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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Yup, confirmed. First to go.
  2. So by the sounds of it you tarped after 5:00 which is fine, and he was only following the previous orders which would have still stood. Invalid ban, +1 for removal. @@DarkWolf6052
  3. @@Jacob Take this as a warning to read up on the motd and the server rules. Proof here is less than sufficient, although I do believe you did freetaze multiple times. --Closing since its old and inb4 shadowspy and mythic fight it out. Reopen if necessary.
  4. HighSociety Darkwolf Gkoo HidingMaster Cristo Death God Diabeetus DrPepper I could go on if i wanted to No, the thing that shows activity. I know whos inactive/active lol Those all show activity. Here's yours: Xeno Gamers - Search
  5. 5 in the morning is a different story, it's when it's the middle of the afternoon. You know we can check your connections and times for each day... Have fun checked EACH day for EACH person for a REASONABLE amount of time (I would expect to be atleast 2 weeks) You need to think of a better idea or talk to silence about it, when I see him I will bring it up. Its not hard. It's a chronological list of the days you connected with the total time next to it. 30 seconds to see if you're active or not
  6. I'm thinking if this continues, there very much may be a number of people being demoted next promo/demo. Staff, I have tagged you all originally, so you should ALL be getting this. If you are on the server and have to leave, find another staff member to replace you, or we will find someone to replace you. It's as simple as that. Except when there are 20 people on and it's 5 in the FUCKING MORNING, I am going to go to bed if I want to. Im not going to wait another hour or MORE for someone els to get on. The server seems to do fine on its own if you moderate the last 20 minutes you are on and weed out the idiots, they can last by themselves awhile. And your connection time idea? Find another way besides thru the xG website that is the stupidest idea you have had yet considering robot went afk for 5+ months and he was still at like 90 percent. 5 in the morning is a different story, it's when it's the middle of the afternoon. You know we can check your connections and times for each day...
  7. So, for the second time in two days ive gotten on to a server of 20+ people on, at a relatively early time, to find no other staff members on. Why are you guys leaving the server when nobody is there to replace you? Don't just leave it without staff on if you don't have an emergency to tend to. Give an effort to have someone get on and take your spot. @@DarkWolf6052 This is getting a little ridiculous now, either we need to look at connection times of people and demote accordingly or figure out something else.
  8. Honestly its not that big of a deal normally. Although the console shows he was knifed right before he freenaded those T's, so I'd assume you were actually playing 1v100. Going into there with a cooked grenade isnt right, he new exactly what would happen. Because of the failed premeditated murder, i suggest a 1 week ct ban. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo -Moved to ban request
  9. This generation worries me... a lot.
  10. You are all dumb. DOES IT OR DOES IT NOT SAY SHYGUY FOR YOU???
  11. Nope says shyguy for me too. I smell a :troll: No, thats just @@ShyGuy
  12. Must have really made silence mad
  13. Eh, kinda goes either way. You said on your "go", not on your "I advise all CT's to GO rebel hunting". I'd say thats a tarp more than not one, you did it to get as many T's killed as possible by not being exactly clear about it. Tarp or not, why didnt you let them know that you had said go in that sentence since no one was out. Obviously they were confused about something, IMO its just bad judgment on your part.
  14. Nope says shyguy for me too.
  15. Im sorry kid, ITS WAS LATE AT NIGHT. This is not an educational essay, and is meant to be written in a more natural and free type of way which means it will have errors. Dont get me started on your grammar when speaking... dear lord baby jesus
  16. Double spaced, times new roman, 12 font. Not single spaced and up your arse.
  17. -1 If he loved the community and servers so much... Why did he dig himself into such a deep hole. Hindsight can be a real bitch sometimes. Until I see you drastically improve in-game I won't change my vote. And I'm not talking one day or one week, I'm talking a month or more of mature behavior and respect.
  18. Close enough, its like 2 pages Bombs back plox Once upon a time there was a server that needed something to make it fun again, but the glorious leader had no time on his hands to add something that the server once had. But one day a really bored member thought it would be a good idea to ask ever so nicely to get this plugin added back in. This fantastic member even had to go as far as saying he would write a 14 page essay to get the plugin added back in. So, fantastic member did just that, and I present to you the 14 page essay that was written so we can get the bombs put back into one of the best servers in the history of the world. So i dont really know where to start with this, but whatever. Am i rite? Anyway, it was a hell of a long day at work today, got in at 9am and left shortly before 10 pm... i know i dont have room to complain especially since i said i would stay there after my shift was over. Anyway gotta get up at 6am tomorrow (on my day off) because I volunteered to come in that early, stupid decision. Hopefully I get off before noon, but hey I need to money for rent, and women, and more women. Jokes on me, I cant even pay for women to date me. GG hidingmaster GG. Its cool though, its tough to work two jobs and go to school. Decided to go with a triple major, minor and certificate. I may just be crazy, but nobody has proven it yet. Yup, school starts in less than a week and that absolutely sucks big monkey bananas. Silence is currently trying to be as annoying as possible, "I asked you what server and you said CS:S". Really? ITS FOR JAILBREAK, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT BOMBS IN MINIGAMES? This kid is something else sometimes. By the way, I dont think some of you give silence the appreciation.. he does do quite a lot of shit for the server but a lot of you complain when something goes wrong. By all means theres nothing wrong with complaining, but hot damn some of you never shut your pie hole. I dont know how he puts up with it sometimes. Silence is 150 pounds, 5'8", just for the record. Kbshooter your girlfriend got a 7/10 too, from this kid its not bad. Not even page 2 because damn, Im running out of idea.. fast. Just kidding lol, nothing about me runs. I guess im just out of ideas, like food. I go through food like none other, I eat like a 400 pound man but still only weigh 175. When i get to be 25 or 30 ill be one scary filled out man, BE IN FEAR. So because I dont have Word on my new desktop I have you use subpar WordPad... this freaking sucks to use. It doesnt even separate the pages, its just a long ass document without any seperations.. how am i supposed to know what page im on? Well, page 2 i guess.
  19. I will do it, expect to see it linked sunday evening. 100% my writing, but i demand bombs when i get done. Which server? CS:S <3 YOU KNOW THE JAILBREAK ONE
  20. Go on.... I will do it, expect to see it linked sunday evening. 100% my writing, but i demand bombs when i get done.