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Posts posted by Duke

  1. We just brought Insane on today as a mod, and have one more person in mind for a promotion. Working with what I got bud




    please say this is a joke, i've seen cristo on more then insane and cristo should be demoted... i'd rather have active mods then inactive ones to come back to. the most inactive staff we have is cristo then hidingmaster and hiding gets on if he can if asked(idk about others asking but he does for me <3)


    Insanes activity (if serious he was given mod) Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History


    Cristos Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History


    We need ACTIVE staff not people like insane who want powers but rarly get on. I know theres not many good choices for it but i'd rather wait then promote people who dont deserve it.

  2. @Chrono but back during CSS we got decent reports of what happened most of the time on csgo when its 20+ the ammount of bullshit you have to deal with to get simple answers if they even look at chat is annoying, thats why i just ct ban for a day min they can learn rules if i see em fuck up, thats why i've told others to do same fuck em they wanna ignore staff and break rules punish em we arnt baby sitters. But yea we really need more active staff *cough* CRISTO *cough* i can handle it by myself but i cant play while doing it.

  3. I always got hot potatoed over that pit on lego and then I fall down into the water and die very slowly =/



    this really isnt cheating tho, using doors or laser to kill you during lr is, having you die if they lose isnt really cheating cause the game is played fairly.

  4. @Snackbar You are right, however if he doesnt get approval from bleed with his 14 +1's he wont be accepted. He requires a DL from the division hes joining to agree to his return since he is reapplying for member and not a new member. So if @Bleed says no then his member app should be closed to remember to @Bleed tag @Bleed a @Bleed lot @Bleed in @Bleed this @Bleed thread @Bleed

  5. fudge, only if you play EDH. Singleton format is where it's at. Feldon is my bae.


    Also, I'll give my +1 for this too. See this individual CONSTANTLY trying to get in. Let's give em a chance, yeah? :D


    good! EDH is chill havnt played it much but Singleton format? and goodluck @SnowyMinion

  6. Can i even +1 saw em on csgo jb and seemed chill. was only on cause the VSH?? server was down or broken idk i just remember em cause i seen ur member app so lemme know @metalslug53 if a +1 from me counts or if im have to fight you in MTG

  7. I'm being serious, and if you feel that I'm still a racist troll, go ahead and -1 . And if there are no admins on to see if I really am qualified, admins should start going on the server. >.>


    Theres rarly a reason to be on surf unless we wanna surf. i've never been called on to do admin things.


    +1 give him a chance for no other reason than he was funny. He's been away long enough that maybe he's even changed.


    A- surf 10/10

    M- 60/40 no


    I can't even vouch here ayy lmao


    dude he replied to a thing on him being racist by being racist

  8. seriously i can see the good from having a massive wall of text on the rules but who honestly wants to do it? I And it's only helpful if people would read it, even having a simplified rule list like we do now people dont read it. so i say @Tsuchikure write it up since his mic broke anyways/

  9. That's not what I'm referring to. What I'm saying is that one explicitly says "Taking a step out is implied" while the other one doesn't. On both accounts it should say "Taking a step out is implied", or just not say it at all.



    I guess it could be added at the end of the day it wouldnt do any harm. Matsi is also right with having it in MOTD for trivia question/answers it should be typed out.

    I get that, but they're essentially the same thing for the purposes of the JB rules. Doesn't need to be two instances of "choose to rebel" is all I'm saying.


    Basicly they are both "Rebel to kill cts or get LR"

  10. #6 is a tad bit confusing. Why are secondary weapons allowed to be out (also, typo. Says "Secondaries weapons") while primary weapons aren't? Don't know whether this is really an issue on the CS:GO Server (I'll be honest, I haven't really extensively read the CS:GO rules so correct me if I'm wrong) but it looks like it would confuse any new players since primaries aren't allowed, but secondaries are.


    secondary's arnt insta rebel because people who havnt disabled auto swap to more powerful weapon can get easly killed and it should say its only for max like 5 seconds.


    Looking back on this, I'm not entirely sure why I practically just repeated the same objective. Anyways, #3 and #4 are practically the same. You really only need one or the other.


    they are very different one requires teamwork other requires one man with a plan. they seem the same but are very different points.


    This mention may not be necessary, but because these are definitive explanations I would suggest having the note "Taking a step out is implied" under the terminology for "AFK Freeze" as well as "Gun Check Freeze" to ensure maximum clarity as opposed to just having it under "Gun Check Freeze".


    AFK is a general term, as like take a step out face cell afk freeze. where the other is a full command by itself. Been a long time hasnt it forest go skim css rules babe ;)


    ALso for the tarping it should be for all ct's not just warden.