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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. Damn dude. I've been wanting a 6300. Hope everything goes together well.
  2. This is like saying the cat you strangled earlier should have no punishment because you also killed a man.
  3. Sorry, but I think I'm with Hidingmaster on this one. It'd be hard to manage, and it could easily be abused. If this does happen, a good starting point is just to give it to admins. We can see where it goes from there. -1 for the overall idea. +1 for trying it.
  4. update: abort mission. they're retarded and have been streaming with a black screen for 3 hours.
  5. I understand sharing your love of music, as I do the same exact thing. However, our servers are not the place to do it. I don't know the exact situation, and you may just be a troll, but I'd like @metalslug53 to elaborate. The ban reason is "Dodging silence." which makes me believe you rejoined to avoid your mute that the DM had given to you. The typical mute avoidance punishment is 1 day, so you did something else as well, I'm sure. Let's wait for Scootaloo to post and we will see.
  6. Rise was the division leader. I'm sorry, but I'm with Matsi and Vector. Rise wouldn't have perm'd someone without good reason, no matter how much I hated that 11 yr old asian.
  7. My school is going to be streaming on Saturday. I was thinking I could hop in a league match and invite you guys and we could stream snipe, yeah?
  8. +1 he's a cool dude, kind of talks when he doesn't need to, however. A: 9/10 M: 7/10
  10. Put your FreeBobbyWow art here! ps This has nothing to do with the recent perm on BobbyWow. This is simply BobbyWow themed art!
  11. #FreeBobbyWow he did nothing wrong
  12. Need some epic musics for the end 1v1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VPKfacgXao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEjgPh4SEmU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMGqbXiAY20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpR4p41F8G4 Will probably add more later yolo
  13. I don't mean to be that guy, but reason 1 and 4 conflict. You complain about not getting promoted, and then you also complain about doing too much work as a member. I'm just kind of confused what you wanted from us. Have a good one dude.
  14. 2011 > 2013. @Ohstopyou@Colorparty and I made Saxton Hale our bitch. We played it nonstop for hours. There was a large industrial map that had HUGE vents, and we'd all go engi and build a chain of sentries in there. It was hell playing saxton on that map. So goddamn fun.
  15. The issue is the DB maps we installed for the server do not match the plugin. The maps work, yes, but I don't like or recognize a large majority of the maps, personally. Maps I'm used to start with dbs_ instead of tf2db_ Regarding the plugin, I love it and the change is interesting, as I'm used to the same plugin as Scootaloo is. It's hectic, sure, but that will make the game easy to learn, and hard to master. This is an ezpz way to get population, as many will find it fun, and they will want to dominate others. The end goal is obviously server population. We CAN replace the plugin, but I think the one we have now will work more than fine. Also, I gave Kbraszzle the plugin @metalslug53 and I are used to. The download link doesn't work. I say we keep the current one. tl;dr I'd like new maps and to keep the current plugin.
  16. I always crawl into bed with socks on, and then take them off with my toes sometime in the middle of the night. Basically I can never find clean socks to wear bc they're lost in the abyss which is my bed
  17. VAC is so broken, man. If you 100% didnt hack, call Steam and tell them you didn't do shit. My old account has been VAC banned for about a year, and I actually liked starting from scratch.
  18. I would like to elaborate on his ban for those curious: We were on Saxton Hale and he had xG in his tag, and I told him to take it off. It just escalated there and ended in a one day ban. No big deal, just a single one day ban. I'll stay neutral on this for now, but the dude certainly is active.