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Reputation Activity

  1. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Lemons in GTA   
    y u so poor?
    im different
  2. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Putting that prize money to use   
    forests>dogs atleast copy the right wiki...
  3. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Peechis_Jr in rip csgo 2013   
    says the negro I invited yesterday to play jailbreak with necromancer and I, who didn't join. it's only dead if you make it dead.
  4. Disagree
    Chrono got a reaction from Rhododendron in Payday 2   
  5. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Peechis_Jr in Not leaving, just stepping down.   
    All right bois, the scumbag is finally gone. we can work in peace, let's revive the server this weekend. we will be the best.
  6. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from diabeetus in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    The kick wasn't for disrespect, it was for spamming.
    It's like saying I perm someone for being an asshat, and then later saying "oh he mass freekilled the day before, but I forgot to ban him."
    yes, he may have been disrespectful but even then, he still needed to gag (apparently it got deleted!) AND tell him why he gagged him. (highly unlikely they BOTH got deleted.)
  7. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from Princess_Celest in xG vs HG scrimmage   
    Thank you.
    Thats the first good luck I've had all day! I would like to thank my mom, and my dad for helping me get this far. Also my cat for keeping me company in the times for no good luck. My blanket for keeping me warm at night. My comb for keeping my hair sexy. I would also like to thank all the water bottles I've used for hydrating myself. Thank you so fucking much. Lastly, I would like to thank you, for wishing us a good luck!
    shouldn't you also thank your cat for typing smite @all and pressing enter for you too?
  8. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from DeathGod in xG vs HG scrimmage   
    Thank you.
    Thats the first good luck I've had all day! I would like to thank my mom, and my dad for helping me get this far. Also my cat for keeping me company in the times for no good luck. My blanket for keeping me warm at night. My comb for keeping my hair sexy. I would also like to thank all the water bottles I've used for hydrating myself. Thank you so fucking much. Lastly, I would like to thank you, for wishing us a good luck!
    shouldn't you also thank your cat for typing smite @all and pressing enter for you too?
  9. Winner
    Chrono got a reaction from diabeetus in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I find it funny how that has NOTHING to do with this?
    I do agree GREATLY with others and what I said which is this has been THROWN out of proportion.
    Jacob disrespected and was obviously asked to stop doing this before and he went on. That is why I think DARKWOLF should NOT be punished. It does not MATTER at this point that darkwolf missed a step, Jacob foiled his own thread by being an idiot and disrespecting.
    With this being said we should just wait for a co-leader decision and stop making us hate eachother T-T
    isn't that what you said about the image of deathgod saying "nigger" in the other thread, then were proven completely wrong? It has everything to do with this. this is the nth thread now on darkwolf, and it is under the same exact reason, not following a strict procedure when giving out punishments. please, think before you post.
    said thread sums up all the others, and includes a lot of the banter between sides
  10. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Jacob in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I find it funny how that has NOTHING to do with this?
    I do agree GREATLY with others and what I said which is this has been THROWN out of proportion.
    Jacob disrespected and was obviously asked to stop doing this before and he went on. That is why I think DARKWOLF should NOT be punished. It does not MATTER at this point that darkwolf missed a step, Jacob foiled his own thread by being an idiot and disrespecting.
    With this being said we should just wait for a co-leader decision and stop making us hate eachother T-T
    isn't that what you said about the image of deathgod saying "nigger" in the other thread, then were proven completely wrong? It has everything to do with this. this is the nth thread now on darkwolf, and it is under the same exact reason, not following a strict procedure when giving out punishments. please, think before you post.
    said thread sums up all the others, and includes a lot of the banter between sides
  11. Ding!
    Chrono got a reaction from Hidingmaster in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I find it funny how that has NOTHING to do with this?
    I do agree GREATLY with others and what I said which is this has been THROWN out of proportion.
    Jacob disrespected and was obviously asked to stop doing this before and he went on. That is why I think DARKWOLF should NOT be punished. It does not MATTER at this point that darkwolf missed a step, Jacob foiled his own thread by being an idiot and disrespecting.
    With this being said we should just wait for a co-leader decision and stop making us hate eachother T-T
    isn't that what you said about the image of deathgod saying "nigger" in the other thread, then were proven completely wrong? It has everything to do with this. this is the nth thread now on darkwolf, and it is under the same exact reason, not following a strict procedure when giving out punishments. please, think before you post.
    said thread sums up all the others, and includes a lot of the banter between sides
  12. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Gawd in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Alright, finally I'm home from my trip. I would like to start out by saying that it's a little bit ridiculous that you guys are voting downs on each others post just because you disagree.
    If you want your opinion to be taken seriously, as all should, at least show an attempt to be unbiased in what you are saying.
    Now, let's look at the facts of what happened. Jacob started saying things that clearly offended Darkwolf and as seen, he was kicked. There are several things to consider:

    Why was the punishment given?
    Was it justified?
    Was the proper process used in giving the punishment?

