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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Whooooooaaa. I didn't see that other shit with haadron. Gratz man. This was a huge promo/demo indeed. Gratz billy as well you black nig. I was expecting papi to get it. But gratz to everybody
  2. This. You left me out bb. I thought you were still in xG. Either way +1. Just don't have a differing opinion from other people. They think its trolling . <sarcasm>
  3. No demotions? Nice :P Gratz everyone.
  4. Oh, its THIS thread again -.- Is there like a constant conflict between you, chrono and duke lol? You guys all gotta chill outч
  5. Well if you wanna know whats best for competative play, answer is neither. I've posted before but I'll evaluate further. Pc is really the best platform for competative areas. Xbox has halo, which for a while had its time, but its dying out competetivly as well. Its possible halo 4 could turn it around, no seeing at this point. But if you want to argue that games such as COD are good for competetive play then imo, you're wrong. The only hope I can see for consoles in that area is/was halo. The way it was designed allowed for a skill gap among other games. The pc however is a different story. Games that were released a long time ago still managed to maintain a good competetive field. UT, Quake, Cs, tf2 being among them. They even managed to maintain entire leauges for incredibly long amounts of time. This differs from, for example, mlg. Mlg's flagship game that basically gave birth to it was halo. And it ended up dropping halo entirely. Replacing it with pc games such as LoL and sc2. (now i just wanna say I was a huge halo fan back im the day) which just further shows pc's area in competetive gaming.
  6. Gawd

    Unfair banning.

    Lol e.z you fucked up hard we can't give people like you 2nd chances -1
  7. Gawd


    Discovered this a long ass time ago :P When im bored i just hit f5 over and over
  8. Gawd

    accused aimbotter

    Inb4 not even close to an aimbot :3 But what did you guys get the proof from, did you actually see his first person point of view, or did you just see him headshotting 3 people. I assume its the first one. Was his screen shaking/ showing general symptoms of an aimbot?
  9. Hope you sort your problems out, good luck with everything irl. Can't wreck ya in scrims anymore :P Im just messing around, good luck with everything.
  10. Welll if you want a realy huge ass list of good suggestions use fullbrings thread that he had while he was making the map. He actuallu implemented a ton of those idea but never got around to finishing the map. If I find the thread I will link.
  11. Which is why I didn't want to make a set scheduld, bc half the teams wouldn't show up. Just play whenever possible. If I ever make a tourney in the future I'll attempt to make it a bit more organized. But its hard with diff peoples schedules.
  12. Yep naked 100k. Gg silence, no re. lmfao.
  13. I lol'd. But I agree with chrono, a 1v1 scrim tourney sounds fun as hell. Maybe even 2v2 . meh
  14. I never got the chance to say this. But I REALLY hate the color fonts you use. It blinds my eyes and sets my soul on fire. That is all. Oh and also, make sure the banner fits the dimensions. I remember somebody made a sweet banner at ridiculous resolution and when it was down sized it looked really bad :s
  15. Well. The idea isn't too bad, but 200 is def too low. Since people sometimes dish out 5 dollars for a 2 second screamer, I don't doubt someone will just use this every round for 20 rounds. Basically meaning it'd get annoying. Meh, I mean it could be done. But there would have to be some kind of thought process behind it so that it doesn't get abused. Such as a limit per map. Maybe limit it to two wardens fired: and if no one calls it it'll be a freeday :P Also make sure that its somewhat recognizable that the wardens been fired (such as text in middle of screen) because there has been many times where mods, admins etc have passed the warden on for whatever reason and he didn't notice. This is mainly due to the fact of not seeing the chat. (sorry if I'm rambling on, its 3 am and I'm extremely tired due to lack of sleep today and yesterday :/)
  16. No. It's because of your lack of black. Yeah, i just made a ryhme. Problem??? Just kiddin' , I'm sure you'd do an good job too :P
  17. Yeah. I don't know the full situation, but maybe dupolas thought you were attempting to freekill the stack. In any case, @@Duplolas
  18. Lol. Well in a certain diff aspect, you can buy stuff in the faction world with money from the old towny.. I mean its alright now since its only like food.. And like blaze rods or some shit.. lmao but if we add more stuff its gonna be overpowered since tons of people have 10k+
  19. That would be nice.. I guess. But that would take a fuck ton of unneeded effort :s I think its fine the way it is. Like I said earlier, mods shouldn't really be targeting mods. If they are a mod ideally they should know rights from wrongs themselves. And it helps the mods learn to cooperate with each other instead of instantly using their powers against them. I realize a mod could go abuse crazy, but there's a reason we have admins and higher on. Theres usually at least one on when the servers are populated/have mods in em. I'm personally glad that mods can't target highers either bc then that would completly defeat the ranking system like papi said. But anyways.. Imo its fine. That plugin would take a lot of work :2
  20. Gawd

    10k Credits Please?

    O shit this nigga lifts give em his creds
  21. Kernul butt punders you guys gotta face impulse already :s You've been the last match of the first round for a while now :1
  22. Naw mayne. Get your team together and play :p
  23. On jailbreak often, isn't a jackass to people and, if its true that you actually have a company at that young of an age, is most definetly mature. +1
  24. -1 .. You cannot believe the amount of times where I come on and the first thing I see are mods fighting each other and it escalating to kicks, bans etc. We're all mature here for the most part and should be able to resolve our conflicts without having to use powers on each other.. And if someone is actually abusing hard core, just call an admin or higher. Usually there's at least one on anyways. I get where you are coming from, but at least imo the benefits outweigh the negatives.