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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. @BASEDGOD Thread staying closed, but for future cases man you should have really appealed this right away. No one should have been banned for this since it was a map thing. That's not really acceptable.
  2. Sorry for the huge delay, been pretty busy this week. I don't recommend removal of membership if he is part of a clan whose servers don't really have much to do with it. Unless he is wearing their tags concurrently with ours as that can be seen as a conflict of interest. Anyways, he has apparently said (unconfirmed) that he wishes to leave the clan and is only wearing the other clans tags so unless you respond Pancake, removal of membership is recommended. But again, as a general rule I don't think we should be removing membership of people double clanning unless their servers are similar and present a conflict of interest or he wears tags concurrently on our servers which basically provides an indirect form of advertisement.
  3. Don't post any more troll threads like this. Closed.
  4. Punishments are to be dealt out within today and next couple of days.
  5. Honestly, I'm usually really against this kind of shit. You knew the punishment and decided to do it anyways. Buuuutttt, it has also been a year (about). I think the lesson was learned in that time period. I don't like using, "This admin smited but got unbanned" as justification. Though it may have actually happened, it's shit reasoning that basically can be used to let people go for any violation. So honestly I don't see the harm in letting you play on the servers. Powers will never be returned, but that's not what you're applying for anyways.
  6. Nigga lol, you set the ban request out on yourself. But I will review gimme a sec.
  7. I'll bring your powers down to administrator. If you really want everything removed, just let me now.
  8. Gawd


    Hey I'm a Community Leader at xG. We used to have a massive scrim scene but has really died down. We barely ever scrim anymore, but I'm sure we'd be able to get some people to play against you guys for fun. Friday and the weekends would prolly be the most optimal time for everybody.
  9. This ban protest has been open for pretty much half a year. That's kinda ridiculous and isn't a very good testament to anything. If nobody else has any additional statements or arguments against I'm gonna unban him tomorrow when I look at this thread. @no1dead
  10. Gawd


    Rabid from unknown creature to Pizza Challenge
  11. Sorry two mass freekills don't readily excuse themselves. Then there's obviously the huge lie about your mom dying. -1
  12. Gawd

    The Cringe Thead!

    Hey, I liked sonic! When I was 7 lol..
  13. Gawd

    Mod Sub

    He is long time member. Remember playing with DMT a decent amount in 2011. I believe he'd be a good mod.
  14. Yeah don't really see any of the other CL's having a differing opinion from those already posted. - closed
  15. Gonna give anyone else a bit more time to respond, in case they have a different opinion. Otherwise, this will be closed soon.
  16. -1 1. Attempted to fuck our servers. 2. Kicked all from Steam group, 3. Renamed steam group to have it to his own. Have fun w/ that btw. Immaturity shown in so many ways. Does not deserve to be unbanned.
  17. Jeez my old member app, so many old faces. Not one of them still play on our servers or is even in the clan :/