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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. But its happened before and he has been warned before, that is why it requires more action.
  2. Read the entire thread, its explained... like 27.5 times.
  3. Alright so I need to cover a few things first: 1) Do not disrespect, call people stupid, say people have downs or anything of the sort. 2) Keep it on track, this isn't about how Shadow did this wrong and whatever you all are going on about. This is about Darkwolf, keep it on topic. Now I would like those who are disagreeing to answer the following questions: -Did Jacob spam, you may refer to the demo and screenshots for help? -Did darkwolf warn Jacob with a gag, or in anyway through chat tell him that what he was saying was spamming or disrespectful? -If darkwolf did not warn him or gag him prior to kicking jacob, did he or did he not skip a step in punishment? -What is spamming? -Has darkwolf had prior warning about situations like this, including being biased when making decisions? ______________________________________________________________________________________ I dont know where you all are getting confused in this thread, you are stating that this is just one little thing that lead to a kick in which someone can just rejoin right away. Abuse is abuse, if I kick somebody for fun I can't use the excuse well its just a 10 second hindrance on you; its still abuse no matter what way you slice it. So put yourselves in this same exact scenario, stop covering for each other and be realistic.
  4. Im sorry, could you explain what spamming is? Sorry I don't teach Elementary School In the OP Jacob clearly knows he was doing something wrong... and the argument is that he got kicked instead of warned first... Jacob is nothing more than a Troll... and you're stupidity is feeding him... I was being serious when I asked for what spamming is considered for you. I appreciate the appropriate response, thanks. Did Jacob spam? Did fall give him a warning and follow the appropriate procedure? No.
  5. You clearly need to learn what spamming is... Im sorry, could you explain what spamming is?
  6. If anything he should get punished for the disrespect. He's spammed more than business. He should be punished for disrespect and spamming. Sorry if anything comes our stupid, I blame auto correct. But you're ignoring the fact he did not spam. Show me what rule he broke. When did I say he's spamming? He's disrespecting dark wolf, clearly he doesn't like what's being said about him. I don't see the point of a mute/gag, Jacob knows what he's doing to upset dark wolf. Muting/gagging will just give him time to laugh about it with his friends. Never said it was disrespect and dark didn't consider that disrespect either. He was kicked for spamming.
  7. You mean kinda like the issue where Jacob constantly spams/disrespect/pedos/etc.... you're saying we should use all the previous things against darkwolf while deciding the punishment.... well shouldn't we do the same with jacob with his spam/disrespect/etc? Again, jacob didnt spam. It's obvious that you all are ignoring the fact that dark undoubtedly abuse because he didn't follow protocol nor did Jacob spam. You are trying to attack me because yet you are ignoring the demos. Stop coming up with the bullcrap excuses to ignore the reason of my posts. It's what they are, poor excuses because you are trying to protect people.
  8. Why are you refusing the fact Jacob spams, trolls, and breaks general rules of the server constantly? He shouldn't be warned at this point. Yes dark wolf let his emotions get the beßt of him but let's not forget who Jacob is. Acorn new day is not a fresh start on jailbreak. He knows exactly what he's doi. But you're ignoring the fact he did not spam. Show me what rule he broke.
  9. That isn't really an excuse to skip the necessary steps in punishing someone. Also, what was seen here can't really be considered spam. Every time Jacob put the fake bind in (except for one time) there was sufficient space in-between. I'll repost the screenshot I took just to clarify this further. Entries 1 and 2 were nearly a minute apart, so that's clearly not spam. Entries 3 and 4 were only 1 second apart and could have been considered spam if Jacob had posted it 1 or more times, but since he only typed it out twice, it can't be considered spam. Lastly, entries 5 and 6 were also just about a minute apart, which cannot be considered spam. This made me laugh. +1 that was pretty good :D Needless to say, just because he forgot one simple step should not mean his demotion. If someone was constantly saying something like "Oh you fuck children you pedo" would you be pissed if you were going to get demoted from a high rank just because you accidentally missed a step? As I said, this should only be a warning and not his last strike. Yet he had been warned before, several times actually. You all are looking at this as either a personal dislike for him as the reason for the abuse thread, or an isolated issue. It is neither. 1) I posted the proof, because I'm not going to lie for a friend. He abused, and he did it clearly in the proof. But he has been warned already and failed to follow the warning. I have no dislike for him, I'm just not afraid to point out wrongdoings. 2) Already been warned, let's emotions get in the way and kicks people without reason. He then lied to me about it.
