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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Hidingmaster


    Bitches best announce it for pc.
  2. Lol shadow i was just kidding, it was funny because of all the -1's I knew you were kidding, didnt know if they were I wasnt they were.
  3. Lol shadow i was just kidding, it was funny because of all the -1's
  4. Congratulations! You have 26 -1's. (27 now) NEW RECORD!
  5. trenchndx4000: -1 [11:23 PM] superkiller67: -1 Two more
  6. azmatic: aZmatic - Counter-Strike: Source [10:52 PM] warriorsfury: -1 [10:52 PM] ikaros: -1 [10:53 PM] epix: -1 [10:53 PM] hidingmaster: -1 [10:53 PM] deodate1: -1 lel
  7. +1 for shortening to 1 week CT ban. He has been super active and mature, knows the motd well and doesnt complain. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo
  8. I got an idea.. we have a gold mine on our hands. Post the long version of the motd when they join the game with a link at the top: WANT THE ABRIDGED, CONDENSED VERSION OF THIS MOTD? Click this link to purchase this new and shortened format for those who don't like to read. One easy payment of $9.99 +tax,stripper fees, license and registration, and a full service buffet for staff members REMEMBER: BY PURCHASING THIS COPY YOU AGREE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE FULL MOTD. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO IMPROVING THE SERVERS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT. THANKS -Silence Just copy and paste that silence right before the full motd. (Taxes, stripper fees, license and registration, buffet fees will equal about $92.019 in additional payment).
  9. I forgot all about your thread. Now that we have the option to donate and apply for mod I think its more beneficial to put in bombs for the time being. It'll help keep the server populated which may lead to more members and a much better chance of getting donations.
  10. Just wondering if there was anyway possible to get the bombs plugin added back temporarily until hub gets completed. We used to have it just go off of in game credits, and it worked perfectly fine. We need to work on getting improvements made to CS:S to get it going strong, and although this is just a little thing to hold us over until hub, it would make a huge improvement. @@Rhododendron A lot of people would really appreciate this if its something that could be done relatively easily.
  11. Last Requests You can't use First Reaction/Last reaction to decide LR (this includes last one to spray or first one to spray etc). The T who has Last Request is allowed to move around after they type in !lr, but any action that would normally make a T a "rebel" still applies in this situation, such as breaking vents or entering armory. During a Last Request, the CTs that are not playing against the last T cannot interfere with the current game but must be in the area at all times (Failure to do so will result in a slay/teamban). When a CT wins, the winning CT is the only person allowed to kill the losing T. NO CHEATING IS IMPLIED (Advantage to either T or CT/Rocket Toss). A T may choose to rebel on LR, but the choice to rebel means another !lr option may not be chosen. A T can only rebel if an !lr has not already been chosen, and under no circumstances may the T choose an !lr after they have already started to rebel (doing so will result in a slay). The T does not have to announce that they have chosen to rebel, and may do so at any time as long as another !lr option has not been chosen. CTs may not taser a rebelling T as this is an unfair advantage. CTs are also not allowed to gun plant the T with LR, as this may lead to freekills. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the current rule that was put into the motd regarding rebelling on !lr. As far as I have seen it has worked fairly well, although its just a start and can always be altered to work better; thats the point of this thread. I'm looking for suggestions in altering the way it is written, or what is included in it to work better on the server. I know Cristo suggested letting them go into armory and to allow them to hold guns, which as it currently states would be rebellious acts and CT's can kill them for it. I wouldn't disagree with allowing them to hold guns, but restricting armory from T's makes it a challenge to rebel on !lr and also means that it won't occur every single time. Post ideas and suggestions below.
  12. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Alright then. Im just going to go away from this thread and pretend I heard nothing.
  13. Obviously wants a perm forum ban too. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Rhododendron @@serbiansnaga
  14. Unless anyone opposes with a legitimate reason, I'll be closing this thread in a few hours for obvious reasons.
  15. When did I ever mention anything about my personal qualifications and standards of you doing your job? OH WAIT! I didn't. What I meant should be self explanatory. I don't have a personal disliking for you, when have I been disrespectful towards you? It's nice to know you have a disliking for me. I on the other hand, don't have a disliking for you which is the reason why I haven't carried over anything from the forums in game because I myself, can hold a mature argument. What insults? Stay OT babe. What you meant should be self explanatory. .? So you think I don't do my job as a DM. I consider that rude, especially when it doesn't have anything to do with the topic here.
  16. And silence said within the past x amount of time. A month since he was punished and talked to about spamming is more than enough time.
