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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. 5 bans and a member protest thread aren't enough of a warning. If he hasn't gotten the clue to stop the trolling and blatant rule breaking by know then he isn't responsible enough to get it at any point in the future.
  2. It's for a perm, it's been going on long enough and it's obvious that he doesn't treat bans as a warning. Baiting wasnt what I considered trolling, but that he followed me the next round taunting me. The only ban lengths he has are day bans and a 6 hr ban, Its not his fault that you guys didn't make his bans longer, to jump from a day to perm isn't really right. You should week server ban, and if it is kept up then perm him, some people don't take day bans serious, when you extend the length they know they're in trouble. I like giving people chances and normally don't resorts to bans longer than 1 day, unless necessary. He was warned to stop complaining/arguing or he would get server banned, I probably should have but I was occupied with more than just him. And how do you consider 5 bans not enough warning already. These demos show a clearly lack of care for the rules. Why do we need to keep a him around?
  3. It's for a perm, it's been going on long enough and it's obvious that he doesn't treat bans as a warning. Baiting wasnt what I considered trolling, but that he followed me the next round taunting me.
  4. He was banned about an hour before made this thread for those reasons, although as diabeetus said, I think it's appropriate to go to a perm ban now. He was ct banned for a day because that was the correct punishment for what happened.
  5. Here's what it should be changed to, things in italics are the changes to the original rule in the motd: Last Requests The T who has Last Request is allowed to move around after they type in !lr, but any action that would normally make a T a "rebel" still applies in this situation, such as breaking vents or entering armory. During a Last Request, the CTs that are not playing against the last T cannot interfere with the current game but must be in the area at all times (Failure to do so will result in a slay/teamban). When a CT wins, the winning CT is the only person allowed to kill the losing T. NO CHEATING IS IMPLIED (Advantage to either T or CT/Rocket Toss). Rebelling on Last Request A T may choose to rebel on LR, but the choice to rebel means another !lr option may not be chosen. A T can only rebel if an !lr has not already been chosen, and under no circumstances may the T choose an !lr after they have already started to rebel. The T does not have to announce that they have chosen to rebel, and may do so at anytime as long as another !lr option has not been chosen. @@Forest
  6. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: xG Michael Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35096851 Rules Broken: Trolling, Arguing with Admins, Baiting, Intentional Freekilling, Being in armory after 7:30, disrespect Evidence: @@Superkiller67 @@LapisLazuli (for video of possible mass fk, and for baiting) I apologize in advance for the large files. Ill attach three files which show rulebreaking. 1) This was after he was slain for leading a T to armory, then when the T realized he was on his way to armory turned around. Michael was well within knifing distance, plus was leading a T to armory which I would consider troll/leading him to rebel. The next round, which is when this clip takes place, shows him following me saying "Im baiting" repeatedly, I consider this trolling and it continued a little bit after and before the clip. http://www.mediafire.com/download/pg26j47xi48b13n/hl2 2013-08-11 22-35-09-54.avi 2) This clip shows him purposely gun planting me, don't really need to explain it anymore than that. [PLAIN]hl2 2013-08-11 22-29-36-10.avi[/PLAIN] 3) This final clip shows him leaving armory after 7:30, although not a huge thing, still shows his lack of knowledge of the motd. 20000-24000 is the relevant area. michael_2.dem He was given numerous chances, and in all honesty I should have server banned him at some point for the disrespect and trolling. He also admitted to everything but baiting to me in game, and then on the space map with the big cell door he also intentionally freekilled (@@Yuno_Gasai @@John were there if I remember correctly). He has also been banned 5 times in the last 2 months. Xeno Gamers Its pretty obvious why he should be permed, he has been nothing but problems with us and its getting ridiculous. The server empties when he gets on because of his constant trolling. Link to member protest just closed: xG Michael - Counter-Strike: Source @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@Rhoukar @@DrPepperPhreak @@IAmLegend @@Halfbaked @@Michael
  7. Current rule: Last Requests You can't use First Reaction/Last reaction to decide LR (this includes last one to spray or first one to spray etc). The T who has Last Request is allowed to move around after they type in !lr. During a Last Request, the CTs that are not playing against the last T cannot interfere with the current game but must be in the area at all times (Failure to do so will result in a slay/teamban). When a CT wins, the winning CT is the only person allowed to kill the losing T. NO CHEATING IS IMPLIED (Advantage to either T or CT/Rocket Toss). A T cannot rebel when he is the last T. If either player does they will be slain/teambanned. Updated rule: The T who has Last Request is allowed to move around after they type in !lr. During a Last Request, the CTs that are not playing against the last T cannot interfere with the current game but must be in the area at all times (Failure to do so will result in a slay/teamban). When a CT wins, the winning CT is the only person allowed to kill the losing T. NO CHEATING IS IMPLIED (Advantage to either T or CT/Rocket Toss). A T may choose to rebel on LR, but the choice to rebel means another !lr option may not be chosen. Doing any action that would normally make a T a rebel still applies in this situation. The T does not have to announce that they have chosen to rebel, and may do so at anytime as long as other !lr option has not been chosen. If a T rebels and then choses another !lr, they will be slain. or so its a little easier to follow: Updated rule: Last Requests The T who has Last Request is allowed to move around after they type in !lr. During a Last Request, the CTs that are not playing against the last T cannot interfere with the current game but must be in the area at all times (Failure to do so will result in a slay/teamban). When a CT wins, the winning CT is the only person allowed to kill the losing T. NO CHEATING IS IMPLIED (Advantage to either T or CT/Rocket Toss). Rebelling on Last Request A T may choose to rebel on LR, but the choice to rebel means another !lr option may not be chosen. Doing any action that would normally make a T a rebel still applies in this situation. The T does not have to announce that they have chosen to rebel, and may do so at anytime as long as other !lr option has not been chosen. If a T rebels and then choses another !lr, they will be slain. Thoughts?
  8. So not to grave dig, but i feel like this is something that a lot of people want. Why cant we at least give it a try a little bit? If @@DarkWolf6052 and @@Gkoo are fine with it ill go ahead and try it a little bit and see if it works without the plugin.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Closed, and welcome back. Now stop bugging me @@Superkiller67. @@Forest or @@serbiansnaga please promote to member on forums.
  10. -1 i wouldnt mind having you in if you would just calm down a little with the complaints, plus you know you were using a glitch to gain an advantage...
  11. I stick by my original decision, remove server ban, keep perm ct ban for now.
  12. @@Forest could you help move this along?
  13. +1 Knows the rules, active, great person M= 9/10 A= 9/10
  14. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54009319 Ban list: Xeno Gamers @@Nub1234 Alright, I generally don't mind letting people back on the servers after they mass.. assuming it has been a sufficient amount of time and they seem sincere in their apology. The issue I have is that you constantly trolled with michael on the server, I got numerous complaints about both of you being immature and rude to members and staff. Now, after our discussion I honestly believe that you mean good by submitting this and will be a lot better person. Being dedicated to the servers it helps everyone to have people like you populate our servers. I think the big problem you have is that your name is always associated with michael, so people think you troll just as bad. You got to either separate yourself from each other for a while or realize that trolling is highly frowned upon. You were server banned for leaving after mass freekilling, but I think due to the circumstances a reduction to a perm CT would be a good idea. Give him a chance to show that he is respectful, and then maybe in the future remove/reduce the CT ban. +1 for reduction to perm CT ban.
  15. Hidingmaster