  10. And since its tells you instantly that he was gagged, dark should have known that it didn't work since it never showed up.
  11. Well if you honestly put it in then thats fine, but the way you acted when I confronted you made it seem like a poorly planned excuse. But i still don't see how it's spam when there is clearly separation between them.
  12. So it's pretty obvious that dark didn't follow the set procedure for spam, which I would assume everyone can agree with that. Not a huge deal... normally. But dark has been warned numerous times, as well as forest telling all staff members last month to make sure they follow the set procedures. Also, I confronted him shortly after Jacob posted this thread and asked dark if he was sure he warned him. He said yes, and I let him know I went through the demo and didn't see him warn or gag Jacob. He then tried to say he must have typed it and it didn't work... But if he was gagged how would he have continued spamming? That would involve dark typing !ungag at some point. In other words its an excuse and dark knows that. It wouldn't have bothered me had he told me the truth, but lying to another DM isn't right, nor is lying on this thread right either.
  13. +1 for being mature and super duper ruper pooper mooper active. Knows motd, active in TS and just a good person. A: 8.675309/10 M: 9/10
  14. Warrior.. I think you should look at the evidence again, or maybe for the first time.
  15. Aeon was not a freekill, but it is clear that you freekilled notdestroyer. He was talking before you, you gave the talk over warden youre a rebel rule, then instantly shot him.
  16. You quite blatantly freekilled notdestroyer, definitely deserves the week ban when considering your actions of the past week. -1
  17. @@Forest or @@serbiansnaga for a decision please @@Chrono make it a valid +1 for the poor kid
  18. Says the one who just got another CT ban, this time for a week. Pretty much got banned for not remember why I killed aeon when I killed 11 people in the span of 8 minutes. Next time you think I freekilled ask me when I kill them not 8 minutes later. It wasn't me, other mods and admins handled it and then let me know. There is proof that you freekilled, and thus you more than deserve the ban.
  19. Says the one who just got another CT ban, this time for a week.
  20. Because Jesus cannot lie, I was recording the entire time and went through both the demo and console for chat to see if there were any warning given prior to his kick. The follow 7 picutres show where he posted the bind, and #6 shows Dark saying "Nice fake bind Jacob", which unfortunately is not a warning. They go in numerical order with relationship to progressing time. MediaFire Here is the demo that was taken and shows the entire situation. The relevant stuff begins right around the 15000 tick and lasts until 32000. august12.dem Pay attention to a couple things in the demo: 1) No gag or warning was issued. 2) There was in fact no part where he did "spam", I believe all instances had sufficient time between them. 3) Dark did not ask him at any point to stop, nor did he say in anyway that he did not appreciate the bind. 4) There is 1 time he said it prior to 15000, but for some reason I can't find it, but it is included as the #1 photo. Chat log on rank.xenogamers.com showing the times he said it: jacob8.png Notice that there is no set of 3+ consecutive times of him saying it. There is more than enough time between most of them. Now, in no way am I saying that what Jacob said was perfectly fine and respectful because obviously it was in bad taste; but as we all know, there is a very strict set of procedures we have for punishing people and Darkwolf did not follow this. I hate to have to post this, but I don't think its fair to everyone if I hide stuff because I want to protect friends. And if for some reason I am missing something by all means tell me, but as far as I saw everything I stated it the truth. @@Rhoukar @@Superkiller67 @@Jacob @@IAmLegend @@John @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest
  21. But it made him aware that at we didn't appreciate his attitude on the servers. I don't know how much you've had the chance to play with him on the server, but it's the same attitude every time. I wouldn't have made this had I thought a week ban would solve the problem. Though if he's as bad as you guys make it seem, then shouldn't he have been banned more than he has already? Of course, but it comes down to fear of banning him. We know he would come on and argue it, and without proof it's hard to justify it. Now that we have plenty of it we can prove that he doesn't deserve to play here.
  22. His member protest resulted to not be useful, it was closed on request of the person who made it because it they didn't have enough proof, and he knew that Dms couldnt act off that thread. A 1 day ban is a warning, for something like a week ban, but it's not really right to go from 1 day to perm. But it made him aware that at we didn't appreciate his attitude on the servers. I don't know how much you've had the chance to play with him on the server, but it's the same attitude every time. I wouldn't have made this had I thought a week ban would solve the problem.