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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Gawd

    Iceslice - Mmo

    eh this is apparently bothering people. They asked him to stop but he didn't listen, or even try to in any sense. I believe 3 days to a week forum ban should suffice. I would be willing to vouch for no ban (this time), if the person in question pleaded some kind of case here or gave some kind of affirmation that it wouldn't happen again.
  2. Gawd


    i downloaded some ram yesterday guys it speeded up my computer very naicly
  3. It's not ok to ban someone for a week for calling someone a faggot in either case. At least not until the bans pile up and reach that level. It's the whole point of why we have increasing ban levels.
  4. Ban should have been a day, simple as that. I don't know where you guys are justifying the week, but when you hand out bans you need to view each case objectively. Consider: 1. What did the person do? 2. How many bans did this person have in the past for this reason? Do not consider: 1. Do I like this person? 2. Has this person personally insulted me and therefore, should I increase the ban length? Let's be honest, this guy got banned for a WEEK for calling somebody a furfag. I'm not completly sure what the situation is and how many times Stumpy has been banned in the past for disrespect but freekills and minor jailbreak infractions don't somehow pile on top of this ban.. From what I can find his longest ban was for an hour? A week does not follow that in the next ban... Stumpy should have acted more maturely in his protest, but that should be handled as a separate incident.. not just justification to keep him banned for a week, which he wasn't supposed to be in the first place.
  5. No m8 i r8 this 0/8 u sealed ur f8 dueces
  6. And not just that, I completely remember your unban protest where you said your mom died. I thought it was incredible and hard to believe, but thought it might be worth it to give you the chance on the small little tiny bit of hope that the story was true. Even if it was true anyways, its still not an excuse for massing. Fact that you lied about your mom dying to get unbanned is just a bit sick. But anyways.. my ban story. >be me >log onto css >join server >"whats up guys" >you have been permanently banned by EZKILL. "sup faggot"
  7. Is this a serious post..? You just admitted to being wrongly unbanned.. twice.
  8. I do remember this, albeit vaguely. I remember you pressing the button, obviously intentionally. The button does say "kill" it so no question about what it does. It was an obvious intentional mass freekill and due to my stance on nearly all of them, I'm gonna have to -1.
  9. I still have like half a bil left on my main, i lost a lot after my friend basically scammed me. But no membership sadly, and EOC blows.
  10. The only weeks I haven't been very active in teamspeak is these last couple bc holidays/finals etc. Besides that I'm often in a room with minecrack or others. Even in this past two weeks I've made an effort to pop into TS every once in a while.
  11. Nigga I still get on CSS at least 2-5 times a week to admin.
  12. Gawd

    Xg Kills Hollywood

    R.I.P Mandela so brave
  13. lol death god over half the people that read this thread actually think you left. BUT the age requirement would def help imo, but at this point its a bit too late to implement I think. Community lost maturity long time ago
  14. MY NIGGA DOUG :llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama:
  15. shit, haven't see you in ages. How ya doing man
  16. lol so I asked my Dad to use his card to buy bf4 and I said that I'd give him the 60 bucks in cash which he said ok to. Next day, translated from an angry Russian statement, he basically said "Nick why the fuck did you use my card without asking me". So I refunded and have been too lazy to go to the store and in a couple weeks when I was planning on buying it I was kinda low on cash and never got it. I played the shit out of bf3 so idk if it was worth. Wish I didn't miss the black friday sale I was playing the beta a lot but it was laggy I know they've optimized it a bit more. Worth to get?
  17. He's a member from way back and had no major problems. Been a while man. +1
  18. Lel if somebody seriously offers 100 bucks for an essay I will 100% write it up for them in 2-3 days
  19. So I haven't been on at all these past 5 days because honestly I've been going through a lot of stuff IRL. Trying to focus a bit more on things that will affect me in the long term (school, work, girls) and I have been pretty busy. I am gonna be a bit less active. Will still try my best to hop on Dark RP and Jailbreak/TS3 during spare time. Love ya pzs don't cri
  20. Gawd


    astro a40's bit on the more expensive side i got the 2011 edition for like ~ 200 bucks but they are honestly the most comfortable headphones i've ever worn and haven't broken on me yet.
  21. Or at the very least make it a rule that you may not pickpocket afks?