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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. I cried for 3 days straight (manly tears of course) when yo' cheapass left me. I don't want yo' self back up in here for me to get hurt again. Mah feelings were hurt brah. Jimmies had done been rustled. -1 A: 10/11 M: 8/9 I:1/2 A:9/10 Fa:8/8 GG: 3/2 OT:5/5 ?: Yes.
  2. It makes sense to say that because they were out, there is intention of rebelling, thus they can be killed. I get that, I don't like it but its logical. BUT then that negates the ENTIRE purpose of saying out of cell rebel at the beginning. So ladies, we have two options: 1) Keep it the same, but understand that if you leave your cell through means that don't require breaking a vent, that you are NOT rebelling. 2) Make out of cell rebel implied, until cells doors open. Option 2 makes sense, it's clear an logical, and makes it just a tad easier to be warden.
  3. Bitch you must be trippin' or something, I'm out this bitch.
  4. Well I guess its about time I make a thread about this, you know... Those that know me have probably been wondering where the hell I went off to, and its time for me to say goodbye. (just kidding, I'm back). My nearly 2 years in xG have been a ton of fun, made some great friends and had some great laughs. It sucked to see so many fantastic members go, but they were usually replaced by worthy people. Most people post something about the people they will miss the most, but who cares? (Glad to be back actually, hi to those who don't know me, hi to those that missed me) People I still hate: Forest (^Does he even do shit around here, or is he just for looks?) The End.
  5. I knew you wouldn't be gone FOREVER. +1 +1 +1 +1
  6. "Hey guys! Yes thats right i wanna join xG again. I know I have mad some mistakes in the past but during my ban, ive changed. I try to be more mature. I really dont disrespect unless someone is raging at me. But yea really i just want another chance. If you dont think im ready please tell me and explain why you feel this way, but other wise please +1.:) Thank you for your time - Peppermint" -Aug 13, 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________ "Hey guys yea you should unban me. I know you prolly wont but yea i understand i got banned for a good reason but i need to practice scrimming and shit . But if i dont im kinda glad i got this ban so you guys can forget about me and i can take this time off. But yea doctor said the ban was longer then it was suppose to be appearently ganja accedently added another 0. So if i dont get unbenned atleast make it shorter. But yea im prolly gunna be taking time off anyways for you guys besides scrimming of couse" Thank you for your time - Peppermint" - July 18, 2012 _________________________________________________________________________ "Yea i dont really care if i get unbanned but uhh yea...Some admins need to learn...saying butthurt isnt trolling last time i checked...and yea you guys need to learn to read becuse im only disrespecting the fags that disrespect me...and half the time its you admins/mods and you guys need to learn to follow your own rules...but yea if you paided any type of attention which none of you do because its me and you all hate me you would see why im being a dick...cuse everyone on the server is talking shit to me and it gets anoyying and pisses me off so seriously learn to pay fucking attention alright yea thanks badmins!:)" -July 10, 2012 _________________________________________________________________________ I'm all for giving chances, seriously I am.... but I just wish you would just show some respect to the fellow members of the community. You get banned and call mods/admins names, you would have been totally fine had you presented a respectful argument when you disagreed with a ban. Unfortunately we have given you many chances, and it seems like you messed up within several weeks. If you can formulate a legitimate reason as to why you screwed up, WHY you have changed, and a sincere apology for lying to the community, then I think most of us may be willing to allow you a chance. And i think it would also be necessary to put in the acknowledgement that "If I, Peppermint/Dirty Dan fail to uphold the respect that I deserve to give to the community, including showing respect to fellow members and those in leadership positions as well as following all rules and guidelines, I understand that my ban will be permanent with no ability to protest it, no matter how many months I wait." It has been long enough since you've been banned, and when I first saw this thread there was no way I was going to give you a chance, although why the hell not.... You've disrespected numerous times, left and started your own stuff, and I feel stupid even thinking we should give you a chance.... but whatever. Answering those few questions two paragraphs above may help some people here to give you a chance, but it better be a damn good answer and sincere. As for others: I know we have given him many, many, many, many, many, many chances. But what is the point of keeping him banned, maybe he realized that xG has something nobody else has. Think about giving him a chance, with the stipulation of course that ANY PROBLEM WILL result in a perm ban. No bull this time. Almost forgot: 0 until response
  7. Dude. You'll be missed, thanks for all those awesome late night jailbreak nights. I'm just shocked, I really don't know what to say. Good luck in life dude, you are awesome. :sorrow:
  8. I would like to have you in xG, but there have been numerous times where you have complained and argued over dumb things. Yes, you have been getting better, but I don't believe you are quite there yet. And it seems like you have an issue with Abraham, and I don't want to be having arguments in game, this immature and promotes a bad image on the rest of us. -1
  9. Just an idea... So I agree that the xG rep tag should stay the same, although the xG leadership tag should be changed. I don't think it should be something that everyone should be allowed to wear though (and by everyone I mean those in leadership), it should be something based on merit/credibility. I don't think we should be giving it to those mods/admins that are hardly active and only get on and sit in spec for no reason. The people who should get it are those who are active mods/admins, that actually go so spec to enforce the rules (Forest). Getting 4-5 credits is a great benefit for me to get on and sit in spec to enforce rules. And like I said, only those who are trusted and active should be allowed to wear the xG leadership tag. The biggest issue I have with leadership is that there isn't a lot of acknowledgement of doing a good job, yes you can get promoted... but there's no feedback on how you are doing in your current position. Using the xG leadership tag could be a symbol like "Hey, this person is wearing this tag because they are a well appreciated mod/admin+ that has been around a while and has shown many times that they are doing a good job". Obviously DM's and DL should automatically be allowed to sport the tag, but mods and admins should work to earn the ability to wear it. There's a ton of benefits to making this a "prestigious" tag: 1) Gives us mods and admins something else to work towards -- There's nothing right now... too many admins for some of us to get promoted 2) It offers somewhat of a feedback system. Example: I'm on steam and i get a message from you or forest or whoever like "Hey hiding, you're doing a great job go i'm giving you permission to add the tag, keep up the good work chap". Then we know that we may have the chance to be promoted, or at least that we are appreciated 3)It shows the community what mods/admins they can trust, which is a problem when there are a lot of people joining and leaving xG 4) It'll make us gain instaswag when we can wear it I know its a lot, and its late so its probably as confusing as physics on opposite day, but i think it would be something you should seriously consider. TLDR: Uhhhh...xG Leadership tag should be given to those who have swag, lots of benefits, $5 egg roll
