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Everything posted by Duke

  1. I said you havnt played our servers which you havnt =/
  2. Funny thing is i've never seen you on the gmod servers why +1 him when you dont even go on them? srs draxx just walk away. But i havnt played with u on the TTT server which is what i am assuming you are applying for so im stay at +0 for now till i see if uknow the rules and such babe.
  3. Inb4 Aegean hates his job /request close @@serbiansnaga @Link_
  4. Duke


    -1 this. Also you get promoted to mod not sure if ur able to apply for it still since ur a PM :s @Link_
  5. +1 he just kinda showed up on my steps the other day
  6. YAY i got nothing :D also do i have to put it in again? already have my powers back lolol
  7. YAY i got nothing :D also do i have to put it in again? already have my powers back lolol
  8. Duke


    +1 <3 shes my buhnanuh x3
  9. +1 gotten better since lastapp stopped backseat moderating Actually knowsrules Lets me troll him. Isnt a buhnanuh hater.
  10. -1 No offense but you showed favoritism whle you had mod/admin before and you have IRL problems that you take out in game
  11. Duke

    Please help...

    he won't block me Imma buhnanuh
  12. OR you could record a demo of them and post it on fourms and have them banned? super easy
  13. Duke

    Sticky Nades on JB

    -1 this would make t's over powered, we already have bombs =/
  14. And we'll work of Tacoma and hire black people to protect us.
  15. -1 won't buy me league skin :c + 1 i guess
  16. Duke

    CS:GO Admins

    I'd do it but well dont have CS:GO and dont want it |:
  17. Having internet problems <.< they are cunts and "are looking into the problem" posting this from a friends so i may not be active the next few days =/
  18. Glad to see you finally took it to the forums but -1 There were SO many mods+ on when you did it Aegean even Agreed to the Day ban. You then later bugged An admin to reduce the ban after being told by others to take it to forums.