    our ads

    Chrono always breaks things. It's time we do something about him. Demotion to janitor for Chrono, effective immediately.
  16. +1 #freesham2007 Great person, was super active and mature. I need you back.
  17. From what I understand from Forest's post, we will no longer take new submissions after today, so anything submitted prior to Aug 6th will still allowed to be open until a decision has been made. And your steam ID is wrong, you're never on teamspeak, you were never in xG, and you are currently banned for intentional mass freekill after being muted for being too young You also already made an app in late july, so it hasnt been a month since your last, and when u had that app, you lied about your age saying you were 16 -1 (I'm fine with leaving it open, last app was closed due to age requirement)
  18. From what I understand from Forest's post, we will no longer take new submissions after today, so anything submitted prior to Aug 6th will still allowed to be open until a decision has been made. And -1, I cant remember ever seeing you on the servers. Remember to be active, there may be more chances to apply in the future.
  19. Ill give some more input later tonight when I got time. But Time is a little early imo. Thats 3pm where I live, maybe an hour or so later, although its just personal preference. I highly suggest having a DM or DL there at all times, itll help keep everything in control, I should be able to attend so if you'd like put me down as a co-host. Deathrun Jailbreak Minigames Slide race..?
  20. I have never seen it be a problem, if someone is going to freekill then they are going to freekill. There are many cases where it is done between member because its fun, and I dont want to hinder the ability to do it occasionally like that (dont take that in the wrong way, im not implying you can go freekill). The way it has always been handled seems to work fine in my opinion, if we start to add more rules and punishments (remember, adding something like this would be adding a rule that would be hard to determine if it was intentional or not, leading to more work needed to be done by admins). Unless you can get me a situation that occurs frequently enough to warrant the proposed change, I dont see the need to add this as it will just be adding another rule that really shouldnt need to be included. Keeping it simple helps to have a more relaxed and fun time on the server, and since its been fine I just cant justify the change. -1
  21. Hidingmaster


    I heard they will put that support in later, but to start it will only be dedicated Bethesda servers to start with
  22. WHY THE HELL AM I THIS "MEGA" FAG!?!?!? Fixed.
  23. You and mega are so gullible. huehuehue