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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. so for the rest of the first round: I'm assuming the rest of these matches will hopefully be played today or sunday. 4G1M vs #nl Kernal butt punders vs impulse karma vs the baddies
  2. welll! what i was thinking was we can keep the original top 10 list. And have a seperate top 10 list that resets every 2 weeks. Maybe you can get the credits from there.
  3. ALSO, if someone dc's leaves etc etc during match the scrim continues and the same 10 min in between scrim rule applies.
  4. Ok : because of recent events. You must have your entire team be able to play for the full 3 rounds if you guys start. There will be 10 mins in between scrims. If your full team isn't back by that time you will be forced to play with the amount of teamates you have left unless both teams consent to a delay.
  5. Ok uhmm.. I have no clue. It seems like for some reason the bracket might have changed over night?? loool? Or maybe I'm just tired as hell and have no clue wtf I'm talking about. Anyways.. just in case it changes again (which it most likely won't) first round : forlorn hope vs asap mob >winner 1 faces winner 2 4guys1mexican vs team #nl > winner 2 faces winner 1 kernul buttpunders vs impulse > winner 3 faces winner 4 karma vs the baddies > winner 4 faces winner 3 After second round of matches are over obviously the last two winners face each other. in other words its just this > Tournament Bracket Generator - Challonge
  6. heres the link to the bracket and rules: new thread. Tourney Bracket + Rules!
  7. Team name: 4Guys1Mexican Captain: Bees Gawd Deodate Cristo Rpgs Mr.Snipes Scrim team name: Forlorn Hope Captain: Sneeky (Mark) MineCrack Cletus Hat Haadron Sub(optional): Arvelez Scrim Team Name: Impulse Captain: PapiChulo E.Z. Lock Sliver Reflex Sub: akio Team name: Karma Captain: Rypast6 Coryweed Derpyhooves Riddle Wolf Smokeyx818 Sub:foxxeh Scrim team name: Da Baddi3$ Captain: Pandaman09 Brock Death God Meow Mix Wuu (Maybe) Sub(optional): Tree (also maybe) Scrim team name: Kernal Butt Punders Captain: Mad SkeezyMcMelon Shimmy King J Ovario Scrim team name: Team #nL Captain: Slipery Faggot Zainabdgfasldfghasdfasdjjabfuckyouadez G1McKenzie kyler tree Sub(optional): ganja Team name:A$AP Mob Captain:Billy Mays jb- kurt Michael Bryceee
  8. HERE IS THE BRACKET Tournament Bracket Generator - Challonge Tournament Bracket Generator - Challonge Tournament Bracket Generator - Challonge Rules : Just don't be an ass. Play fair. Once the match is over please report it in this thread. Also please don't post anything in this thread except for reportings. If you have any questions please go ahead and ask me through pm. The bracket is randomized. Games will be best two out of three on these maps and only these maps : Inferno Dust 2 Nuke Mill Tuscan Season Contra One player from each team knife fights for first map choice on aim_map. Only they are to spawn in. Second map goes to other team by default. Third map choice is knifed for again. Tourney will be on friday saturday and sunday. Official date is sunday but due to teams not being avaliable certain days etc it will be on friday and saturday as well. Please get your teams together and play whenever you can. And if you have not played before sunday make sure you ARE ON ON SUNDAY. If it needs be it can be extended into next week or whatever it comes to but lets try to make it happen on the weekend. Just a couple things to say: During the scrim no one is to be in spec. You are also not allowed to go to spec and back to get an extra 800. If you do this you will be kicked and forced to rejoin. I'm not too picky about current roster locks but whoever you play with in your first match of the tourney you must stick with ONLY THEM. +1 sub/extraplayer of course. Try to organize when you can play with your matches ahead of time. Thank you. Have fun. Each member of the winning team will receive 10k credits. And 20k credits will be split up among 2nd place. EDIT:ROSTER OF ALL TEAMS POSTED BELOW SO YOU KNOW WHO TO CONTACT TO ORGANIZE YOUR MATCH Ok : because of recent events. You must have your entire team be able to play for the full 3 rounds if you guys start. There will be 10 mins in between scrims. If your full team isn't back by that time you will be forced to play with the amount of teamates you have left unless both teams consent to a delay. ALSO, if someone dc's leaves etc etc during match the scrim continues and the same 10 min in between scrim rule applies.
  9. Gawd

    xG Comprehension

    winner winner chicken dinnnerrrr
  10. Bump. Really need an 8th team to sign up before the end of today or I'm gonna have to push the tourney to a later date.
  11. Since we only have 7 teams we need 1 more team to join preferably before the end of today otherwise I can't make an even 8 team bracket.
  12. Where am i gonna buy my cooked mudkips? :(
  13. Gawd


    Well if he banned him for a day I am guessing its so that he has time to show recorded proof to @@BillyMays or @Aegean! Coulda been the only mod on and since its required to have 3 to ban for hacking this could have been his only choice.
  14. Gawd

    Why we have Rules.

    Why close it..? This is clearly an issue that somebody needs to deal with. I said in duckiis ban protest that it needs to start somewhere. Evidently not with him, but at this stage, although rpgs did say it in harsh terms I would have to agree. Our rules are almost pointless if they apply to some but not others. And I don't mean duckii since he got unbanned by the show ur face.
  15. Gawd

    Just got braces.

    Basically you get used to em. Flossings a pain in the ass. Hurts when they get tightened. Oh and rubber bands are a masive pain in the ass as well :P
  16. Gawd

    Jailbreak Maps

    noticed avalanche removed avalanche removed removed WHAT. NO. BRING IT BACK. What the.. That's my fave map :( It actually has fun things to do besides first reaction last reaction all day erryday..
  17. sup mayneee :P Where ya been my russian brotha
  18. I'm pretty sure you litterly just copy and pasted this from an earlier thread and/or googled it.
  19. The main reason I -1'd is well, this. We have rules for a reason don't we? Regardless if we gave others more chances in the past, WE NEED TO START SOMEWHERE. Why not here? I know duckiijr was in the clan for the longest time, and I had a ton of respect for the dude. He never disrespected others and was an over all nice dude. But I can't take his personality + ways he helped the clan into consideration. (hence why mcneo stayed banned. I know the circumstances were diff so please don't get into it.) I mean if i can go mass freekill + leave + get people that like me to +1 and unban then - why does the rule exist in the first place. It's not like he's being discriminated against and giving less of a chance as others. He can get unbanned just as easily as others. I dunno. Believe me duckiijr, this is not personal. I always thought you were a nice guy.
  20. -1 you hacked. Sigh I don't want to sound like a douche but you did hack. Do the pizza challenge or the 20 dolla and show your face. We can't keep giving everyone second chances. I'm sorry but thats the fact of the matter. You have the option to appeal. Use it. We can't just let people hack and get away w/ it without consequences. You can do the free unban. Good luck.
  21. Have fun niq. ~fuck em up
  22. Sorry for the off topic ness, but I would have to agree. A lot of you have the tiniest tolerance level known to man :o Not talking about this thread in particular but like he said, instead of instantly -1ing things bc of incorrect format just to do so, just don't say anything on the thread. Lately lots of people have been trying to find the smallest thing possible to be able to do some kind of negative input. This can be through -1s or even slays ingame.. Just cool down a bit everyone, we are just trying to have a bit of fun :x
  23. Damn :O this is good shit. If its not a bother it'd be sweet if you made me one :P maybe something clever with my name, 'ohmaigawd' ? :3 could be css related or not Thanks lol :P