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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. It was a vote, Kypari. They went around and asked who was making xG a negative community.
  2. I don't think it's really an issue as nobody's really pointed it out to him. He has the nazi tag on teamspeak, and jokes about it all the time. Nobody has really cared, so he keeps doing it. If people feel uncomfortable with it, they should let him know. But I do think you're right, Kypari.
  3. lmao basically. add my battletag and I can get you an invite to the 4 person guild of shame.
  4. I think he genuinely doesn't know what he's done. I know I feel the same way about Fasty.
  5. I'm going to give my non-biased opinion on each member and why I think they are here. Tier 1: @Vector Huge loads of disrespect and no change in behavior since demotion. @GreyIgnis Trolling and disrespect towards a recent ban that is not going to be discussed here. Tier 2: @Gr8_Butt_M8 Trolling, disrespect, overall toxicity. @BANGINONATRASHCAN Trolling. @SupremeWolf Trolling. Tier 3: @Hachi Outbursts of anger, with excuse of being bipolar. @Bach Trolling, lack of being able to take a lot of things seriously. @GottaGoFast (Fasty) Trolling? Not super sure why he's on here. Now regarding each ban, Vector: He's been a huge issue on the server and somehow loopholes it to make him look like the good guy at all times. I fully agree with this decision. I love the guy, but come on man. Every person that says something you do not like does not deserve to have you wishing their mother was a zombie. Iggy: With the recent ban I mentioned earlier in my post, he has continued laughing at it, even though we have said it's not a joke. He has also said he has become less mature and more of a troll BECAUSE he no longer has a staff position. This makes me believe he was never fit at all in the first place. I also agree with this ban. Gayporneon (Dillon): I feel like I get into an argument with Dillon every day, and he is overall an immature person. I have not seen one day go by that he isn't yelling at the top of his lungs in an argument. Every single day, there's something new to argue about for him. Some action should be taken here in my honest opinion, maybe even a removal of his membership. I feel, however, he is not deserving of a perm. Banginonatrashcan: Huge troll. He's dispenser blocked a ton, and has just been an issue on the server. I have to say I regret +1'ing him in the first place. He finds himself funny, and he just trolls everyday so hard. +1 for punishment on him. Supreme: He's trolled forums many times and was salty for the longest time about getting moderator. I believe he trolls now purely because he never got a promotion, and some form of punishment I believe should be taken on Supreme as well. This is where it gets interesting. Hachi: She's arguably one of my best friends in xG, and I do agree she has random (very random) outbursts of anger and she blames it on her being bipolar. She has not done it in awhile, and I'm happy to say that. If she continues to do well regarding this, I think she's fine. @kbraszzz has agreed that it's been awhile since she's caused an issue herself. I say watch her and we'll see where it goes from there. Bach: Former DM and CL, he knows the weak points of the clan, which is probably why he's on this list. When he posted the pictures of the dogs, he declared that he did it just because Silence said not to post pictures of women's clothing, and Bach originally had no idea it had anything to do with the recent ban. He messed up, yes. I also say watch Bach, and if anything happens, punishment should be taken. I look up to Bach and I know many others do as well. He is a troll at times, but he's a good person at heart. Not to mention the recent BobbyWow issues. Fasty: Like I said, not sure why he's on here. I got him into xG, and I love the dude. Others have told me he's on here because he's a troll, but I've had no issues with him. I think he's a good dude. I know for a fact this will be a shitstorm. But I hope this is the shitstorm to end all shitstorms.
  6. +1 scammed a server for their reserve shooters
  7. Hachi made a representation. Considering this looks like @ScootsDaughter 's dinner plate, I'm gonna stand by my +1 lol.
  8. 1 month. Please close. @Rejects @Moosty @metalslug53
  9. You'd be surprised. LMAObox has multiple features including silent-aim, anti-kick and that name-change thing. LMAObox never twitches if the person using it is smart in any sense.
  10. This would be a good idea, but we still need to be on our toes. This does not work with LMAObox.
  11. +1 for unban considering there is no proof/demo. And @Hachi there is ALWAYS lag on the server. Your connection and his connection are completely different, even if it is slight. No aimbotter has really ever appealed, which is why you've never seen one.
  12. That is server lag for the most part. I trust all three of the moderators that were there to see it, but I just don't believe him aimbotting with almost 50 good games on his account. He has almost 2000 hours in TF2, and on top of that, he's in a group called "Sharpshooters" which leads me to believe that he would actually be practicing his aim across multiple games. If you guys have a video I can watch, it'd be pretty easy for me to tell. Here's an aimbot for reference. I will stay neutral, I'm just not convinced. And yes, it is possible to miss with an aimbot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22NgbEtvh7Y
  13. Me and @Cr1TiKaL have created a guild on Moon Guard Horde side. Once we hit max level, we're going to start recruiting active raiders and starting a hopefully successful raiding guild. I'm hoping this becomes large enough to start a division for it, having scheduled and organized raids each and every week. Just posting this in case anyone is interested in raiding with us in the future. Also, the game was recently updated. You can pay for game time with gold, about 20-24kg per month. My battletag is Darkfoot#1763
  14. Nvm. Saw Dethman's comment. I still think he should be unbanned. Close the thread when a ban length/unban is decided please.
  15. Bach was IP banned for a year, is what he told me. That's why he told me to screencap that convo w/ him. If you didn't ban him, it makes me curious who did. But as Scooty said, noted.
  16. He told me to rate this dank. This meme is bad. You could say IT STANK. Have a good one dude :^(
  17. Why was he banned already if this hasn't been resolved?
  18. >leaves >gets admin rip dethman's ass omfg
  19. Even if this ban is successful, Bach said he has a Mona Pizza video ready to go. He's been perm'd from the TF2 servers and he hasn't gone back with a different account since. I don't see the problem if he stopped causing it. Basically, I just don't see the point. If we do attempt the ban, he'll get unbanned anyways.
  20. +1 too tired to say why. fuck you bach A: 10/10 get a job you fucking nerd M: lol
  21. ChickenPanda


    @Hachi I'll stay neutral. I want to hear her side of the story first.
  22. ChickenPanda


    tl;dr Forest has ocd
  23. Don't mean to be rude or anything, but why make them with Vector? Shouldn't this technically be consulted with your fellow DMs? Vector's a smart guy, but you have your DMs for a reason. Besides that, rules look good to me. Regarding the hacking, I am almost ALWAYS able to tell. If I'm online, feel free to message me @othermods/admins