    1. The punishment was given, as said by Darkwolf, because of spamming. There are people who are arguing a disrespect case which, regardless of whether it is true or not, does not matter. The reason given for the punishment was spamming.
    2. As far as I can see there are not any clear guidelines among spamming directly listed in rules, but the accepted reasoning has been if the 3 of the same text is posted right away, it can be considered as spam. I have seen Darkwolf himself acknowledge and use this rule. There are special cases, but as far as I can see from the text, there are fairly long intervals between each posting. The most I see are two lines put together. I personally can't count this as spamming at all, but if it is, he should be gagged.
    3. The simple answer is no. A gag should always be given before a kick. It seems to me that Jacob struck a nerve and Darkwolf kicked him right away.
    Jacob is in no way in the right here, he was purposely edging Darkwolf on and has a previous history of trolling. But regardless of his history, everyone is entitled to the same level of treatment. Division managers should, in my opinion, keep their emotions in check especially when admining and provide an unbiased moderation of the server.
  13. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Hidingmaster in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Why is everyone so mad? He is your friend warrior, and you have clearly blindly supported him, as evident in your first post here, as well as in the other threads. it is clear as day, however for EVERYONE friend or not of darkwolf, there is no reason to call people autistic, downsyndrome, retarded, etc.
  14. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Jacob in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Why is everyone so mad? He is your friend warrior, and you have clearly blindly supported him, as evident in your first post here, as well as in the other threads. it is clear as day, however for EVERYONE friend or not of darkwolf, there is no reason to call people autistic, downsyndrome, retarded, etc.
  15. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from DMTwired in xG vs HG scrimmage   
    Thank you.
    Thats the first good luck I've had all day! I would like to thank my mom, and my dad for helping me get this far. Also my cat for keeping me company in the times for no good luck. My blanket for keeping me warm at night. My comb for keeping my hair sexy. I would also like to thank all the water bottles I've used for hydrating myself. Thank you so fucking much. Lastly, I would like to thank you, for wishing us a good luck!
    shouldn't you also thank your cat for typing smite @all and pressing enter for you too?
  16. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in xG vs HG scrimmage   
    Thank you.
    Thats the first good luck I've had all day! I would like to thank my mom, and my dad for helping me get this far. Also my cat for keeping me company in the times for no good luck. My blanket for keeping me warm at night. My comb for keeping my hair sexy. I would also like to thank all the water bottles I've used for hydrating myself. Thank you so fucking much. Lastly, I would like to thank you, for wishing us a good luck!
    shouldn't you also thank your cat for typing smite @all and pressing enter for you too?
  17. Agree
    Chrono reacted to TurdWig in rip csgo 2013   
    Populate it. +1
  18. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Hidingmaster in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    jesus, I play payday 2 for 1 night and it gets almost as fun as my thread! lol
    Not writing a response to everything (I just skimmed!) but from my understanding, darkwolf claims that he had typed out the gag, and it didn't go through. great, semi-believeable, but then you still missed a step where you tell them why you gagged them which makes your statement lose all credibility, considering you have been warned how many times now? (i lost track) of how to follow the admin handbook as it is clearly written out for you to tell people why you gag them. [i highly recommend you don't try the "I pressed A and my gag reason got deleted too" excuse.]
    @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest
  19. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Snakeboyjake - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 gay tiny dicked fag
  20. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from SuperMaddud in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    btw you guys need to be giving reasons for your +1 and -1 s. not just "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -1"
  21. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Drendan in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    btw you guys need to be giving reasons for your +1 and -1 s. not just "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -1"
  22. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Hidingmaster in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Warrior.. I think you should look at the evidence again, or maybe for the first time.
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Hidingmaster in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
    btw you guys need to be giving reasons for your +1 and -1 s. not just "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL -1"
  24. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in DarkWolf6052 xG:F:DM - Counter-Strike: Source   
  25. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Forest in Snakeboyjake - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i hate everyone.