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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. @@Reflex YOLO rimdawg LOL
  2. No need to be such a dick. I'm not defending his previous actions but he didn't make any aggresions toward anybody in this post..
  3. So somebody typing this in /me chat activates last ct music ? :o I wonder if it would do the same for lr?
  4. Gawd

    Is Everyone busy?

    Alright then im seriously confused as hell and clearly not understanding something here :-l. In the op, didn't you say you're trying to get ahold of xG membership..?
  5. Gawd

    Bring this back!

    Omfg. Please. PLEASE. I remember coming on jailbreak every fucking day and hearing that. And it never really got annoying unlike other intros we have. Please bring it back :2 #Nostalgia
  6. Apparently he's not even in xG ? Uhm.. Lol.
  7. Gawd

    Is Everyone busy?

    Wait, wait wait. You're not a member of xG and you have a moderator submission ..? Why does nobody read sticky threads.. >.> You gotta apply for xG through the member submission forum with the proper format. Theres a reason we have a forum section called, "member submission" lol. I'm not trying to sound mean but come on man..
  8. You, rain, and rain jr got banned for hacking.. Lol. And i love how so many people defended you guys saying you didn't hack.. Basically what loki said. Inb4 another don't/do give second chances fiasco.
  9. Well they are kind of needed.. Countless people have been denied for this. Basically they are needed to submit an app, but if divs + think they deserve it they will get it.
  10. Oh and also @@Cristo @@bees feel free to face billy's team while I'm gone if all you guys get on. Bc i feel kinda bad for leaving you guys hanging
  11. Yeah guys too many smellies. Assholes, and extremely corrupt leadership.. Especially @Aegean! Just kidding of course, basically i got into some trouble irl, and I might not be on for hopefully at most 3 days. So I just wanted to say this incase anybody wonders about why I'm not on. I'm also going to Canada this weekend to stop at niagra falls and see some friends. Feel free to come down and chill with me all canadians of xG :p
  12. +1 I've never had ANY problems with him or seen him have problems with anybody else. Knows the rules, active. Out of a lot of people, I think ploochi deserves mod.
  13. You feel the nostalgia of remembering playing jailbreak with everybody who left or is even still here from last summer :)
  14. -1 I'm just doing this to piss arthman off. Just kidding of course +1 Old member of minecraft server, would love to have you in our mc xG crew +1
  15. Oo.. Nice. Wish I had that kind of money. Hoping to buy/build my first actual rig for gaming sometime this year once i save up for it. Maybe you could help me sometime with some suggestions for a 750ish dollar budget ? :2
  16. You would hope he would be the most annoying one. You would hope.. But welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay here. :)
  17. Gawd


    Sometimes some mods are a bit quick to teamban.. But I don't know the whole story, do you know who teambanned you so we can get their side? Sorry if you already said who teambanned you. I'm on my ipod and it might not be showing me the entire post.
  18. You've seen the servers ddosed and been personally ddosed... Three times.
  19. Seriously can we close this.
  20. Have fun big boy, don't worry too much about the activity, its 10 days :P just enjoy yourself for the rest of the summer we have left.
  21. Why does xG always attract these people..
  22. If any member of your team is caught/banned for hacking during, before or after your matches your team WILL be disqualified.
  23. 4G1M advances. Kernul butt punders needs to play Impulse for the last round of the first round. Semi-Finals 4G1M is to face ASAP. Baddies vs. winner of kernul butt punders vs impulse.
  24. Dude, a huge amount of our matters are sorted out on this website. As a mod you need to be part of of the clan's affairs. By giving 100 posts it shows interest. The rules not gonna change man :/ sorry.