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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. So.. since i dont want to make another thread... and people are utterly confused. MY IN GAME NAME IS JESUS, HIDINGMASTER=JESUS. I AM A DM IN CSS. Now stop confusing me with myself. K thx.
  2. I get forgotten a lot around here. Its k he might have been inactive when you got promod, idk A lot.
  3. @@Hidingmaster How dare you forget jesus I get forgotten a lot around here. Its k
  4. Shadow, no matter what we do it's going to happen. I've seen it enough to know to ignore it at a certain point, if they continue arguing they get gagged.
  5. And who does it hurt if a CT isnt rebel hunting under reasonable suspicion? We know if they are dicking around, and they will be slain for it. I just dont see the point of arguing this for the 100th time when its really not the big of a deal.
  6. Gkoo already gave his opinion, so if @@DarkWolf6052 wants to leave his then go ahead. If not, just leave this closed. I have always followed and enforce the rule as: If a CT is purposely baiting T's, they will be slain whether the are walking through them or are within a reasonable distance.. especially after they have been warned. If a CT is just walking to a destination and accidentally baits a T, I dont see a reason to slay them and let them go. Its pointless to slay any CT that gets within knifing distance because it happens all the time; only when they are doing it on purpose and trying to get knifed does it affect the server and warrant punishable action. If you have wardened you know that you bait occasionally and there is not much you can do about it (door opens slow, underestimate speed of T's, etc); stuff like that happens all the time, im not going to be a strict person about it. -Closed due to less than substantial argument demonstrating abuse/lack of enforcement, decisions from 2 dm's, and for a lack of real purpose
  7. If a CT sees a rebel, they do not have to announce their intentions to "rebel hunt". It makes no sense to require them to say they are if they did in fact see a rebel (in vents, armory, etc). Imagine seeing a rebel in a vent shooting you, then due to a rule you must type out that you are rebel hunting... seems kind of stupid to me. Now, one may rebel hunt if they have a suspicion that there are rebelling T's, either through a headcount, gunshots, etc. Just use your common sense in these types of situations. If staff members find out you were "rebel hunting", but have been playing around on the piano keyboard for the last 30 seconds, you will be slain. That is the purpose of the rule, to limit the amount of CT's wandering around aimlessly so they can play whatever they feel like. Summary: 1) You do not have to announce you are hunting for rebels if you physically see a rebel. 2) You MUST announce you are rebel hunting if you do not physically see a rebel, but have reasonable suspicion that there is a rebel.
  8. Well, kind of saw this coming, sucks to see you go. You best be stopping in every once in a while though.
  9. You can argue it either way, especially with the last t whether or not they were delaying. But... notice how the cts weren't looking at the ts when the baited? It was unintentional and thus not slayable. Accidents happen.
  10. The more I think about it the less sense or makes having it. Why post a simplified/shortened motd when they have to read the long one anyway. Nobody is going to go to the longer one if they don't have to. Change it back to having the regular motd appear, doesn't give them an excuse then. It's a good idea, but is useless at what it is trying to accomplish. +1 for removal Bad auto correct is bad, sorry chaps.
  11. The more I think about it the less sense or makes having it. Why post a simplified/shortened motd when they have to read the long one anyway. Nobody is going to go to the longer one if they don't have to. Change it back to having the regular motd appear, doesn't give them an excuse then. It's a good idea, but is useless at what it is trying to accomplish. +1 for removal
  12. With as inactive as some of the staff has been, we pretty much are juggling everything right now. And i dont mind doing the petty things, it helps you have better communication with staff and members.
  13. You can stop trying to sound philosophical, you're not too good at it. I'm not o_O It is literally his job >_> Its literally not my job. Let me help you with your philosophical epiphany. My job: Enforce the rules without bias. Help people with their questions. Handle relevant situations on the forums. Make the server fun, not one that is so strict it loses the fun aspect. Use my big boy logic to determine what things deserve my attention and what things I should argue over. Laugh at posts that try and tell me I'm doing my job wrong, especially when those authors are hypocrites.
  15. but its about time i take a break from this place and focus on the more important things in life. I have 2 jobs and will be taking 20 credit hours this semester, which starts thursday. I've got a lot of stuff on my plate to take care of and I just don't know if I can dedicate the time in the near future. Plus, there is a lot of stuff going on here that I just don't want to be associated with, its not my job to argue over dumb things, its my job to make this place a fun thing for everyone. Goodbye. @@DaddioDoug Good luck with life. @@DarkWolf6052 You know where to reach me, its been real yo. @@Gkoo I <3 you a little, in a bro kind of way. @@John I don't know what to say to you, i missed you though. @@CyanNovaa Don't leave me alone. @@Chrono Thanks feg. @@Forest Don't catch on fire chap. @@Superkiller67 You've been a big help, thanks. And to everyone else.. too lazy to tag. Azmatic, payturr, minecrack, unit, dirtyd, orange (<3), meowmix, rpx, shadowspy, meganrobin, sepzeroh, the list goes on. You are all great people and make this place what it is. By the way, ill be back in like an hour or so, just wanted to let you all know that ill be gone for the next 60 minutes. Back to the usual grind soon on here. Oh and in all seriousness, I'll be a little less inactive since school is actually starting, but if need anything help just message me on steam or the forums since i check them at least once a day at work. And you all thought I was leaving, sorry to crush your hopes. #demotejohn
  16. Some people...
    1. MineCrack


      Some people are just absolutely awful if they don't agree with you, right? I wish they would all die!
    2. Hidingmaster


      Wasn't about you, but whatever.
  17. List so far of VALID +1's: Stumpy Nymph Shadow Jay Halfbaked Diabeetus Dark Mega Cyan Mr Awesome Super Lapis Kbshooter Astrea Lemons Alice Mtown (good enough) 17 as of this post and Co-Leader approval. If anyone else wants to take the other vouches and put it towards 20 im fine with that, but as of right now I cannot accept it.
  18. That isn't simplified. That's basic. It might be officially titled a basic motd, but its still simplified. Same meaning, different way to say it.
  19. I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one. -1
  20. Gotta have @@DarkWolf6052 or @@Gkoo opinion first.