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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. You were perm'd and it was Kbraszz's decision. Our minds have not changed. -1 Others who posted in your old thread: @Dethman @Kypari @Bach @Tekage Important people who need to see this: @kbraszzz @Rejects This is Miles Edgeworth, btw. He crashed a server due to death spamming. Also, thanks for letting us know that you aren't perm'd from our servers, that will be fixed ASAP.
  2. The Orange Pack from Best Buy was my first steam item. Besides that, I bought Half-Life 2 Deathmatch with a steam card.
  3. I know I've warned him about this kind of shit before.
  4. In the chat logs, Tega said he set a sentry at the opposite team's spawn and THEN put god mode on. Apparently this is okay, because he wasn't in god mode when the sentry was put. +1 for this reason.
  5. Interesting chat logs. I'll stay neutral, however, I want you to know how to put images on forums. If you right click on the imgur image itself, you need to hit "Copy image location" and then paste that into the image thing. It's the difference between: and
  6. -1 In Vector's words, are you retarded? Don't lie about the story, you know what you did, so don't make you look like the goddamn good guy.
  7. I actually lol'd but I don't like that you feel that way :c
  8. Way past March 18. @Rejects or @kbraszzz close please.
  9. I'm gonna be neutral on this. This was a VERY unnecessary thing to say, and I think it's very mature of him to apologize. (He did argue in teamspeak with Liekos, however, and he did acknowledge he said it, I'm pretty sure.) It's also worth noting that Dillon said in Teamspeak that he said it behind her back because he didn't want her to find out he said it. Like I said, I'll stay neutral, I'm just speaking what I've heard.
  10. DAWH. Mine was an oldfag named Wolfie. "Her" forum name was Renakane, but "she" sold "her" account and stopped talking to all of us. A friend that's still in the clan is @Ohstopyou . WE USED TO BE BESTIES.
  11. HAHA I GOT FIRST TAG FUCK YOU MOOSTY. I'll miss you TONS scoot. We have way too many damn memories, and it's been fantastic with you being here. The TF2 division will continue shitstorming in your name. Have a fantastic life my man.
  12. +1, anyone that has been in teamspeak with Dillon knows this is very goddamn typical. The other day I also had a conversation with him on how he doesn't know who to be, or what people like. All I have to say to him is, this is NOT what people like.
  13. The bridge on my guitar is coming off :'c
  14. I looked and apparently he's not been banned ever. I know for a fact @Hachi and I have warned him a LOT about random various things. I'll change my vouch to neutral for now, until I see a change in maturity.
  15. +1 active pokemon player, although I have banned him a couple times. A:10/10 M:7/10
  16. Hobo left our highlander team on a not-so-positive note which is why we asked. tl;dr we told us all we sucked and I called him something that's probably not politically correct. I find it ironic, however, he moved down to iron. I haven't seen you on the servers, but I will start looking for you.
  17. Whenever we did scantrons at my old school, I'd always finish really early to play these games. smh.
  18. Your name sounds slightly familiar. Have a good one dude.
  19. Addicted to HotS send help
    1. Waimalu


      You're welcme
  20. I agree with keeping him on a VERY short leash.
  21. mmm. here we go. +1. before you call me retarded, we all know our good buddy vector here is a HUGE asshole. not even he can deny it. he hates pretty much everyone. while I do agree with you guys on this, he was a good damn moderator/admin. Vector banned people often (which could be a good or bad thing), and banned people with good reason. He argued that admin = moderator, and moderator is just an admin in training. I will +1 for moderator, and -1 for admin. the "training" part of his moderator could be a change in his attitude. if he wants admin, he will change for it. we'll see where this goes.
  22. rip. see you in a few days, you delicious bastard.
  23. I got #1 and #3 in a row in battle royale and got shit in my elite bags. srsly? :^(
    1. Waimalu


      You got shit? Nice