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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. You're not the team leader, so stop acting like it please.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf4qA-qeo9I
  3. Yep. Guild name is xenoGamers. We are short on heals and DPS, I do believe we have Skullwan tanking, and I could create a tank if need be as well. I was planning to heal for the most part.
  4. I'm really glad you got this exception. +1 M: 8/10 A: 10/10
  5. You missed the age requirement by a single day. Sorry man. @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Moosty @metalslug53 @Rejects Close please.
  6. I'm still confused on why we banned him in the first place if we're going to undo it. I suppose in @Forest we trust :^) And regarding the mass of people leaving, lets face it. We're pussies. :^)
  7. Honestly, we're not coming to a common ground here. We need to go with Forest's idea as a start, and see where it goes from there. The only person who can really decide how long Vector should be banned for is Vector. Unban him on forums, and keep him perm'd on servers. Let him make a ban protest. This is the only idea that has been thrown out that isn't completely putting hostile towards either side.
  8. Eh. Sure, take Vector back. Go for it, CLs. Let me count. You will POSSIBLY lose: 3 DLs 2 DMs 3 admins 2 moderators a good chunk of members population on servers You will FOR SURE lose: 2 DLs 2 DMs 2 admin 2 moderators a decent chunk of members population on servers *shrug* Your decision. Just saying. Vector was one of the worst members of this community, and I don't understand why this unban came up in the first place. Everyone who was banned in the toxicity thread made me love the clan more. Also, unbanning Vector forces you to unban Iggy. I KNOW you do not want to do that. Iggy wasn't even as bad as Vector, honestly. Yet, he's not the one in question. I basically have no say in the matter. I just hope the best for the clan.
  9. steamidfinder.com is where you find your Steam ID. I don't know what {Nuggler} is, but you're also not allowed to double clan. I haven't seen you, either. I'll keep an eye out. Good luck.
  10. I know for a fact @Whyte will sub medic. I can main, but I'd like to split up the games, so me & him are playing every other game. It'll stress me out less, if this is possible.
  11. Sex is like pizza. If you're gonna use bbq sauce, you better know what the hell you're doing.
    1. Haruka
    2. Goblin


      Shît Kypari, might as well call that "Hell in a dîckhole"
    3. Kypari


      It's h0t
    4. Show next comments  60 more
  12. Because of last season's team coordination, your co-leader votes for moving down to iron, Moosty. It's a good starting place, and I say once we go at LEAST 4-4, we can consider going to steel. You know I will play medic either way, but I would definitely think iron is a good move.
  13. Eh. The three of us are agreement on this so I'll say it. He'll understand. @Dethman we hate how you delete comments you don't like, you were a huge part of the toxicity reform, and you overall act like a CL. You're supposed to be developing our Minecraft server, but instead, you're busy worrying about doing the CL's job. Hachi was also annoyed on how you deleted EVERYTHING from the Minecraft server, rather than just the stuff Rhodo told you to. It's not your place to close TF2 or drama-related threads. We would appreciate if you would do YOUR job, and not Moosty's, Kbraszz's, or any of the CL's. No hard feelings. <3
  14. @kbraszzz will be happy to see you back. He's been missing his little turd.
  15. Thunder Andy is about to toot the cinnamon dream horn.
  16. I do have a buddy who met his girlfriend of a few years on our servers, (they're moving in together soon I believe) and Vector ran both of them away from our TGH server.
  17. 2nd day is the worst lol good luck.
  19. thank you based eternal co-leader forest please sip from your tea now pls
  20. Basically this. We have to censor because everyone on this website curses every fourth word so I mean.
  21. Somebody posted a gif of two naked girls peeing on a squid so yeah we were flagged lol.