  10. Needs to be the default map at least.
  12. Just a wild thought... maybe Cha Cha Slide in disco..... +1 for SHM
  13. What a beautiful video, absolutely amazing.
  14. Pretty much the truth. You have to remember that we actually have to see someone break the rules, which is actually really difficult when you think about it. If im specing IU, then every other person on the server can break the rules without me knowing about it. I may see them through specing IU, which will then allow me to punish accordingly. Unfortunately I cant watch everyone, and there are a lot of times where rules may be broken but we simply cant see it happen. Without it happening there isnt much we can do. It's your word against theirs, most of the time both sides have different although seemingly valid stories. (You say you got freekilled because you jumped and it wasnt restricted. Derp CT says that he killed you for not shift walking.... kinda hard to see who is right). The reason we always punish people who do something to us is... well kinda logical.... we see it happen. I understand that you think that we just don't care about you, but its not that at all. We just can't see everything (and yes, i'm sure there are mods/admins that really dont enforce rules as they should, but there are a lot of good ones). Complaining to us doesn't help it either, thats when mods will start being very harsh with you (dont disrespect, etc). Tell us once, just once. I attempt to follow up or at least respond to those who say something happened, but spamming it doesnt make us want to help you more. End rant. TLDR: Mods/Admins are good usually, just busy.
  15. [ATTACH]4312.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]4313.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]4314.vB[/ATTACH] For forest
  16. I have a disco started, it would only take me a few hours to finish. I'll take suggestions for songs if I'm the one working on it.
  17. Stop spamming HLDJ, seriously, STAHP. -1 A: 9/10 M: Juan/10 D: obviously spams HLDJ and for warden, argues, still breaks rules
  18. This isn't the solution to the problem, it don't think we should punish everyone because of a select few people. I think the solution is a better definition of what HLDJ spamming is. As mods/admins there is not much we can do regarding HLDJ spam since you can play clips of 2 sec or less in length on normal days. When someone keeps playing 2 sec clips (which are different each time) there is really no spam, they are technically following the rules. I think it would be good to get some mods/admins/dm/poncher together and figure out what we want to consider spam. The rule that came out recently solves some issues, but fails to address the constant short clip spamming.
  19. Here is the big thanks you both deserve, I know that the both of you have out a ridiculous amount of time into this map and I hope that the payoff in the end in worth it. It looks absolutely amazing so far. Thanks eric for making this come together (and glop too, but I expected this out of you son). AND Thanks to everyone who had input on this map, and will continue to help them/us in getting this map completed. If you had a part that went into this map, thanks for doing that too. I'm sure I speak for most of the community, at least the cool kids who play JB, in that we are super excited to see how it comes out. I love both of you.
  20. I don't play all that much during the daytime, which I would assume has a lot less HLDJ spam, but I'm totally honest when I say that it is a serious problem in the evening/at night. There always seem to be people complaining (?, i guess not really arguments, but I assume you get what I'm going for) about the HLDJ spam, especially in regards to a handful of users. I've seen an admin do something regarding Onward once; because as the rule stands he is technically allowed to play clips of 2 seconds length or shorter on normal days (which gets abused). I'm annoyed by the fact of the constant "off. OFF OFF" that goes on. If someone is going to use HLDJ I dont want to hear a 3 sec clip of a song because people are just trolling each other. It gets annoying, as I do believe many would agree. Raising it to 4 non-member's is not that big of a deal, it should be sufficient to get someone to turn their crap off, but it is enough to the point where there is a lot less on-off-on-off-on-off of HLDJ. I think mod/admin's can be mature about it, and it just makes it simpler for us to have a 1 off rule.
  21. There really is no reason for having the rule standing as it is, it is way to low and doesn't allow anyone to use HLDJ. With that being said.. It should require 4 off's from non members, 2 from xG members or 1 mod/admin off. You all should seriously consider thinking about changing it, and don't say no just because he spams it like hell. All the current rule does is cause arguments and bickering. AND We need to create a stricter guideline for HLDJ. It needs to be changed to say that if you are asked by a mod or admin to stop HLDJ spamming (playing 2 second clips every 10 seconds or so) that you cannot play it any more, unless you are given specific permission. If they continue, mute, then kick, then ban. This is not clearly stated in the motd, and the spamming is getting pretty damn annoying. We seriously need to revise these rules to make HLDJ a fun tool, yet one that doesn't get annoying. Sorry I'm a little random today... Another thing we need to add is that if a song is played by a player, then voted as off, another player cannot play the same song.
  22. Let me translate this.. We want the ability to free spec. You should agree. +1
  23. Freekilled Abraham Lincoln, he didn't do anything wrong. Evaded punishment, but of course we found him. This man should be perma banned, commuted a crime that shouldn't go unpunished. MURDERER!!! -1 A: 9/10 M: 10/10 (+1 because you are pretty damn awesome)
  24. Can we get another date set for when the map will be ready for testing? @@Gkoo