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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. They know. We still need to wait 24 hours.
  2. I cannot play next week. I'll be inactive and on vacation. I believe I already told @Moosty. But you guys should find a medic sub if possible.
  3. If there's a cap. because /resizetorso and /resizehands are not like the other commands. other than the immediate /resizeme shrink, the /resizehands /resizetorso commands slowly get smaller. therefore, if they do 55 instead of 5, it will take a good 3 minutes to shrink. If there's a cap of like 5 or 10 I'm down for this. +1
  4. +1 french, active on deathrun. always calls me when needed. M: 9/10 A: 10/10
  5. +1 active, fun and kind person. M: 10/10 A: 9/10
  6. No taggerino. WELL FAK U TWO. jk I will miss my Ignis of the burning legion :c
  7. lol I'm curious what's going on. so glad I don't hop on Bach's channel for the most part anymore. but on a more serious note, I'll miss my walmart bae. I miss the old dodgeball days bro. will miss ya.
  9. +1 teamspeak regular, fun ass dude. M: 10/10 A: 9/10
  10. We recently have started cracking down on "kill yourself" jokes. You are more than welcome to appeal.
  11. I DID IT I FINALLY GOT AN ADMIN ABUSE THREAD YEESSSS anyways the slay was cause the guy was camping and the ban has been addressed #closepls @kbraszzz @Bach @diabeetus
  12. I fixed all of the spam when I banned you for the 30 mins the first time. The server was absolute cancer, and I banned at least 4 people for an hour after asking multiple times to keep it pg-13 and not to spam. You got banned because it was clear you were trying to loophole the rules (which is actually, ALSO against the rules) and you had the intent to piss me off.
  13. Jesus christ you were trolling. I got into the server and the dude had the name [Xg] Digimon, so I politely asked him his forum name. He didn't respond after I asked two or three times, so I kicked him to get his attention. I just kicked with message "What's your forum name?" he came back and said "how am I supposed to see what you're saying with all these people talking?" and I thought it was a little rude tbh. I then asked him over mic to take off the tags and change his name, which he then just asked me to type it bc he couldnt hear. I said okay and typed it. he then changed his name to [Not Xg] Digimon, which is clearly trolling. After he refused to take off THOSE tags, I banned him for 10 or 30 mins (don't remember which one, it was probably 10.) He came back and I said "If you don't take off the trolling tags, I'm gonna have to ban you for a day." he then put on the tags [Not a troll tag] and by then I was done with his bs. His ban is only for a day, and he was clearly trolling. @diabeetus
  14. I feel you bro. staying neutral for now, yo.
  15. Never bby. Just dumping @Liekos and @Gr8_Butt_M8 c;