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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. He told me they haven't gotten back to him. I may not be able to play, please have a med sub ready just in case.
  2. We made xG talks because the previous server it was had no population. At least we're doing something about it. :I
  3. Will stay neutral for now, then. I wont +1 because I don't know you, and I won't -1 for the same reason. I've seen you around once or twice.
  4. This. Even if it was your little brother, you are responsible for your account.
  5. ChickenPanda


    no more shoutbox sexting? :^(
  6. Change it to feck? When I say something along the lines of "really fucking cool" it just doesnt work. MEANWHILE. "really feckin' cool" would work pretty great. pls changerino? ps. "shit" could use some work too :^(
  7. Your other thread was closed. you have to wait to apply again. @DrLee
  8. Match is TONIGHT 8:30 PM EST. You have no excuse to miss it, as we did postpone because you guys didn't tell us you couldn't make it. If you miss it, it's more than likely we won't trust you to play for us again. We have a heavy ringer worst case scenario, otherwise, I believe everyone can make it.
  9. xG talks will do raids on zombie fortress, so that will help the population a bit as well.
  10. They're trying to close so early because it's a 30 min ban. Your ignorance is not my fault.
  11. Because we both had "Chicken" in our names, I have to tell you to change yours. I warned you about 3 different times, kicked you to get your attention, and after you asked why you got kicked and I told you another 2-3 times, I just banned you for half an hour. I was very consistent with asking you, and honestly, you just didn't listen. I legit said over mic at least 5 or so times to just add a "Z" to the end of your name or something
  12. He changed the time. The official match time is now 8 PM eastern. That's around midnight for our buddy @Rejects . Let me know if you cannot make it asap, so we can fit a sub in. We are hosting, and the map is koth_ashville_rc1. start practicing.
  13. This is the time that the other team said they could "make it work" so just fall back on this time if something doesn't work out. Also, are any of you busy Tuesday? Their leader asked me about tuesday, just let me know if you absolutely CANNOT come for Tuesday. He said they have a nurse working until 8 and a programmer working until 7:30, so we might move it back. Just be prepared for the change.
  14. hello johnhoston. my name is chicken panda, I am an alcoholic.
  15. He needs 20 +1's and approval of @kbraszzz
  16. +1 participated in karaoke night and helped us populate slender M: 9/10 A: 10/10
  17. The next is engi vs spy like dethman said. Comp mode, new weapons, and it's actually rumoured that spy may be getting buffs. No eta has been released, but people are guessing around halloween, like Two Cities was.
  18. Let us know, man. if you hop on steam later, I can get the password to the team for ya. just pm me. c: