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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Trente im assume ganja was a CT becaue if he was a t he wouldnt be able to talk so i DOUBT GANJA WAS THE ONE WHO DID THIS just saying tho.
  2. If you taro when you arnt warden and people die from it you will get slayed, if nothing happens you will be told not to do it.
  3. -1 you used aimbot on a jb server really thats just like what....
  4. If one person doesn't like it why cant he just mute the person playing it? if a few people complain thats different, there could be one person who doesnt like the one using it and telling him to stop.
  5. Using HLDJ isnt mic spamming, if you have a problem with it being used on the server take it up with silence. It's only allowed to be used by non admins during freedays/wardays and LR, Admins are allowed to use it during days like Pokemon.
  6. 1. 10sec it is more then jut mic spamming. 2. you have been kicked BY ME 10+ times for SCREAMING INTO YOU MIC AS ROUND ENDS AND DURING ROUND. 3. First ban or not you knew this was going to happen i WARNED you it would if you kept doing it 4. you KEPT doing it <.< yes a week was a bit much but honestly you do it atleast 5 times a map and it causes problems. you sound young we have asked you not to use your mic as often, yet you still do and scream into it. you know you deserved the ban. Also mcneo you banned one person for calling you an idiot, and threaten to ban me for asking why you did it, then you quit xG yet your still here why? fuck off i do not abuse.
  7. -1 not as bad when ihad to ct ban you back in the day but still annoying <.< and doesnt know rules o;
  8. Honestly yes it most like means you will be stuck at T till the 24th because Papi is a div leader and had a good reason for the ct ban.
  9. Duke

    Hello there

    All i have to say is you are lucky i was busy ith something in teamspeak if i had seen that you were trolling you'd be permed
  10. Duke


    idgaf about hub i want my fucking hats back
  11. +1 We both kicked him telling him to change his name and stop impersonating
  12. Duke


    Just saying the burden is on you mohammad to prove you don't script =/ they have evidence they feel shows you scripting you just saying you don't isnt really that much proof....
  13. shouldn't this be closed he bought PM
  14. They could add an armory plugin and make it charge for each gun that would be nice so i can buy an awp instead of having to sit there for 20 seconds to try and get one with all the others trying aswell and most maps only have a few awps as is >.<
  15. +1 seems legit, but u should have taken all the diamond he found lol
  16. I see the game new spam alot dont read it and i doudt i ever will
  17. Duke


    Why you drinking my coke then? It had Duke written on it D:
  18. I always wonder what the smell was <3