to increase the length based on severity" - @Nomulous
    So this is I guess a shoutout to all them hood rats not giving clear enough warnings about stopping the trolling shitposts.
    also only those listed were banned + kendrick rip in pepperonis

    oh and egossi, but everyone was about to ban him too, i just beat you all to it.
  16. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    First - Why would I go up to each person and warn them each time they shitpost in an attempt to troll... per each thread? They have all been warned a few times (a couple warnings coming from yourself also) in the various threads. So what you are saying they had no warning to stop (note they were warned as recent as a couple days ago even with the kittylicious thread) is A) bullshit or B ) you want me to warn them on a per thread basis which is also bullshit. all of them have been given numerous warnings about intentionally trolling on the forums (see the last few shitstorm threads and if that isn't enough, the previous major shitstorm threads, duckii jr, duckii, etc. threads)
    Second - As far as clear warnings, yes it could have been much more clear than "Stop this shit right now, or I will be going on a banning spree unless chrono gets to it first" - @ThePenguin or "any further trolling will result in immediate 1 day forum bans and pending decision to increase the length based on severity" - @Nomulous
    So this is I guess a shoutout to all them hood rats not giving clear enough warnings about stopping the trolling shitposts.
    also only those listed were banned + kendrick rip in pepperonis

    oh and egossi, but everyone was about to ban him too, i just beat you all to it.
  17. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from xGStumpy in Kthxbai   
    btw @Egossi the last person to make a thread like this, i banned them until january 2020.
  18. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Scootaloo in Kthxbai   
    btw @Egossi the last person to make a thread like this, i banned them until january 2020.
  19. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from DeathGod in Kthxbai   
    btw @Egossi the last person to make a thread like this, i banned them until january 2020.
  20. Drunk
    Chrono got a reaction from Egossi in Kthxbai   
    This is enough. Time for the #banningspree There are no survivors.
    Banning spree commences as soon as I am done seasoning steaks and lighting bbq.
  21. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DeathGod in Kthxbai   
    This is enough. Time for the #banningspree There are no survivors.
    Banning spree commences as soon as I am done seasoning steaks and lighting bbq.
  22. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from DrLee in Questions About Users   

    as far as time, i think i have used an exponentially increasing amount.. based on frequency between cases.
    (since forums only work with day bans)
    first time: 1 day, they do it immediately after being unbanned 2 days etc. etc. it typically stops and for a while/indefinitely to where it would "reset" to 1 day.
  23. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Petition To Fix Shack News Bot   
  24. Drunk
    Chrono got a reaction from Legend in Need some decent/durable 50$ headphones   
  25. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Egossi in Forge, Muzzle, Izanagi, Kendrick, Starmix, Moosty   
    topkeking on your close, just a heads up guys, if this keeps going the way it looks to be going (if it gets re-opened, hell at this point it doesn't need to be) rather than talking it out with you, i can almost guarantee all of you, OP included will be banned for a determined amount of time. servers, forums etc.