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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Duke

    ArmA II or Dawnguard

    I'm surprised no body has told you to pirate dawnguard but ya buy arma 2 and Probly show your Jolly Roger?
  2. Duke


  3. Not to be a dick but the problems you have you yourself cause. Every time i see you on i just ignore you, i have NEVER seen any1 right out disrespect you till you start talking and being annoying over mic, no it doesnt give them a right but you keep doing it and then you disrespect them rather then ignore it.
  4. Duke

    Guess What?

    OH GOD WHY i came back to see what loki posted <.< fucking eyes hurt now
  5. HEY NUKKA dont drink and swim we would miss you <3 And That is why i came back Aegean and Serbian and most of the div leaders actually do work to help the community =/ But Aegean is still fat
  6. No i saw ur thread was bumped and have wanted to -1 you :) Also The Eww it's Draxx is not rude or disrespectful i say it to alot of people lol and i slayed myself when i freekilled and and saying "why not" totally disrespectful =/
  7. Duke


    1. You NEVER gave him a reason as to WHY you muted yes he was mic spaming and should have been muted BUT you didnt give him a reason for 5 mins. 2. It is still a warning before kick or ban, even if its a ongoing issue still have to follow admin handbook. 3. And Yes the ban was a day, i was mis informed which is why after you had said it i stoped saying perm and checked the ban myself. 4. and yes the WAY you stated it i felt as if you were going to ban me for ASKING QUESTIONS. I was not trolling or being disrespectful all i wanted was a legit reason for him being banned as calling some1 an idiot is NOT disrespectful.
  8. Duke


    Dude if you were there and saw what happened you would know he abused on 3 people without explaining why he had done such. And because i was not the one who was banned how am i not involved i was in game while it happened, there was NO reason behind it other then hongkong apparently calling him an idiot which isnt even disrespect. OH and if you read my post THIS THREAD IS MENT TO SOW THE COMMUNITY WHAT HAPPENED AND MAKE LOGICAL INPUT.
  9. -1 Gets mad easly and freekills then denies it.
  10. Duke


    1. You werent there 2. i DID before i started talking it chat when i used admin chat he ignored me 3. If you actually READ what im saying im not being rude or disrespectful all i wanted was an answer 4. Just because u like him and think hes a good admin doesn't mean he is.... 5. And yes because i was on when it happened and heard NOTHING disrespectful said to McNeo i had the right to question him as i was a Mod for xG in the past. Also other then in the video where do i state the ban is perm? i checked it out after he had said it was a day which is still to long. He also never warned Hongkong Or RPGs for what they were doing and took action.
  11. Duke


    More evidence will be posted by @RpgS and @@HongKongFooey This is open for discussion it has been dealt with by Aegean BUT we feel The other Div leaders and Co-Leaders should be aware of what had happened.
  12. Duke


    Most adverts are binded accident or not it's still an adv a perm is a bit much month is better.
  13. if it's netex then close the thread Netex is supposed to be permed from all servers :D /request close
  14. Duke


    State valid reason when voting.
  15. Steam Community :: Error Clearly not being disrespectful with that name....
  16. If you read what i said i was trying to help u and get you to read MOTD as was ur first day on the sevrer from my understanding and you had bought moderator, i also left you alone after that day, and i'm sorry i asked for the demotion and that has nothing to do with this thread?
  17. Yes clearly a master plan tou out of xG, when in the start all i did was repeatedly keep telling you to read MOTD is clearly being a dick. also i havnt even talked to you since that day where i told you to read MOTD because u slayed for not knowing rules.
  18. +1 Disrespected me Was also there =/ felt i should add since some people are special
  19. Mcneo rules wouldn't change much, but i +1 i want my fucking hats back and this new warden shit is terrible Whoredens EVERYWHERE.
  20. Just saying, T's are allowed to mic spam over warden's orders to delay and fuck they up it is a form rebel also the only real reason to mute t's is if they are just screaming into the mic for no reason at all, i have been told this was the rule for it. also best thing to do is scream unstack shoulder to shoulder and freeze over them and kily who arnt then kill the spamers, it's what i did when this would happen.
  21. Difference between a CT not paying attention and a cheap LR. o end the Cheap LR's make Dodgeball startlike noscop give a 3 second warning so they have a chance.
  22. Duke

    Computer Security

    Most use a script to run and download themselfs before you now what happened. Not a false sense of secuity.
  23. Duke

    Computer Security

    OR to prevent even having a chance at get either, if you use firefox get noscript works like a charm.
  24. Duke

    ARMA II Division?

    >wants Arma 2 Division >Doesn't have arma 2