  17. I've never seen it except for the isolated times in which it was bothersome, and I have not heard anything from anyone about his constant spamming with proof or specific situations. I can't just assume he always spams, and I was in the game for quite a while with Dark and Jacob, and he was doing absolutely nothing wrong prior to it. Then maybe you should do your job more often. I'm sorry that I don't meet you're personal qualifications, please come into the server more then and tell me how to do my job. Whatever personal dislike you have for me should stop, you've been nothing but disrespectful to me. Although we argue on the forums I don't carry any dislike about you into the game or outside the relevant forum because I can hold a mature argument. Stop with the insults, this is your only warning.
  18. My replies in bold. Ok if you have audio of him saying "im baiiiiiiiiiiting" but him not actually baiting, then how is that proof at all? It's not. The gun plant is SLAYABLE, but is it enough for you to PERM him? He came out of armory late, and he was slayed for it and already punished for his action, so I don't know why that was brought up here. Baiting was shown in Lapis' video, but was taken down for quality reasons, showing him saying that was a representation of trolling, not baiting. The gun plant alone is not enough, but it can be enough when combined with his other issues. It was brought up to show his lack of care and/or knowledge of the rules. Baiting, gun planting, trolling, disrespect, freekilling, and six bans in the last month are great reasons for a perm. @@Michael I'm closing this thread as there are more important things going on right now. Take this as a good warning, just read to motd and follow it to the best of your ability. You were CT banned for a week when you freekilled yesterday, expect a ban request thread again if it continues. Closed
  19. So I just downloaded all of the evidence and analyzed it all. Whatever i'm about to type is not biased because I am his friend, but its in my honest opinion (sorry if my language and grammar sounds sloppy, its 6 AM). You said that michael was baiting and you recorded audio of him saying that he was baiting. I was in that game and I remember what map it was on too. It was on jb electric something. All the T's were unstacked shoulder to shoulder at the bottom of the cell stairs facing their cells. Michael went to their cells facing the T's about 5 feet away from them crouching and saying "im baiting woooooooooooooooooooh, i'm baaaaaaaaaittttttttttting". Michael was actually not baiting, he was just taunting the T's. He wasn't baiting T's he was taunting me specifically for slaying him for baiting earlier. It was not on electric, but on the map in the demo. Secondly with the gun plant.. When I played on this server before I saw a T shoot all of his bullets out of his deagle and throw it down in front of the T's. Then he said "go get the gun I dare you". Keep in mind there WAS admin's there. A T went and grabbed the gun and immediately he was killed. So you're telling me now that michael did it, it's not allowed? The pistol had no ammo and it was for LR between two T's. He gave me the gun, on purpose; that is a gun plant and slayable. Third, he came out of armory 10 seconds late. Boo hoo, it happens all the time. And they get slain for it, all the time. Now for my final opinion, I think NONE of your EVIDENCE MATTERS. You can't actually tell if he was breaking any rules because all of it was on audio. The next time you try and get evidence against someone, make sure it has video footage so we can all see it from your actual POV. There could be plenty of possibilities with the baiting scenario.. He could have been completely seperated from the T's way off across the map saying that and you can't actually tell because you're only displaying the audio. Same goes for the others. And from what I see you still don't have proof of him free killing. So that part you can't really request in his ban. The only thing I can say for sure is how he has been disrespecting and being annoying. For him thats what makes the game fun. I'm trying to do my best to have him get rid of that mindset. Even if you had all of this on video, I still think it only deserves a temporary CT ban(which he already got) or MUTE/gag on the server. Its not the fact of just this stuff, but rather a combination. 6 bans in a month is excessive. You know I respect you jesus, but that is just my personal opinion on this whole thing. Theres plenty of video evidence, but as Lapis said it sounded terrible so he took it down. There's no denying he did the above things. My replies in bold.
  20. Which is fine, I dont expect anyone to come up with evidence that he spams a lot. But with 99.99% of the people, you warn them to stop spamming and then gag, thats how it always has gone. We never went with the excuse to kick them right away, even if they spammed occasionally. And mind you, dark said he tried to gag him but "it must have not worked". So that means dark saw no reason to kick him right away, and then used the excuse that it just must not have worked. He knows that he should have warned/gagged him first, he's admitted it... so why does everyone come up with random excuses and changes in the interpretations of rules to justify what he did as correct?
  21. I've never seen it except for the isolated times in which it was bothersome, and I have not heard anything from anyone about his constant spamming with proof or specific situations. I can't just assume he always spams, and I was in the game for quite a while with Dark and Jacob, and he was doing absolutely nothing wrong prior to it.
  22. Last ban and discussion about his spamming was July 7th, I think a month time is more than enough between situations to warrant dark to follow the correct steps. I can understand if its a week or two after, but when its been this long of time then he should warn him, or at minimum gag.
  23. I think your assumptions are wrong, especially if you think its me. Please tell me how we are "out to get him" when its clear he did something wrong, in which he has been warned about before?