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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. We asked them for a match that is around 6-7 EST so you wouldnt be up at like 2-3 in the morning.. I dont know what the time difference is, but if you can play, that'd be really goddamn sweet dude.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4
  3. If any of the subs want to play heavy, let me or @Ohstopyou know. We might need a ringer. If we can, I know @Rejects is a decent heavy. If he can play, I'd love that, but the time change would be tough for him.
  4. Can you retards who've been here for a month stop saying xG is dead? People will come and go, that's how this shit works.
    1. Waimalu


      Well it is gonna feel hella empty but we'll be fine...
    2. Swift


      bring out that salt shaker
    3. realBelloWaldi
    4. Show next comments  75 more
  5. Rip in rip @ tunder. Will miss you in Teamspeak. You're a pretty chill dude.
  6. Anyone can guess my favourite lmao. I had 150 after a month of it being out, it was really bad. ps: it's h1z1.
  7. You better do take backs you slank. I've been gone and I'm already sick of all of you. I HAVENT EVEN HOPPED ON TEAMSPEAK. Bach told me to tell you all to stop being f*gs when I get back. Dan left because of whatever this is. Bone mentioned it as well. What the hell is going on? If you don't like someone, can't you just like, I don't know, not talk to them? being an absolute douche is not an okay alternative. On a totally different note, I will miss you a TON, Dan. I miss our wow talks and I miss playing H1 when only us two had it. Remember when we spent half an hour finding each other only for you to fall off a mountain? Good times. I'll miss you.
  8. You were the greatest Saxton Hale mod and no one can argue with that. You'll be missed my man. Sorry for being late, been on vacation.
  9. Having no internet for a week sucks quite a lot. I'm late on this. Sad to see you go. Gotta say I hated you for a while due to you being a douche to me. But you got a lot better towards the end. You still a fag doe c; jk just realized this was made today.
  10. I'm gonna go with no even when it does come out. Blizzard is Blizzard. I have a little noncombat pet on WoW from the 2005 Blizzcon. I've been a fan for years. There's no damn way it'll be easy to make your own server on that thing. If it's possible, it'll be exactly like WoW private servers, which of course, is hard as hell. Plus the game isn't out and it's overhyped so I mean.
  11. IMPORTANT COORDS FOR YOU AUTISTS: BASE: 3100, 250 EXTRA GUN STASH: 2923, 263 Ask anyone who plays for the base access codes. ORGANIZATION: LEFT: Cloth/Shreddable items MID: Car Parts RIGHT: Crafting Materials/Melee CORNER: Food/Consumables posted coords yolo you have no reason to ask where the base/stash is now. I'll be back soon. <3
  12. Gonna stay neutral for now as I've never seen you. Although you basically came in here asking for mod/admin. You should join to be a part of the community, not to have powers. What servers do you play on?
  13. Commence "BYE BARM" jokes? jk doe. tf2 div will miss ya. come back when you win a pro tourney c:
  14. meanwhile I'm doing projects that look like this
  15. Bumping this because I leave early Saturday morning.
  16. Yeah man. I got some school in the morning, so idk when I'll be on. what's our time difference again? it's 11:07 PM rn
  17. ChickenPanda

    Bok Choy.

    I dont even fucking know.
  18. The xG H1Z1 base is up! I wont post the coordinates here for obvious reasons. Message me or any of the other H1Z1 players for the coordinates. We have food 4days, 3 pickup trucks, and we will eventually start raiding and storing guns. Edit: Just took out server name to avoid our base getting rekt since forums are viewable to public.